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The Time has come to overcome the still prevailing intellectual frame work of knowledge work! Its thinking catastrophes evoke the kind of human catastrophes we can no longer afford! And that should be the onset to consider to have the prevailing OPTION I know-ledge work to be reframed by a critical number of people who are fulfilling their tasks with their innate OPTION II conscience!
The capability to experience that, I call soul...

YOUR Free Study-Guide's Red Thread of

[open-up for]....poeg-demeaning OPTION I

"God" as not in fact in the way of using that tag, the ZG-zeitgeist, which aims to please the philosophical mindset and rules people by dividing them from their innate OPTION II - theo-logy tries to appease people as sinners under OPTION I terms - but as how HE allows YOU, your personally relevant#3 OPTION II in HIS created terms of B5-Life- through Task-Fulfillment - [God as the Creator]

"Soul" as the existential "umbilical cord" between a Creature (You) and his or her Creator (God), and not as tag to be used to set up an OPTION I Damocles sword that threatens to condemn the "soul" in "hell" to side-track people from the actual hell of the permanently self-destructive OPTION I MATRIX! Whoever dismisses his or her a-insights, debases the own considerations#13 as well as the corresponding ethics in others and thus becomes part of the problem. In 1986 it became clear to me, that the 6Bw-Swiss mentality began to give away its B5-a-idealism, and thereby its §2/v-values, §0/t-thinking and B1/S-defocus to sell it short to the %1-political correctness and the %6-projections of the ZG-zeitgeist against which the core of Switzerland united in 1291.

If too many humans thus disrupt the §1-L3 ethical scale with this mental plague, then a society disrupts like at the time of the Tower of Babel, Switzerland 1798-1847. Now in the Age of Disruption, Switzerland has also become rather §2-purposeless despite its constitution, and thus is no longer §0-sustainable in its future, lacking a B1-belief how to B2-breakthrough as in World War II when required such as to face the blackmail of the European Union and the zeitgeist. And that is also how most people on this planet are still kept essentially soulless, in the past slaves, subdues, serves, more civilized"; mercenary, soldiers, socialized citizens, refugees, cheep labor as energy resources before the age of electricity and oil age; now even with artificial intelligence, mentally as voters and cheerersThis sucked on my §2/y, §0/M and B1/f and so I went into exile to Australia for a couple months. When I regained the inner OPTION II sufficiently I came back to Switzerland, followed by Diane from Australia, now my wife. All of these a-dismissed cults, socializing the states#13 are to secure business to go on successfully with Mammon as so far usual, thus...
[Experiencing and Implementing Relationship Truth]

NOT ending in... but rather....opeg-optimistic about the meaning of life

"Fall of Man"continues as usual under its insubstancial and graceless emotional
[Bible is still relevant]

"Intellectual Pecking order" as necessary as it might be to deal with insubstantial things but not sufficient for lifefulfillment within the intellectual

"PRE-TRANS-TRAP" of the essential modes#13 which do not allow people/YOU to consider#13 the a-awareness of OPTION II up to taking self-determined responsibility for the basics#1 of one's work/life-balance. It denotational wording rather displaces those corner stones as OPTION I stumbling blocks when it comes to mass-attractivity as its measure of all things. This nonsense is maintained via category errors, non-sequiturs and the 3 taboos to also prevail when it comes to dealing with human systems under the permanently self-destructive OPTION I of misleading people to sell their soul under its %1-political correctness of the ZG-zeitgeist...

generating....oepg-optimizing the modeling of human-systems

"YOUR CONSTITUTION" identifying your X-being, working out its options, your actual and your desirable mindset and your intellectual ranking in order to face your possibilities beyond the disruptively sucking urge of Option I, so it can be overcome with

[Beyond the Point of NO Return] [MyConstitution]

"Synergy on LIFE-FULFILLING PLATFORMS" supported by

principles that do justice to OPTION II....opeg-giving meaning to OPTION II

"Parameterization - Applied Personal Science#3 APS©" to conceptualize the relevant relationship truths with oegp-concepts doing justice for the OPTION II of those concerned

Index - Frequently asked Questions

* Links for the inner circle - you can qualify

5-Year Growth Cycles
16 essential states of being with OPTION II
8 non-essential states of OPTION I
632-541 discursive decay
Age of Disruption (Nov. 24. 2016)
APS Terminology (color, abbreviation)
Application for a Synergy Session
Applied Personal Science
Art. 1 of MyConstitution MySoul Fitness
Beelzebub Strategy
Boiling Frog
Cargo Cult
Case Study among others about Donald
Content review of this site
*Coping with Work/Life Balance
Disruption of qualification
Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un
Exile in Australia
Functions F1-9
Generating a fulfilling game
Global Context
Hawking Stephen
Hints (Work/Life, IT, Internet-Systems)
Intellectual Pecking Order
Intellectual interference with inner mentor
Intellectual Ladder (bottom-peak)
Internalization - 2day - 2 weeks 2 month
Kim Jong-un Kim versus Donald and USA


Language its 4bad kept Secret...
Lawyer' conundrum
Love- versus Hate-Code
Mental Checklist
Mindsets - 24 oegp 
Mindset ReFORMation
Nicholas of Flue
Offener Brief an Schweizer
Old Age communicative decay
Options Science#120
*Overcoming Zeitgeist intellect with >2>5
oegp-thinking > F1-9

Parameterization of Commitments
Preamble for OPTION II
*Practical Emails, qualification
Peter Principle
Politics - 31-left/42-right ask for yours
Qualification > 1-6
STRESS = M / O (Einstein)  Bible-History
Social Impact Dimension BPOCpwme
Soul - experience - implementation
Taboos 3 of the Intellect
*Temptation Christ versus Christianity
Trump Donald
Who am I

Human Systems fulfill the relevant options of their substance;
OPTION II can be modeled with relevant open-ended generative principles!
The ZG-zeitgeist makes people dance around its prevailing icons;
in permanently self-destructive ways from to Golden Calf, among others to Stephen Hawking,
as a
science idol; we rather need a sustainably lifefulfilling think-system - here you find it!

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