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The Time has come to overcome the still prevailing intellectual frame work of knowledge work! Its thinking catastrophes evoke the kind of human catastrophes we can no longer afford! And that should be the onset to consider to have the prevailing OPTION I know-ledge work to be reframed by a critical number of people who are fulfilling their tasks with their innate OPTION II conscience!
The capability to experience that, I call soul...

From Pain to Brain Management

The Social Darwinian Myth is the OPTION I trick to inhibit the OPTION II Brain Management and to reduce people's brains to the other-determined simple Body towards Form Management under the Zeitgeist's OPTION I mass-attractivity as the carrot and the stick in its wordy MATRIX:


o-sense in time

e-ethical scale

g-soc. Dim # intellect



Functions 1-9


BPOCpwme#120 1203



Corpus callosum

right frontal lobe

left frontal lobe

stem-mid brain



16 essential modes

OPTION I: %1-5-6

?0 *3  +2/-4


B5-life > task




According to the evolution myth, cultivated as the OPTION I Lego-mentality. In the beginning there was pgeo-Chaos out of which gpeo-forms were selected up to Earth and gepo-life. And the g-evolved in hundreds of millions years of mutating forms, e.g. saurian, came to an e-end, o-opening up new probabilities for new life-forms up to the gepo-superior mammalian homo sapiens sapiens; pretending to know what he knows.

And now this generation has to gepo-face the challenge of what this mystical OPTION I thinking catastrophe has caused on Earth; according to its insubstantial dynamic, permanent self-destruction! And that apart from +2 greed, in the ?0-vain hope they would geop-rise out of the ashes of its degenerating gpeo-civilization. In fact this is just an excuse for real human beings lacking their personally relevant#3 constitution to not facing their OPTION II geop-challenge. The rather sell their a-soul#13 for the "human right" to outsourcing conscience to p-formally closed, i.e. self-destructive wordy-collectives with their corrupting constitutions. Thus the devil's circle closes towards pgeo-Chaos and demeans the Creators intended OPTION II with his Creation for his Creatures; above all for real human beings.

Are you ready to poeg-demean this intellectual Beelzebub Strategy in your mind with an OPTION I pgeo-gpeo-gepo-geop-pgeo pattern B2-breakthrough to fulfill your OPTION II by

  1. poeg-demeaning the man-made causes of pgeo-chaos; human thinking catastrophes spread via misleading religions -philosophy up to intellectual bestseller and spin-doctors cannibalizing the rhetorical treasure chests of the p-history you dividing people to rule? And then to become free to become o-open for what justifies your
  2. opeg-optimism to the e-end of getting the facts about the relevant gpeo-forms and the technical, methodical and your inner gepo-life's resources to be able to
  3. oepg-optimize the geop-challenges towards g-generating the task-fulfillment that
  4. oegp-gives meaning to your OPTION II and that of those concerned, so the synergy towards LifeFulfilling Platforms can be empowered with relevant oegp-principles as outlined on this site?

Please compare now whether the "word" fulfills in your flesh, or whether it makes it suffer to an unfulfilled death, the former with

- the above continual OPTION II growth-fulfillment cycle by H4-understanding the relevant OPTION II substance to be fulfilled versus the latter,

- the self-destructive OPTION I evolution of forms in the rat-race for mass-attractivity with the Lego-mentality of simply %5-manipulating parts of forms, like Lego building blocks, opinions in discussions, using war as another gpeo-form of disruption of demeaning diplomacy, up to DNA und neuronal manipulation and smashing particles at CERN? All in the ?0-vain hope to find the "God-particle" to re-engineer Creation towards getting rid of bio-logically conscious life in a self-perpetuating virtuality, "godlike"...

Human Systems fulfill the relevant options of their substance;
OPTION II can be modeled with relevant open-ended generative principles!
The ZG-zeitgeist makes people dance around its prevailing icons;
in permanently self-destructive ways from to Golden Calf, among others to Stephen Hawking,
as a
science idol; we rather need a sustainably lifefulfilling think-system - here you find it!

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