More or less truthful Relationships Truthfully ModeledTo explain to an 8-year old girl what sense it make to stay together in marriage, my wife Diane said: "That gives you the best chance to learn all about your own mistakes." And yet, most people are OPTION I conditioned#2 to intellectually freak out#0 when challenged [Facebook video] to experience#3 how each human being has an OPTION II innate essential state of H4-understanding the relationship truth of individual substantiality sufficiently to fulfill his or her OPTION II. Isaac Newton got this experience in the context of liverless, content-free matter#1 when an apple fell on his head in a clear, full moon night, but without the moon falling on him as well. Wolfgang Goethe would have made a poem, hoping to become immortal with it, thus missing the point of the eternally valid laws of mechanics. Consider what philosophers would do to inadequately model Newton's situation; raving about the zeitgeist instead, to lazy to work out the proper way of expressing such laws, insisting on their wordy trading zone to discuss the matter, mutating the zeitgeist leaving the selection to it, i.e. the mass-attractivity among themselves, their peers, publishers, the media, the intellectual freak readers in a devil's circle... The ideology of the relationship between people and the zeitgeistThe gpeo-firmly established Geneva philosopher Jeanne Hersch (1910-2000), pedagogue, writer and first philosophy professor of Switzerland, known in her gepo-superiority beyond her country's borders. She brought the OPTION I conditioning to the point after her encounter with the existential philosopher Karl Jaspers in Heidelberg in 1932 shaped her philosophical life's work. She has written essays and given lectures facing the geop-challenges of topics that are still relevant today to contain people under OPTION I as abstract "humans". With topics like "freedom and responsibility", and the sense for the sense of pedagogical questions, the organized answer could be %6-projected as the precondition for human existence in a democracy and for the necessity of the employment of human rights to real human being to become "human", e.g. pgeo-confused in this intellectual framework of the zeitgeist in need of intellectual guidance by which the Billy goat has become the gardener... To that end OPTION I, elite pedagogues proclaim to turned against the "child-centered" let alone any OPTION II reform pedagogy as outlined here, because the OPTION I conditioning, %5-gpoe-manipulative teacher can not be on the same level like the pupil. The teacher/OPTION I would then be superfluous, because the student could learn what his or her OPTION II requires as what is good for lifefulfillment to proceed with it. Letting that happen and giving up the intellectual gope-assurance to %1-politically correct conditioning people to succumb to OPTION I, i.e. pre-trans-trapping education, would mean giving up being human. People should rather goep-take the risk of following up the humanities to satisfy the need of mental pimps, the intellectual elite. Their promise is to keep people pgoe-materialistically happy at the elite's service; business as usual since philosophy appeared... And to catch up securing OPTION I, people have to be provoked to revolt so OPTION I can pre-trans-trap them legitimately and vice versa, a devil's circle of mutual epgo-competition. That is %6-projected as completely normal and so those to be later egpo-controlled as grown-ups and citizens, must as youngsters, have something to be against to learn to cope with revolting in vain. And that egop-convinces most people to give in to the OPTION I systems. That exemplified by the 68-generation, meanwhile they have sublimated their failure with their march through the institutions with it. And that still simmering hellfire is still pego-pre-trans-trapping people in discussions as usual, just with more subtle %1-politically correct compliance as ever... Beware, if every epog-self-determined ideology would be allowed, people would end up being of no use for the ruling class. For that eopg-reason, "Negros" were preferred as slaves over Asian people who were conditioned to not revolt. When that model collapsed, one could eogp-engage in %6-projecting democracy, as it is understood in the West; the only form of government capable of guaranteeing to every person the minimum of *3-physical and ?0-spiritual security without which there is neither freedom, nor human dignity, nor evolutionary progress", i.e. in a framework where philosophy can keep the knowledge-work of people peog-other-determined at the disposition for further %6-indoctrination in the name of supreme education... This is of course the ideology of those with at first displaying opge-empathy for people's destiny such as pimps, Pharisees and scribes, to be followed up with ogpe-confronting people with their OPTION I category errors and self-destructive closed circles: "The root of democracy lies in human rights and they have their roots in the nature of human beings.", e.g. in the insubstantial dynamic of common language %6-projected by intellectuals to secure their in it hidden agenda the their 3 taboos. That black art trickery results in the ogep-transFORMation of people's futile wordy struggle for freedom and against injustice to the well paid freedom the elite to be able to suck people further by selling them their numerous books, newspaper articles and lectures with convincing, i.e. clear and simple-minded language towards lifting themselves as bestseller author and popular entertainer to poge-dominate the zeitgeist in their favor, on the pedestal of their media, the temples's successors, with their marketing spin doctors who above all, borrowed their tricks from the rhetorical geop-superior treasures of religions, philosophy, and political mass ideologies... That gives the elite rise to opeg-optimism about their great mutual admiration societies which can amaze people with their seeming wisdom and to irresponsibly pre-trans-trap any challenge, e.g. denounced as fundamentalist doctrinaire and totalitarian. Thus slandering also upcoming solutions, the can go on oepg-optimizing their rhetoric to profile themselves, pretending they are demined to preserve the rule of law. Their education for peace for themselves in their ivory towers, and the elite in their palaces who employs them to embellish their hidden agendas. begins with oegp-giving meaning to "courtesy" and continues "loyalty", striving for justice, teaching respect for their OPTION I laws, and affirming the rigorous mental exercises required by the law, enduring what poeg-demeans people towards become "human" under OPTION I. In fact they are all greedy for the privileges they get for that "work" for people's welfare... Children learn to walk out of the confusion about gravity, demeaning it optimistically, optimizing their body until they can follow a path that in truth leads to their life. However with that OPTION II skill most people are unemployed in the world run be OPTION I devils, to the degree they have sold their a-soul#13. That world disrupts, demeaning older people sooner in the grave, resulting in a higher proportion of young people who push the limit of OPTION II, learning to eventually also fail in their revolts. That is the intellectual role model for its evolution myth against what the Bible outlines in terms of the call, a 75 year old man got, to become open for the end of L3-reframing human history to generate a people cultivation God's principles beyond the holocaust... All this has shaped the now almost exclusively allowed %1-politically correct publicly professional relationships among people. Beyond it, the ruler; politicians and man-age-r are allowed to %5-manipulate people's frame work, and the priests; spin doctors, to %6-project the prevailing zeitgeist hypes to keep society under OPTION I in the above geo-goe-ego-eog-oge-oeg collective lll-life priorities, the people in a plll state of madness, the rules as lpll victims of the priest's llpl ideologies as the real perpetrator of real lllp-peopl's mindsets. Nowadays that needs less physical terror in "civilized areas", "thanks" to mot sophisticated spin, media enhanced, in future with direct access to peopl's brains, until they can be replace with Artificial, General, i.e. non-biological, insubstantial Intelligence. Philosophy of all ages have paved the path into today's zeitgeist trend since antiquity. This is exemplified above by the first female Swiss philosophy professor an a sublime, all-encompassing way still relevant in the zeitgeist towards her already seemingly immortal fame. All Hersch's work of philosophy is at first glance, is sweetening relationships such as mine with my wife. But in fact, to the degree we have internalized OPTION I, and accordingly specifically interfere with each other's h-living space and X-being in with c-profiling our J-self-justification against each other, the following horrid intellectual hell of our mistaken intellectual conditioning, disrupts each others h-living space and the X-being in it, evoked precisely as follows in real life... Now see what horrid intellectual relationships my wife and I have to cope with: Diane intellectually a People#1Priestess#0 appropriately trained as an English teacher in the Sydney University, me on the lowest rung#13 of the intellectual pecking order, a despised People#1Prophet#3 daring to §1-express my a-intuitive H4-substantial understanding as the F9-past, that allows, appropriately#13-translated, a B5-lifefulfilling future. How dare I, with all those inferior, dangerous concepts to OPTION I framed mindsets reveal the dirty poker face behind the philo-sophically intellectual spin about "loving the truth"? On the public professional OPTION I level
The inner level of the
inner experience ... According to the above table, US-Democrat Maxine Waters is now calling for MORE HARASSMENT against the President in the USA, appealing to the Silent Majority. The 31-Left is trying to bully what if finds >3 dissatisfactory to use any means, even >1 very bad ones, to wiggle their way back into power. They care about “equal rights" against 42-liberals: If you believe a the liberals >4 satisfying country MUST have their >2 bad borders, then the 31-Left doesn’t want you to have any voice in your country for they pretend to be the border!" That is their INTER-National-socialist OPTION I. Not on my watch says President Donald Trump; I will always stand up for you - hopefully in the Age of Disruption, sheople have allowed the intellectual elite to evoke, not knowing what their were really doing, begin to awake as real human beings! This time beyond the liberals who have already cannibalized Earth to the point of NO return, in more an more areas, now shamelessly beyond... It’s time to defend oeg-substantial principles which allow making OPTION II relationships become meaningful, as it was and still is for the Creator of us all. On that inner level the Existential Relationship Code specifically with my wife, is JJ/X providing X-synergy when we support each others J-justification of our modes for §1-self-expression und similarly for §2-purpose.
Compared this to my horrid intellectual relationship with self and my wife as outlined above - and do not think other relationships get a better deal on that level; under OPTION I with its 8 false "prophets", nobody gets a good deal in any relationship in the end! They get a different one that can also be precisely modeled just as what is possible to fulfill...
On the
soul level
of experiencing
OPTION II - I am a-called to H4-understand my B5-lifefulfillijjjng X-being’s substance in order to serve#1 the personally relevant#3 meaning of OPTION II, i.e. with Applied Personal Science APS©. - Diane is a-called to engage in L2-timely exchange of project-oriented competence with her 5 essential states#13 out 16, on her R-resolution-oriented B3-path in B5-life to be J-justified in her H1-hopeful f-feeling about H3-realistic t-thinking towards what she p-perceives, in a L1-lovingly engaging way Now consider the whole web of relations you are involved in, within this OPTION I outside world, and in your inside OPTION II ; do you want to understand your desirable priorities in the space left, OR are you going on selling your soul to OPTION I?