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The Time has come to overcome the still prevailing intellectual frame work of knowledge work! Its thinking catastrophes evoke the kind of human catastrophes we can no longer afford! And that should be the onset to consider to have the prevailing OPTION I know-ledge work to be reframed by a critical number of people who are fulfilling their tasks with their innate OPTION II conscience!
The capability to experience that, I call soul...

Your Worldly Life began with Other-Determinedness

Consider how the labor, the way by which you were born; then you can understand the mindset you have chosen to cope with this new world you are not of! Its bottom-line p-principle/reactiveness, collective archetype, trauma, habit, professionalism, political correct fig leafs and so on; all to instrumentalize you under OPTION I hidden agendas, against whatever other OPTION I e-end you have in mind. It supports you to becoming only o-open to g-generate according to its terms (intellectual culture) in the rat race for mass-attractivity (money, clicks), sooner or later to sublimating sacrificing your life to its organized prejudices so that ITS OPTION I show can go on surviving you at any cost!

As soon as you begin to perceive this world, you have 4 choices:

(A) To remain other-determined by learning to sacrificing your X-substance to remain part of OPTION I of instrumentalizing any substance with man-made, otherwise insubstancial, p-principle/hypes, until you get sick of this futile attempt, and die - hopefully with dignity and remaining more or less remembered and referred to as irrelevant that is for you when you are simply dead. With this choice, you are at best open for ?0-rhetoric#0, +/- hedonism, and %1-psycho/"anything goes" spin > %6-politics/ideologies/drugs - mass psychosis. Who says (A - posing dead) must sooner or later/the hard way, say (B - go along):

(B) Simply learn and grow to g-generate what is required for successfully M=applying manipulation for you to survive the here and now B+ passively as a follower, with more or less victim-power, or B- actively as a trend setter/manager/perpetrator, as long as possible to make the experience as the creator of your mortal life, at best open for intellectually OPTION I discussions about personally-neutral common sense#2, mostly despising logic#1, where you do not get immediate satisfaction in managing to instrumentalize say the laws of nature in the technology at your disposition. Business as usual has become a self-destructive practice of humanity, and especially in politics and in the humanities. It represents a refusal to change the status quo even in view of foreseeable future disasters, even on a global scale and rather just trod on with short-term OPTION I %1-politically correct thinking under that Damocles sword...


Becoming aware of being other-determined from (B) you can either
Such is the curse of evil attitudes, they force you to evoke further evil to cover up the former.

  • Attack what disturbs you, attempting to manage the situation/cause/those seemingly responsible, to dominate (C) them ending up having to pre-trans-trap/crucify a PRE-crude perpetrator / enemy of your power to maintain your TRAP/temple, palace, OR, beware, a  TRANS-scapegoat who disturb you. Thus you end up as another cause of other-determinedness in a devils' circle which in the end swallows your substance...

  • Retreat realizing where you are suppressed to make up your mind (D) what you cannot do, to become free to do what you can still do (glass half full), to resurrect from your previous confusion based on misunderstandings (trauma healing, graceful understanding, 222-implementing it):

(C) To aim for the e-end of easy going opge-empathy with it all; only possible apart from narrow-minded apathy, and that ultimately not even really, by demeaning who you X-are in view of the esoteric OPTION I's %1-polical correctness, socially compatible with ?0-spirituality to sublimate the trendy thinking-catastrophes with its catch-words and hypes with their self-destructive cultivation (by philosophically affected priests) and tradition (made available by professors) and the remaining %5-manipulative %6-projections towards, when challenged, simply +2 more of the same management, displacing the -4 stress to serves and scapegoats to sustain the *3-ego power games in social Darwinian ways..

(D) To strive, at the crossroad, towards o-opening up to a 9Pw-process by relating to working out the F9-basics in a life-fulfilling way towards the meaning of it all and why you are here in this world and what for, towards fulfilling it based on the O=orientation with the corresponding H4-oegp-understanding of the H2-superior order relevant for who you X innately are.

Here we leave choice (A) and (B) to the OPTION I world of the necessary raising of children by their parents, the OPTION I based school and further education with ultimately, as such, in the end, more or less soulless and futile experience towards a career under OPTION I.


Here is the social evolution of choice (C) in its 12 steps towards OPTION I:
It is best represented by post-modern art, that which is now openly admitted as being not life, i.e. no entity, just a fragmenting evolution, yet struggling to survive the consumer mentality it evokes, striving to be on top, towards empathy for anything goes with an interest in its role models to remain successful in trend riding desires and requirements, preconditions and compromises, disasters and disillusions, decisions and coincidences by which art can shape lives as an artistically-artificial pseudo-existence where it is detached/condemned form any substantially lifefulfilling existence. For such art(ificial intelligence)#0, time is a dictator, while in fact it is a challenge for choice (D) below because its passing reveal the relevant relationship truths, the sublimation of which is the bottom line of the following choice (C). It diverges in its merely playful interest in disrupting any substance, i.e. towards a brain interface to the zeitgeist's rhetoric and power games so even the body language becomes part of its problem rather than any interest in the user of the brain to become part of the solution! In fact your brain is most advanced system in the universe, a flexible instrument that can serve your lifefulfillment at its best. The nihilistic C-approach from science to brain research that dreams of the “brain", like the humanities focus in the “human"; psychology on "collective archetypes, post-modern art on what is not life and how to survive with it – now to overcome biological life (result of artists undermining scientific research with pop-research) with virtual one, so that anything but lifefulfillment goes. At first Choice (C) expresses empathic sorryness for its substantial shortcoming  of trying to make everybody be who they are not short of any real oeg-personal connection, lacking understanding; challenged, reacting with another angry sorryness: “Leave me alone with your choice D, if you have no empathy for my choice (C) merely among mass-attractive role models and stereotypes borrowed from the appealing zeitgeist's society of spectacles." Nicodemus was in that mindset, and in his empathic sorryness for the intended crucifixion by his peers, offered Jesus a grave/a word, a hype! Such is how minds in this Age of Disruption and are put on the firey stake of the zeitgeist of aggravated confusion in the following 12 step of entering the witch's hut beyond the point of NO return:

  1. peog>poge: Riding the p-principal evolution/zeitgeist in the actual situation in which other-determined people/sheople are mutated by a dominating elite up to nation building, revolutions and institutional "help" to the rest-world so everybody pre-trans-traps everybody else beginning with denotational words. to p-virtually cope/promising a carot by p-maintaining the personally-neutral p>p-ZG-zeitgeist's 1st priority, if necessary p-coercively/stick...

  2. poge>poeg: With the dominating denotational, wordy humanities#2 people are pre-trans-trapped in insubstantial desirable states of mind's wishful/positive thinking demanding survival with art/rethoric as not life, in mass-attractive ways; towards the rat-race for the low hanging fruits of the tree of M-manipulation know-how. Remember: YOU cannot understand what you want to dominate by demeaning as a topic, or a human system, beginning with an intellectualized topic...

  3. poeg>opeg: Mentally restricted they are made optimistic about o-opening the gap between actual and desirable situations with a promising freedom from p-principles, as better for them as the serpent/ZG-zeitgeist promises with the increasing M it provides in our time seemingly sufficient to cope with any necessities, in fact mostly its cause...

  4. opeg>oepg: The optimistic ones begin to spiritually optimize or leave it to the spin of their angels, gurus and masters mostly with their bottom-line that there is nothing wrong outside our heads, discussions and markets, with its organizedrejudices. After thus having sinned/detached for the H2-superior order of right/OPTION II and wrong/OPTION I, the best fig leaf is to deny any concept of right/wrong, just as Buddha taught people to learn to give not attention to pain in meditation...

  5. oepg>ogpe: Short of understanding what life is really about, philosophy pretends to optimize the confrontation with the Creator following the serpent's success with mobbing Eve and Adam to turn away from the created X-substance implementing the Beelzebub strategy of anything else but oegp goes; emancipating in sin so that in the present Age of Disruption nobody can understand any more what life was meant to be about...

  6. ogpe>eopg: At that stage, philosophy and spiritual practices come in pretending to optimize putting their principles on top of reasoning towards cultivating OPTION I following the papal/guru tradition made equal to the true content of the Bible, beyond it, emphasizing man-made enlightenment when following up its practices in its hierarchies...

  7. eopg>egpo: With that kind of the still prevailing reasoning, OPTION I still controls humanity's self-destructive destiny. It leaving space for its elite to p-divide and rule the ego-rest life towards e-ending life by exhaustion; having had to g-generate what o-opens humanity. Now this dynamic is globally synchronized towards any self's disruption. The supporting spin %6-projects that it is not good if man, depicted as a meresocial being with deficiencies, is alone; simply being is not enough/in the OPTION I world - you are required to sacrifice your essence it by betraying its OPTION II, as Jesus' disciple Peter did when the p-rooster crowed thrice waking up people for o-e-g as Martin Luther tried it in his reformation by nailing his theses against a crucifying cult, on his church's door...

  8. egpo>gope: Perpetrators controlling their victims need to assure them with their hypes of their good intentions to keep them on board, so that their pimp OPTION I shows can go on until they are outsourced by the Peter-principle themselves by younger wiper-snipers...

  9. gope>gpoe: Psycho-politically effective assurance asks for the humanities' sciences#2 of mass-control towards %5-mass manipulation - in the %6-projected name of a legal systemic, enforcing >4 peace for our time, i.e. for the elite to mind their business protected from >2 bad disturbances like Rumpelstilzchen who tried to avoid in hiding his real name/evil nature...

  10. gpoe>epog: Mass manipulation evokes competition towards leadership in relationships, teams, institutions, countries, cultures and humanity; the latter now the battle ground with people reduced to socio-metric unites on the chess board of marketing strategies, down to group-spirit directors groupie games.

  11. epog>epog: In the OPTION I's competitive world, the prevailing spin evokes ego-self-determination which can easily be instrumentalized by serving products and services to each other to sublimate the lacking mutual understanding, cunningly avoided in the above sequence of choice (C), on the broad road of the mass. The intellectuals pretend to guide you away from the road less traveled below, just to the "door of heaven" with their optimizing ideals where of art and philosophy, conceptuality and vividness boil down to the power of institutionalized rule pre-trans-trapping any questioning and the innate desire for synergy as palpable and unattainable. Then those Pharisees side-track you from any oegp-meaning-giving to each other based on understanding, to rather ogpe-confront each other towards p-divison of og from e, towards the e-rule, beware of any ogep-transFORMation / ReFORMation of the intellectual chicken ladder!

  12. epog>opge: The spin of evoking ego-bound self-determination towards mutual empathy based on all humans being equal, allows some, those who preach this in lucrative ways, to obviously be more equal. They depict their "freely to be chosen" pre-trans-trap as heaven compared to the hell of other-determinedness thus throwing out OPTION II with their spin's category error. Thus you should shriek back from choice (D), because it begins with learning to deal with the suppressive, self-destructive nature (boiling frog) of the choices A-B-C...



Now please consider the 12 steps of choice 4 towards YOUR OPTION II:

never mind if you (A) have to go deeper against the upward mainstream of dead fish,

but from then on growing, however, (B) never mind under the vortex of those with short term pseudo-success, for you, with reFORMing p-shifts (C) grow from the geo to the oeg life quality,

e.g. Noah, Moses, Jesus, Martin Luther, Isaac Newton, Gandhi, Mandela / your being? 
Choice (D) has undoubtedly always been one of the greatest urgency for a desirable future.

  1. peog: Become aware of where you are still other-determined like when you were born, hold upside down to get a clap on your bottom to trigger you to start breathing, to begin your own life with, and also how you burnt you fingers grabbing the low hanging, in the end foul fruits of choice (C). Then consider it rather as a challenge to face choice (D) by shifting your g-generation to the left to

  2. pego: Give your own g-experience priority before being opened to the end, the principles of this world are designed for to you also opening up your game under them, even if oeg-you are not of this, but now in this p-world. This way your are challenged as a child to discover your value in this world. In kindergarten I became aware, that my worldly, choice (C) OPTION I value is, when I am with §3-intergrity, in c-profiling my OPTION II, is obviously "inferior", and also on the lowest rung of the intellectual chicken ladder as a 13-PeopleProphet. I have flatly refused that crude mental coercion  I first experienced by my mother even before kindergarten; the same by which the holocaust was organized based on the organized prejudices to enforce choice (A) of succumbing to OPTION I. Thanks God that happened before its full impact hit me in public, so I could go on taking at least my innate definition personal power back from most of such organized position powers of this world up to this day. Here I  reveal its ugly, self-destructive nature, as a whistleblower, still at least existentially protected by some human rights...

  3. pgoe: After some days in school, I got the insight beyond choice (A), that at least the material H2-order superior to OPTION I, expressed mathematically beyond personally-neutral# mobbing/humanities, allowed me, like Newton beyond the church's dogma#0, to grow beyond OPTION I up to a Ph.D. in Laboratory Astrophysics along the line of choice (B) and beyond, in R&D in leading edge IT-projects involving some hundred professionally with synergy.

  4. pgeo: As my social life became significant in my fist marriage, the confusion in this world crept up to me when my first wife's choice (C), controlling-bound, as a teacher with a successful egpo-mindset collided with my oegp-sucessful one in science#1. That challenged me to vitalize my body short of getting desperate when a I not just lost my marriage, but also our daughter who went along with my wife's choice (C) simply speaking. Meanwhile, according to the dynamic of their, mine despising mindset have also fragmented them apart - thus unlike me, part of the OPTION I world's problem it pretends to be the solution of....

  5. gpeo: Since my oegp-mindset does not only works for science#1 and has also allowed my vocation with science#3, I had and still have no valid reason to change it but every reason to tame myself with it in a trustworthy way. From 1979 onwards, I had to face the challenge of my divorce; in the following three painful years, the consequences of remaining firm with oegp-understanding based meaning giving - beyond physics! Thus I began to consciously substantiating and harmonize my being-body-world-work/life balancing inner relationships.

  6. gepo: In shifting the p, i.e. beyond (4) and (5), allowing just g towards ge a higher priority than man/self-mentally-made up principles, I began to experience the superiority of the increasingly faster clarified X-substance of real human systems, i.e. their OPTION II over the humanity#2's OPTION I of evoking fear and suppressing feelings when it comes to the basics of a real human being's life, its personally relevant#3 fulfillment, not its prejudiced value. That also entailed having to cope with people gepo stuck, fishing for gpoe compliments in the shark pond the OPTION I vortex beginning with dominating by pre-trans-trapping is; Pharisees, nihilistic intellectuals, arrogant managers, bureaucrats, zeitgeist-humanistic professors, scribes & Co...
    ==== from now on p-ideologies become open source operational p-systems ===

  7. geop: Since beginning to model the personally relevant H2-superior order in 1986 clashed with Switzerland's knowledge work beginning to succumb to the OPTION I's choice (C), already then identified clearly as beyond the point of NO return, I chose the exile to Australia. Rejuvenated in all the disappointments of lacking resonance of most people trapped in wordy patterns inhibiting understanding and having laid a formal foundation for Applied Personal Science#3 APS© in Sydney with Diane, I came back to Switzerland and we got married at the end of 1988, ready to writ a book. That made me face another challenge, that of having really to apply my science#3 in living and working together with another human being, with a different mindset and X-substance.

  8. goep: I took the risk to attempt to improve human relationship by modeling both being's X in all their physical-sexual-creative potential culminated in being able to work out the prevailing hate-coding in this world, to overcome it in Love-Coded-Relationships.

  9. egop: My conviction allowed a workshop series beginning in 2015; number 15 revealed that most people can hardly relate to their OPTION II - stuck in one of the 23 mindsets (to get rich...) emancipate and thus degenerated form oegp in which barley choices (A) and (B), with some sensitivity/spirituality, choice (C) can get any meaning. Therefore I began to work out this site, dedicated to reveal the flow state meaning towards synergy of the mindset for the work/business/life-balance.

  10. eogp: My engagement has now reached in this site a potential business to leaving a legacy of

  11. goep: TransFORMing mindsets to give the o-e-g inner resources successively a higher priority before, towards p-systems so their open-ended generative support of OPTION II' blessings rather than under OPTION I, the curse of not transparent ideologies diverging to the innate self-destructive dynamics of pgeo-disrupting any substance, when displacing this choice (D) of converging to the mindset with...

  12. oegp: Thus it is time to understand the meaning of real human's inner X-substance after centuries of disruptively mutating dogmata (Inquisition), myths (flat earth, evolution) and philosophical-/psycho-political ideologies (evoking the worlds wars)! All that inhibited for millenniums even an understanding of mechanics until Isaac Newton overcame their pre-trans-trapping humanities, where they arrogantly try to encapsulate even God's fundamental#1 physical laws, i.e. their wordy rhetoric's hidden agenda with an appropriate, accurate mathematical modelling! However, since it still is a matter of course in organized sciences, to displace the corner stones of the innate#3 relationship truth as stumbling blocks in their MATRIX of ruling people p-divided in their o-e-g experiencing soul/conscience, I have taken to found Applied Personal Science#3 APS© and making it operational to the life-practical degree indicate on the site.

Human Systems fulfill the relevant options of their substance;
OPTION II can be modeled with relevant open-ended generative principles!
The ZG-zeitgeist makes people dance around its prevailing icons;
in permanently self-destructive ways from to Golden Calf, among others to Stephen Hawking,
as a
science idol; we rather need a sustainably lifefulfilling think-system - here you find it!

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