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The Time has come to overcome the still prevailing intellectual frame work of knowledge work! Its thinking catastrophes evoke the kind of human catastrophes we can no longer afford! And that should be the onset to consider to have the prevailing OPTION I know-ledge work to be reframed by a critical number of people who are fulfilling their tasks with their innate OPTION II conscience!
The capability to experience that, I call soul...

Some Concepts for an Elevator Pitch...

Applied Personal Science APS© is required, to open up/describe/carry out visions and dreams so they are more than hot air, just as the mathematical expression of physics is required to become more than an alchemist tinkerer and bluffer  - one that is merely aiming at using p-principles/hypes to the e-end of mass-attractivity - which merely g-generates permanent self-destruction, o-open for nothing else...

I invite you to consider my bottom line elevatot pitch for my task-fulfillment based on being o-open for life-fulfillment with an attitude of a substantially justified optimism. My sites are all based on the substance of real human systems, towards the e-end/purpose of humanity becoming able to overcome the OPTION I, which has only mass-attractivity as its measure! The conceptual solution of parameterizing the options of individual human systems in regard is now available to create and allow LifeFulfilling Platforms to be applied before the point of NO return from the otherwise self-destructive humanity! Therefore I am working on optimizing relating to each other in synergy, giving meaning to fulfilling each others OPTION II of Life- through Task-Fulfillment; that is what the bottom line of science should be about to be relevant in the Book of Life! Since the end does not justify any means as propagated by the 31-intellectuals, this new kind of science is urgently needed!

In fact, without the OPTION II approach, even people with good will, will get lost under the following five, degrading OPTION I reactions! They are, listed as increasingly insubstantial, building on the ashes of the zeitgeist as cultivated by scribes! Because of their denying the optimization demand to understand and to implement what has meaning (the laws of lifeless nature of the universe in ecology, and the relationship truths of individual human life, in YOUR life). Indeed the following list 1-5 is about increasingly arguing on the intellectual chicken ladder, in the zeitgeist's fake news, i.e. with what is insubstantial, has no meaning in terms of the personally relevant order of life. All of the is misleading to deter us from building LifeFulfilling Platforms; and ends up in thinking catastrophes which evoke the known, now global human catastrophes at first with subtle...

  1. Empathic o-opening for g-generating a confrontation around ignorant norms with their hidden agendas of being part of the next %1-politcally correct trans-FORM-ation of the next trend of the ZG-zeitgeist. Such fig leafs are a web of mass-attractive opinions of seemingly well meaning considerations! They %6-project caring to make to %5-manipulate a target group to join its mob to also become %1-socially compatible as a the pimps-insurance to not being mobbed by their groupies. This kind of evil situation is what Jesus' disciples, Judas was faced with by the Pharisees, who required him to deliver Jesus to them, and Peter, after Jesus crucifixion, when he was faced with a pub mob, and betrayed Jesus' meaning for humanity. And the latter, eventually hyped up, became the rock of the Vatican, which usurped Jesus meaning and that of the Holy Spirit! Jesus, knowing humanity, left us at the age of 33, when people should be free to chose their B3-path; him specially to fulfill his X-essence of the 4Bm-oegp of F4-managing the Bm-multiplication of the Boundary conditions for OPTION II. Then he left us in the most effective God's way, the Holy Spirit, for those willing to understand the B4-truth on their B3-path that allows their OPTION II's B5-life's fulfillment to overcome the evil "Peter's" Holy Catholic Church's OPTION I bound dogmas evoked with its bloody man-mad power games. We were conditioned to call that "culture" up to its Inquisition, %6-projected as of equal actually primary importance to what Jesus has left us. This began with Peter assuming the role of the early Christians' Group-Spirit Director. Meanwhile that kind of church has become the intellectual basis with which Philosophy globalized its hypes till Nov. 24, 2016; all on the back of Christianity. Then both collapsed into meaninglessness in terms of overcoming OPTION I, and in the e-end, became engulfed in the latters self-destructive dynamic and enmity against every OPTION II. That Damocles sword has led to the actual Age of Disruption. Its elite is now shamelessly empowering substance- and home-country-betrayal failing to deliver, like Judas, first selling their own substance experiencing soul, like Dr. Faust, to gain mass-attractivity in the ZG-zeitgeist. That disruptions are rewarded up to the Pope, the usurped ZG'd deputy, crowning the Emperor, or those with enough power like Napoleon, now the Chinese Emperor Xi Jinping in his new "democratic" cloth, and the Russian Czar Putin with his tricks and trolls, crowing themselves...

  2. Self-determined e-end of an "emancipated" intellectually wordy reasoning towards o-opening people for an engagement with the wants and values in the market of some successfully %5-manipulating right wing organization, or against that, a polarizing left-wing mob, which can be made to cry: "Crucify him!". Now anybody like me who stands up for OPTION II in search of a sufficient number of still real people who have not yet begun g-generating their lives without their sold soul, as an OPTION I rat-race towards mandatory for politicians up to...

  3. Competing for the e-end of global control with a mass-attractive %6-projections, g-generating convincing hypes with the prevailing spin to promote opinions in the social Darwinian rat race for attention with all mighty means available in their glasses half empty, lacking of OPTION II. The ultimate left wing hype today is: "No boundaries, no nations - hate the cops, burn them!", while right-wing hypes converge in going on with raping people e.g. financially and of their human rights, in the direction of raping the planet, hoping to piss of to Mars like Elon Musk, or formerly people the wrecked Europe, to America. With such psycho-politically effective o-opening spins, with...

  4. Manipulation by g-generating assurances of success in going along with the ZG-zeitgeist, people are mad willing to o-open to following taking the risk of emancipating from their OPTION II! Jesus withstood the three temptations by the devil, and on Palm Sunday, to become the mob's Group-Spirit Director. Cynical historian say the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great chose Christianity as his state religion, because it had already won, and he wanted a back-up from a winning team for his battle against Rom's disruption. Before him, the apostles, the eventual leaders of the early Church were often examples of OPTION I, as intellectually conditioned "humans" of their time, partly petty and jealous, almost impossibly slow-witted, and at the end of Jesus, cowards who either actively or passively failed their master, lacking a proper understanding of the OPTION II. Meanwhile the earth is ruled towards its e-end and less and less lifefulfilling space is available for YOUR OPTION II. That option itself was first awakened at Pentecost, but by now the almost almighty OPTION I MATRIX, which rewards giving in to it, and punishes any §3-substantial stand against it, seems to have won history with its...

  5. Firmness in requiring g-generating minds that strive towards the e-end of any other superiority than the zeitgeist's one at any price in favor of going along with the exclusively superior OPTION I challenges. Such is what most popes have stand for; disrupting of any meaning of OPTION II transcending their zeitgeist's usurped leadership in the misused name of God. This is just what the serpent in paradise introduced and then the Pharisees and the scribes of all ages proceeded with. Today it seems I have nothing to look forward to, but also becoming mobbed, scapegoated and outcast in favor of the almost unquestioned o-opening rule of the disruptive ZG-zeitgeist. However, Jesus' so-called miracles, which introduced OPTION II, were no magic tricks, designed only to impress and coerce! They were all meant to heal the sick, feed the hungry, and raise the dead out of misunderstandings. Modern people think of miracles as the suspension of the natural order, but Jesus meant them to be the L3-restoration of the H2-naturally superior order of the Creator set up to redeem or sins of emancipating for it! Whereas under OPTION I things, guaranteed go wrong only OPTION II allows healing real people's soul and thereby their world, where it is broken. Jesus' miracles are not just proofs that he has power, but also a wonderful foretastes of what he is going to do with that power. What seems an undue challenge to our minds, is in fact a promise to our soul/heart, that OPTION I will not have the last word, and that LifeFulfilling Platforms oegp-good willed people want, are coming.

The remaining question is: "Where are YOU are with what mindset among the 24 possible combinations of [o,e,g,p] and whether you are open enough to considering giving meaning to the oegp-mental frame work, which alone frames your X-substance with the priority so that you can become part of the solution?"

Here are the 24 possible [o,e,g,p]-mindsets for
- re-FRAME-ation of lll (geo-goe-ego-eog-oge-oeg from >1 very bad, to >2 bad,
  via >3 dissatisfying to > 4 satisfying, via what is >5 towards the >6 very good
- re-FORM-ation (p-shift, plll-lpll-llpl-lllp)

we use in workshops; consider chemistry, water/l-life (oeg) first then dealing with, in themselves, disruptive acid/p-formal principals, otherwise disaster happens by p-lifeless thinking-, evoking human-catastrophes...

Are your aware that people in the column of

plll-critical) want forgiveness, for which they are the more ready, the lower down the column they have adopted their mindset? In fact making an poeg demand is unforgiveable under OPTION I; a pgeo-life-confusing mutation and selection by the mass has become a matter of course in the ZG-zeitgeist even if it means a further step at the abyss, e.g. "Crucify HIM!"...

lpll-grown-up) look for acknowledgement, which is harder to get a relationship under OPTION I with, the higher up, the column goes, where it it less mass-attractive...

llpl-adapted) want to be appreciated ; they deserve it more easily under OPTION I, the lower down the column, where the power game becomes more tangible it becomes

lllp-real/natural) want to be understood for the meaning of their content, which is easiest with OPTION I pre-trans-trapped p-principles, where going along with the trend requires no OPTION II substance and conscience, where everything is equal, although some are more equal...

Consider the geo/oeg contrast; g-generating a human e-end to any tangible interaction such as with "I do not understand!", versus o-opening up beyond the zeitgeist for which there is nothing to be understood! Consider examples of real ge-evil o-hypocrite versus real human being o-open for the being's conscience of the soul's experience of the substance to be fulfilled in self and others towards an e-end for which there can be synergy in g-generating its fulfillment. Consider the Indian greeting "NAMASTE" with my OPTION II greets your OPTION II, and the synergy possible in between as outlined above. Then decide what you do and don't, what you want to give meaning to, and what you are really going to give meaning to for the rest of your life...

Each of the above concepts could be the bases for an Elevator Pitch

As to myself for you to pitch me:

  1. I need to be forgiven, for wherever I gave pgeo-confusion a misleading meaning from its evil consequences, or where I mistakenly considered something with a confusing intent. In any case, I need an opportunity to prove my point by I o-opening up for F9; being responsible for the function to clarify that of the past which is the seed for a lifefulfilling future.
  2. I want to be taken serious for my substantial opeg-optimism to the e-end of my B5-life's fulfillment.
  3. I want to be acknowledged for what I have already oepg-optimized in terms of what I am here to g-generate right now, the Pp-process I am preparing as a "People's#1 Prophet#3"with and for people of oegp-good will.
  4. And of course, I urge you to understand the oegp-meaning giving p-principles I have identified to do justice to the OPTION II of real human systems; the really >6 very good to be fulfilled - before you pitch an OPTION I prejudice which is already streamlined by the intellectuals towards me being "inferior" in my §3-integrity to my OPTION II for a similar reason the Jew were to the Nazis...

But if you also B1-believe in your God created OPTION II resources, then that view of yourself and the universe also gives you a basis for H2-justified H1-hope that your cognitive faculties work towards synergy as the essence of life, and thus enables you to consider and §1-express B1-belief as the first inner connection which leads to your B2-breakthrough on your B3-path, which in B4-truth, leads to your B5-life's fulfillment. If you believe in God as the cause of it all, then even a Big Bang is neither accidental nor mysterious, nor the fine-tuning of the universe science has to acknowledge, nor the regularities of nature which make existential evolution in all probability nothing but a myth based on the inner dynamic of philosophy; its embellished evolution evoking disruption of any substance of life.

Only with the B3-4-5 B1-belief, do the things we perceive, and the situation we experience make perfect sense in then possible B2-overcoming of OPTION I's nihilistic hypes. Also, if God exists your intuitive insights about the meaningfulness of your life and that of others, their beauty and love give rise to H2-justified H2-hopes! Then you can see the OPTION I ways as sin i.e. emancipating in poeg-meaningless ways from your OPTION II, which disrupts you/your soul as your capability to experience your OPTION II. §3-Identity apart from God is inherently without a, even against any lifefulfilling §2-purpose, and thereby, as is tinkering ignoring the laws of nature, not §0-sustainable, in the end, live-evil. Without a personal God, HIS H2-superior order and HIS a-interest manifest in your conscience, your sense of worth may, for a while, promise success, being solid on the surface, but since it cannot be B4-truthful, it paves not desirable B3-path, and can desert you from your B5-life in a moment. Then the entire warp and fabric of your world disrupts in a human catastrophe. Thus Mankind of 2018 has evolve into a state of disruption. In Romans 8, Paul says that the entire world is now "in bondage to decay" and "subject to futility" and will not be put right until we are put right! But if you understand, that your X-substance has been created by God, for you to fulfill it, then the deepest part of your soul simply cannot be filled up by anything less, such as the pgeo-lowest, the disruptive OPTION I. That is how great each and every one's soul was created to even overcome death. How ridiculous is the intellectual world in comparison, a material assembly of objects, death not seen as a fulfilling liberation from this permanently self-destructive OPTION I, but as a suppressed tragedy making people look like sheople who, in a mislead pack, try to outsmart the Creator as their evoked "God"! But the real Creator is not ultimately tolerating such things in a pgeo-meaningless way! So rather than running after wishful thinking that God is dead, even just wordy Christians who in fact adore the ZG-zeit-/group geist's interpretaion of the Bible or the tradition of such sects, when they talk about "God", we had better plan to understand how to work in synergy tuned into fulfilling our OPTION II in HIS H2-superior order! Everything else leads to live-evil!

And here are the consequences of following OPTION I of getting used to frying in the hell of becoming misled and turning away from the real Creator's H2-superior order with it's geop-challenge to oegp-understand it, instead of cultivating the organized prejudice still based on ignorant scribes who arrogantly ignoring what any science that deserves that name, has revealed us and has been confirming the wisdom of the Bible. Instead, ideologies resort to pre-trans-trapping denial, blame-shifting and obscuring H4-substantial understanding as spiritual blindness. That leaves identifying with hypes and HAVING/wealth, rather than with one's own God created substance to be fulfilled. So once hype become hot air and wealth and health lost, there is no sense of self left; the soul ready for hell. In short, hell is simply one's freely chosen identity, apart from God. And all this is rather obscured by the Pharisees-priest-scribes-elite philosophers-spin doctors conditioned by the humanities and the media in the following ways according to the different interpretation of the Lord's prayer:

  • PRE-Lead us not into (pgeo-confusing) temptation: According to this misinterpretation of the traditional Lord's prayer, the Old-Testament "God" is considered as a poge-dominating strong literary figure, who, having created a Creation that tests his Creatures by seducing them to get peog-other-determined in order to then be free to pego-suppress each other as sinners in their pgoe-materialism. Then people pgeo-confuse each other (dancing around the Golden Calf); the modern equivalent is raping the people and the planet in a walk which is preceding their talk. This is just as King Solomon, the intellectual's favorite, who ended up as Israel's curse fallen by OPTION I false gods, esoteric many concubines, spoilt by wealth...

  • TRANS-Lead us (with oegp-meaning) in temptations: Jesus Christ, in the theo-logy of the New Testament is portrayed as being simply opge-empathic towards our human's destiny, aiming at giving us a chance to be his epog-self-determined believers in epgo-competing (such as his disciples Judas and Peter did for a position on earth and the latter also in heaven). Above all Peter tried to gpoe-manipulate the others in cultivating Jesus's words gpeo-firmly in view of the world in sin, as having already been transcended to a papal position by HIM by his sacrificial crucifixion. In fact, Jesus did not come to bring peace to the world, but he had came and will come with the sword to separate the OPTION I chaff of those who ignorantly insist on remaining part of the problem, of arrogantly getting rid of those who understand that it is all about making up mind one's to become part of the oegp-solution in synergy; from the OPTION II wheat...

  • TRAP-Let's not be tempted (as introduced in our days, to be free from facing the OPTION II's challenge): In the intellectual trap of the zeitgeist's wordy comfort zone, intellectuals are tempted to ogpe-confront each other in wordy discussions with eopg-wordy, i.e. denotational pre-trans-trapping reasoning, towards the most mass-attractive generally prevailing meaning of the spin of their sentences. That is how they try to egpo-control the lesser mentally conditioned people by the gope-assurance of their assumed leading science role of dividing to ruling with their usurped gepo-superiority! IN those positions the elite needs to be able to scapegoat what appears inferior under OPTION I, like me with pointing to their thinking-catastrophes with its category errors and non-sequitur by which they entertain the masses with bread and circuses, beyond the point where they thus evoke human catastrophes - exemplary on the Titanic 1912. After that warning they ignorantly evoked the even bigger, the most terrible human catastrophes so far in the 20th century...

  • PRE-TRANS-TRAP: Merely considering themselves being in the trap of a mortal body, people cannot but ogep-transFORM in pre-social Darwinian ways as sinners eogp-engaged in the matrix of the OPTION I's rat race for mass-attractivity. That seemingly exclusive OPTION I nourishes the egop-conviction that man can goep-take the risk of eating the low hanging fruits from the tree of knowledge to face the man-made "God", i.e. the ZG-zeitgeist's geop-challenge to recreate the true Creator's Creation with a man-made one, as introduced by the philosopher Hegel. This has meanwhile lead to massive investments in ways to replace the biological life %6-projected as being so >3 unsatisfactory, ignoring one's X-being's meaning, though it was created to fulfill one's life! Efforts are well under way to displace and download life into virtuality,if considered necessary to maintain OPTION I even applying >1 very bad means that could lead to destroying/crucifying the living space Earth. Surviving on Mars is already prepared for that no longer unlikely case....

Such an end for humanity is the underlying message of most of the 31-left-wing intellectual literature such as Michael Hugentobler's novel about the actual Swiss lie baron, Louis de Rougemont's, fantasy stories about his Adventure in Australia while living as an impostor in London. Hugentobler's underlying OPTION I spin %6-projects his interpretation of that kind of life in his book is: "Truth is stronger than fiction; that truth, which immediately draws people under its spell. It aims at people's (pre-)longings for greatness, humor and strength in the otherwise sad life..." This intellectual, nihilistic fascist philosophy in fact appeals to OPTION I which was exercised by grandmasters such as Napoleon, Lenin, Mussolini, Adolf Hitler, Mao & Co. towards their unavoidably fallen evil empires. The underlying Empire of the Intellectual, Grey Eminences & Co. actually collapsed on Nov. 24, 2016. In present interregnum they left us, now in the Age of Disruption, the media take it as our destiny, a matter of the next stage of evolution in their of their fake news. That is what I observed within weeks after having identified it when it manifested world wide; first in the German Spiegel, then in The Financial Times in their spin doctor's attempt to ride the new zeitgeist attractively ahead of the masses. These champions of the zeitgeist pleasing their peers and investors, in tune with their favorite writers and commentators, denounce anybody who precedes or, worse for them, transcends their mental nihilistic fascist trap. Pointing to substantial relevant relationship truths is now denounced as populist, outdated and worse with their spin. Thus they are themselves lie barons telling their much- liked lie baron's stories and are using them as a fig leave for their rhetoric with its category errors and non-sequiturs, i.e. pseudo-logic, theo-logy, philosophy, matter of course ideologies and fundamentalist dogmatism. With thus out casting OPTION II they shamelessly obscure and embellish their own evil dynamic practiced more down to earth brutal gangster-, bankster- and other -syndicates and mafias, Kim Jong-un, and live-long Presidents & Co.; such is the impact of seemingly harmless philosophical distractions; misleading mankind under their OPTION I rule, and individuals born as real human being from their B3-path which in B4-truth leads to their personally relevant B5-life's fulfillment...

Human Systems fulfill the relevant options of their substance;
OPTION II can be modeled with relevant open-ended generative principles!
The ZG-zeitgeist makes people dance around its prevailing icons;
in permanently self-destructive ways from to Golden Calf, among others to Stephen Hawking,
as a
science idol; we rather need a sustainably lifefulfilling think-system - here you find it!

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