The Fall of Man
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The Time has come to overcome the still prevailing intellectual frame work of knowledge work! Its thinking catastrophes evoke the kind of human catastrophes we can no longer afford! And that should be the onset to consider to have the prevailing OPTION I know-ledge work to be reframed by a critical number of people who are fulfilling their tasks with their innate OPTION II conscience!
The capability to experience that, I call soul...

At last "The Fall of Man" is identified

"The Fall of Man" is a term used in Christianity (Genesis 3) to describe the transition of the first man and woman from a state of innocent "obedience" to "God" (original sin corrupting life on Earth since the fall) to a state of guilt ridden "disobedience". Since then the highlighted terms have been confused by the spiritual, religious and intellectual temple elite to justify their palaces OPTION I ideologies, morals, ethics, %1-political correctness, media-demo-crazy and law systems allowing to divide to rule people.

The godless, i.e. insubstantial philosophical-intellectual evolution evoked from this terms have now reached the Age of Disruption, in which people are driven out the "paradise" the humanities have set up. So what has been pretended to be an enlightening blessing is now fully manifest as a curse on mankind, lacking God's displaced grace and the corner stones of his H2-superior order, as if it would be all stepping stones to man's freedom of choice.

It's interpretations have given rise to the most outrageous war and cannibalizations of Creation and Creature in the evil (hatefully stupid, ignorant, arrogant) attempt to challenge the Creator; in the fall of the elite for the Beelzebub strategy denying real human's beings H4-essential state of being able to sufficiently considering the relevant substance to fulfill one's own C3-OPTION II. This stems from mindsets to the end of inflicting the utmost damage to the Creator (God-prophets-Jesus-insightful people the souls of which are still alive) humans are capable of under the c3-OPTION I's communicate-command-control where anything mass-attractive is to go away from any substantial OPTION II up to attempting to get rid of substantial bio-logical life. More than half the life forms are already extinct by the OPTION I monster "humanity", most human minds occupied with OPTION I viruses, Beelzebub's plan on track.

At least in my h-living space (Art. 1 in MyConstitution), the following L3-reframing is still possible:

"God": In his personally relevant#3 inner a-manifestation in each soul's conscience, within HIS H2-superior order, to which we have sufficient access with the H4-essential state of being able to relate to the substance and the resources relevant for our OPTION II

In God, there is always the a-light at the end of the tunnel of you
trying to X-exist p-preparing, w-working out, m-multiplying or e-establishing
your X-being in the world, for God has already provided
                        w                 p                     e                      m in you relevant
social dimension of B-boundary conditions, P-processes, O-objectives, C-communication,
e.g. my X-being fulfills the Function F9 in Pp, my a-intuition is F1 in Pw
and there is the other relationship truth X>a - X>a: 1>7>9>1. i.e. a(X=F7)=F9
and further 2>4>6>2, 3>8>5>3 to give you an idea how APS works in
a relatively simple example, on top of all the research since 1979 and making such relationship truth operational in the best of computer programs in life-practical ways not with artificial big data-, but with lifefulfilling oegp-naturally a-insights based-intelligence.

"Conscience": Translating the inner experiences with the modes#13

"Obedience": Fulfilling ones OPTION II Life- through Task-Fulfillment

"Disobedience": Falling for the social Darwinian OPTION I rat-race for mass-attractivity

This allows the Checklist#13 towards Fit for Soul, e.g. the 1Bm-one for Donald Trump
with its parameters#13 ?%1.Ic 5§0.2H2:

1) Rather than falling for his ?0-illusions about the %1-political correctness (reacting to fake news),

2) Donald Trump needs to F5-come up with I-concepts that allow the >5 good of lifefulfilling §0-sustainability (America substantially First) not just tremendous media success, but to

3) c-profile his concepts consciously to be able to F2-work towards the truly H2-superior order that alone is sufficient to dealing with what is really >2 bad (blackmail with atom bombs, terror, injustice, OPTION I multilateral spin)

4) to thus be soul-fit for OPTION II (Trump calls it very stable genius) to be able to X-fulfill his being creatively F1-innovative about Bm-multiplying boundary conditions to deal with what otherwise is >1 very bad, based on his a-intuition F7-influencing Donald Trump in cheerfully Be-establishing boundary conditions towards what is >6 very good - as US-President...

Undoubtedly, Elon Musk [TED video] with the also typical American mentality gets
the parameters#13 of +2 greedily wanting more and more 7Pe-practice towards becoming OPTION I able to exert his F7-influence on Pe-processes to be established by %6-projecting 3Pp-projective thinking with his F3-concretly prepared Processes toward "a boring future". However, to become desirably OPTION II able, i.e. soul fit, he needs to overcome his 3Cp-Inertia to follow up his a-insights on his B3-path (Art. 3 of his constitution), walking his %6-talk toward coming up with personally relevant B4-truthful I-concepts leading to working out the meaning of OPTION II (Art. 4) B5-lifefulfillment of those involved.

The Plan B Elon Musk projects might be partly necessary (to be able to think about the future without getting sad) to safe the fallen humanity once again in an updated arch. But it cannot become sufficient (lifefulfilling for most people toward humanity providing Lifefulfilling Platforms) people still remain trapped more or less subtly in the prevailing OPTION I MATRIX:

In its distributive bargaining there is always a winner and a loser. It happens when there is a fixed quantity of something and two sides are fighting over how it gets distributed. A successful bargain in OPTION I terms for the buyer is one in which he pays less than the seller wants or what the thing is really worth, or for the seller, if he gets more than the thing is worth and/or the buyer is prepared to pay. The risk is falling into deceptive bad will. The other type of bargaining is called

integrative bargaining [Facebook video]. That is possible when the two sides do not have just a conflict of interest typical under OPTION I, but a higher interest towards each others OPTION II. Then it is possible to reach mutually beneficial agreements. Think of it, not a single pie to be divided by two hungry people, but as a baker and a caterer negotiating with synergy in their oegp-minds over how many pies will be baked at what prices, and the nature of their further lifefulfilling relationship after this one gig is over. So when you approach international negotiation, in its OPTION I world as complex as ours, with integrated economies and multiple buyers and sellers, you simply must approach them through integrative bargaining the ZG-zeitgeist says. If you attempt distributive or any other bargaining aiming for OPTION I success with hidden agendas such as global dominance with integrative, multilateral INTER-National Socialism, leads to wars as we see it already, towards mutual self-destruction, the onset of Armageddon in the Middle East, between the superpower, beginning with "tit for tat", with trade wars. And that is just the tool box by which OPTION I politics works...

Thank you for having come as far taking this site serious with your considered interest in your own OPTION II and the L2-timely exchange of project-oriented competence and synergy it supports among real human beings on LifeFulfilling Platforms. Let it be known, mere gestures of money, greed, egocentricity, the right of the fittest, making fun of derailing people from their OPTION II to become mass-attractive instead; all of this promises more than its lacking substance allows. Glee, laughter, parties, innocence, hedonism; they will not last forever!

The intellectual experts of negotiation, however, just still hang on to agree on their spin that Trump is utterly convinced that his experience in a closely held real estate company has not prepared him to run a nation in their terms. Actually he rejects the advice of such "experts" who spent entire careers studying the nuances of international negotiations and diplomacy. But the leaders on the other side of the table who go along with that 31-left wing elite have not internalize lll-substantial expertise; they have embraced merely insubstantial peer and/or media reviewed p-hypes about oeg-real life. And that means they, like David Honig, look at Trump as PRE-primitively preceding their sophisticated intellectual TRAP and, and in their terms just see his very limited tool box and his blindly distributive understanding of negotiation. And they know exactly what he is going to do and exactly how to respond to it to disrupt his approach out of fear to lose their mass-attractivity as did their guinea pig, Hillary Clinton - and that's it under OPTION I. From their professional negotiation point of view, Trump isn't even bringing checkers to a chess match. He's bringing a quarter that he insists of flipping for heads or tails, while everybody else is studying the chess board to decide whether its better to open with "Hillary" or "Donald" - too bad that game was decided by Donald Trump to trigger them to evoke "The Age of Disruption" of their MATRIX, a web of organized disruptive lies in the name of their OPTION I science - intellectual suicide terror under which mankind is now getting disrupted towards the final end of their Plan A for which Elon Musk has come up with his Plan B, yet still lacking understanding his OPTION II, and therefore Plan A as the Beelzebub's OPTION I strategy against OPTION II's onset with conscience, in the soul as the a-essential state of being and its implementation#13, from the bottom of the intellectual pecking order to the top for which we are all really here for...

This entail emancipating from how in fact, under OPTION I, the actual states#13 are socialized as follows as the bottom line of communism, fascism and capitalism and so on; pre-trans-trapping, so even the most wisely courageous among people only rarely can stand for what he or she has understood, sharing all the best known and rather goes along, part of more or less overtly mobbing (conscience treated as indecent) along optimizing the own mass-attractivity in

1Oe - F1-innovation supported towards Oe-establishing objectives promising a mass-attractive return in investment, leaving the F3-work to those who deliver a

3Ppw, Om, Cpw - F3-concret output in Ppw-prepared processes worked out to Om-multiply objectives, Cpw-supported by prepared communication in marketing worked out to

4 Pw Ce - F4-managing Pw-worked out processes in the frame of Ce-established communication %5-manipulating %1-political correctness with nice sounding %6-projections in lucrative

5Cp - F5-entreprises along the Cp-prepared communication of the spin doctors from the top of the intellectually neuro-linguistically programmed pecking order,

6Cp - F6-controlling along critically Cp-prepared communication corrupted by the ZG-zeitgeist,

7Pe Op - F7-influencing the Pe-processes to be established and the Op-objectives prepared in psycho-political ways, leaving

8Be Pp Cp - F8-acting upon the Be-boundary conditions established, the processes and the communication prepared as exclusively what is dealt with as necessary to maintain OPTION I political legal, ideological systems and cultural systemic to those which go along

9Bw Pp Cm - F9-basic transparency only within the Bw-boundary conditions worked out, the processes preparing the multiplication via communication in the ZG-zeitgeist media, in the past, as the "word of God" and dogmas, spoken in temples with hidden agendas, to sell their time an work for money and the freedom of God's H2-higher order it promises. Such are the fruits of the tree of soulless human knowledge. Socrates addicted to those fruits could just say: "To live - that means to be sick a long time" in his world, which assumes that if something is voiced loud enough, especially by a pessimist, then something it it must be "true"...

However, To live (a/#13) alone one must be a beast or a god, said Aristotle. Leaving out the third, " god", one is at the mercy of the OPTION I intellect of pretending all truth has to be simple rather than serving B5-life. Why do we find the best recreation in nature? Not because it is simple!

Do you want to walk on the road less travelled, if necessary alone, behind or ahead, in any case by your self? Then you must find out where you want to go and why you want it, and with what resources and options.

If you want company on your B3-path in your life, you have to learn to share your a/#13 soul with someone who is willing and capable to open up with his or hers towards synergy with L2-timely exchange of project-oriented competence; that is called falling in L1-love...  

Are you (a/#13 soul fit) genuine? Or are you merely an actor, representing a script? Or what else are you representing? In the end, perhaps you are merely a incomplete copy of an actor (DNA) in search for the great in the humanities, an idealist or just a Social Darwinian beast, all in all, cannibalizing life forms, i.e. your and mankind's worst enemy?

Ask for your checklist#13 to find out - how to emancipate from troubling hypes to drill deeper to your essential insights into your own OPTION II's lifefulfillment...

 How SOUL FIT are YOU to become part of the solution?

Human Systems fulfill the relevant options of their substance;
OPTION II can be modeled with relevant open-ended generative principles!
The ZG-zeitgeist makes people dance around its prevailing icons;
in permanently self-destructive ways from to Golden Calf, among others to Stephen Hawking,
as a
science idol; we rather need a sustainably lifefulfilling think-system - here you find it!

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