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The Time has come to overcome the still prevailing intellectual frame work of knowledge work! Its thinking catastrophes evoke the kind of human catastrophes we can no longer afford! And that should be the onset to consider to have the prevailing OPTION I know-ledge work to be reframed by a critical number of people who are fulfilling their tasks with their innate OPTION II conscience!
The capability to experience that, I call soul...

Beyond the Point of NO Return...

That point is reached when there is no more justified opeg-optimism about going on living in this p-world; when it inhibits most people to oepg-optimize any relation with OPTION II and when accordingly physical life on Earth has lost all its oegp-meaning such as in a concentrations camp.

Take for example, all the fish strangled in the plastic ocean, the bees in China poisoned, leaving their job of pollination to people.

Then what remains on Earth is suffering about the man-made chaos until it pgeo-disrupts one's physical existence, now globally with technological genocide, leaving survivors to the last inner resort of pgeo-demeaning this OPTION I fulfillment in its self-destruction. That is what Jesus went through on the cross, and hundreds of millions of the some 10'000 million people who ever lived on Earth who were sacrificed to maintain OPTION I.

When Alois Schickelgruber, traumatized in World War I, and indoctrinated by the spirit of that time saw the German race at that point, he, as Adolf Hitler, organized World War II as the platform to liquidate some 7 million Jews as scapegoats for his suffering. This cost the lives of some 10 million Germans whether they who went along with this evil or not, some 20 millions Russians, all in all more than 50 millions; what a self-destructive OPTION I efficiency not to mention the some 100 million deaths caused by Stalin & Co.'s Soviet Evil Empire's and Mao's Red-China's random terror and the still ongoing aftermath. Before that, the muslin (going for the slaves) and far more the European slave (from Africa) trade cost more than 50 million wasted lives. In the meantime humanity can top it and does it stepwise, disguised for those not yet concerned, mentally disrupted by the Damocles sword of this Age of Disruption we are all in now under OPTION I. Its p oeg-oge-eog-ego-geo-geo downward spiral with what you get, if you shy back from fulfilling anything, afraid to lose what you still have...

- poeg-demeaning it as we can still afford constructively, now mostly intellectually self-destructive in most of Europe, people are gradually conditioned to sublimate ideological nonsense, the

- USA poge-42-manage global domination with all its financial sucking by misusing the financial and the legal systems, and intervening with open and hidden disastrous "peacekeeping and nation building" wars. And that after the worst US-war, its own, still the worst, its Civil War and its aftermath (25% of the prison population on Earth are in US-prison's business systems & Co.), what is left for their enemies such as the

- North Koreans/Iranians, is priding themselves to be peog-other-determined, able for nuclear blackmail, or the

- Russians pego-freezing themselves in the coercion they have to endure in their outstanding ways of 31-stirring up OPTION I,  among others in Syria, those less privileged in the

- rising economies lead by China are getting comfort in pgeo-materialism, never mind their own and global pollution an so on, down to the

- deprived and hungry ones in the rest world of Africa, Asia, South America, and the addicted ones; all, victims of the mental OPTION I plague in the global pgeo-confusion. 

So much for the global pain under OPTION I's personally-neutral label distribution science [Facebook] of the so-called humanities in the ?0-illusionary %6-projected ZG-zeitgeist' %5-manipulated *3-social nihilistic Darwinian power games on the actual PRE-side of the %1-politically correct TRAP. It makes people treat OPTION II with more fear and hate than PRE-scapegoat in fear, like in the Middle Age, of the seeming monsters at the outskirts of the Flat Earth. Whoever ever has nothing but just straw in the head, is afraid of any spark of truth!

You can learn to manage the -4 pain beginning with the physical pain at the dentist or confronted with other pains such as getting the needle, having an operation, or after an accident, towards regaining the healing freedom beyond your *3-saurian survival stem brain. You employ the pain management method in your frontal lobes, doing the opposite of lobotomy / OPTION I divide to rule, which is cutting what connects the right#3 and the left#1 brain. Instead you activate the Corpus callosum focusing on oscillating attention between the right and the left side of you body in as many way as the situation allows. Managed efficiently in your frontal lobes, that stimulates the mammalian brain in a meaningfully +2-pleasurable way. With sufficient practice, the brain is prepare to give priority to that experience above the stem brain's reaction to pain in getting frozen in one side of the brain with tension and muscle cramps. Managing your brains consciously, you also recover faster from fierce pain by resuming the meaningfully pleasurable pain management after having being thrown out of it by the surprise of firey pain. Ask for a 1 hour training session, if necessary, up to a trauma treatment. Mentally that requires the following brain management of

- poeg-demeaning the p oeg-oge-eog-ego-geo-geo downward spiral and instead, remain the oeg-priorities with increasing p-awareness beginning with the o-justified

- opeg-optimism about the glass half full; o-open for going beyond the ways by which you have already survived, and for what still is in what you have achieved so far, towards oe-determined

- oepg-optimizing the X-fulfillment with the resources you are aware of, p-uncorrupted, to then oeg-conscience of

- oegp-giving meaning to the relevant oegp-parameters of your B5-life with fulfilling the tasks you encounter on your B3-path, in B4-truth; accounting for the relevant relationship truth. This is the upward spiral of lifefulfillment, your OPTION II!

... only in its simple elementary form which is a matter of course for real human beings with good will, in order to not sabotage the simple method and the conscious discipline required when sitting and suffering otherwise useless, say in a dentist's chair.

Human Systems fulfill the relevant options of their substance;
OPTION II can be modeled with relevant open-ended generative principles!
The ZG-zeitgeist makes people dance around its prevailing icons;
in permanently self-destructive ways from to Golden Calf, among others to Stephen Hawking,
as a
science idol; we rather need a sustainably lifefulfilling think-system - here you find it!

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