Home Up Live-Evil Intellect Mentalities One-Track Accusation


The Time has come to overcome the still prevailing intellectual frame work of knowledge work! Its thinking catastrophes evoke the kind of human catastrophes we can no longer afford! And that should be the onset to consider to have the prevailing OPTION I know-ledge work to be reframed by a critical number of people who are fulfilling their tasks with their innate OPTION II conscience!
The capability to experience that, I call soul...

The Battle of the One-Track Minds' Stereotypes

At this stage, the world is now in the Age of Disruption where more and more people freeze up just when it’s time to understand what kind of action they should take so they do not lose their OPTION II altogether. This began when males had more time to think about escaping the battle of the sexes and other topic-centered, professiorial one-track minds in their man-made created OPTION I world. Now we are in the end phase of those insubstantial battles, after its intellectual bases collapses on Nov. 24, 2016 set up for the final one of Armageddon as the Bible points to...

Even if some people pretend to understand everything well about what is happening, and pretend to know what to do, and would probably do very well if they did it, they are just inhibited to do it. If this is you, don’t worry! This is a common issue for anybody trying to make a big change in his or her life/business; there is a way to resolve it. Insisting on the

- "temple"-dominance of science#0/art, which is explicitly not lll-live, rather than o-open for the H2-superior oegp-order of life, closed upon itself (l1), rather than to an e-end of lifefulfillment (l2), this is to exist as "God's representative/competitor, inherently self-destructive. In addition, to cover that up, rather than g-generating task-fulfillment simply a trigger for plll freaks, at best pointing to and resonating with something lll-relevant.

- "palace"-management of science#2/wordy humanities, this is lpll dividing people as lpll-victims, e.g. 2/3 freaks of perpetrators so the latter can rule them for the llpl-priviledges of existing as merely 1/3 freaks.

- "people's" quantitative science#1/physics-economy insisting on a content-free, i.e. meaningless view of human live to manipulate it with a Lego-mentality as as mere chemical-physical process, this is a plll-mad concept predominant cultivated in universities in the name of the evolution myth, denying, never mind evil consequences, the

- personally lll/oegp-relevant conscience#3 about the OPTION II relationship truths of life- through task-fulfillment

and rather amplify and globalize the OPTION I temple formatted palace rule thinking catastrophes of the ghost-arty-farty and humanistic faculties in the name of the meager ZG-zeitgeist!

  plll lpll llpl lllp
oeg poeg opeg oepg oegp
oge ^ > v ogep
eog ^ OI v eogp
ego od ^ v egop
goe pgoe < v goep
geo pgeo gpeo gepo geop

Let us first understand what OPTION I is an escape of; the natural battle of the sexes! Let us face it, males feel poeg-demeaned in puberty when they realize that there are mostly forbidden lust-gardens. On the other hand, socially pgoe-suppressed teenage females feel pgeo-confused by all the more or less hidden agenda of the males. When a male nevertheless becomes opeg-optimistic about being able to enter a specific garden, the concerned virgin reacts with gpoe-freezing up until she discovers the gepo-superiority of her position as the door keeper to make the Casanova oepg-optimize his approach in her favor. When this  courtship dance satisfies her to the point of getting hot as well, she face the geop-challenge of his intrusion into her garden. He in turn having reached his goal then has to make up his mind what is oegp-meaningful about furthering the relationship and/or becoming responsible for its fruit. That will of course ogep-transform his life while she has to geop-face the risk of getting pregnant. If she becomes egop-convinced he is also the right guy as a father, then both will get eogp-engaged to each other. If the woman later on with her children on her side then decides to use her gepo-superiority in the mutual sex life, chances are that men thus other-determined, tries to get his satisfaction more and more under OPTION I; going to his pawls in the pub as Peter did after Jesus crucifixion to forget his disappointment, up to making a career like the Pharisees could proceed another 40 years with all the privileges that entails up to be free to booking any pleasingly submissive prostitute. Then emancipating women might follow in their manner into the now prevailing OPTION I OI vortex. Meanwhile that is the battle between mankind and God, the Creator mankind once loved, and vice versa, God love his chosen people leaving most people on the disrupting OI-vortex paved by eunuchs, gurus, celibate priests, humanists and intellectuals, now the mainstream media...

Here are the three steps out of the battle of the sexes (onanation->technology->artificial intelligence) and its sublimation (art that is not live) in the OPTION I's cultivated self-destructive rat-race for civilized mass-attractivity (intellectual emancipation via ideologies into virtuality) %-enhanced and ?0-embellished by humanistic sciences with its professors, authors, in politics with its spin doctors and artists, and in all medias, now globally synchronized in organizing zeitgeist and gender ideologies and organized prejudices - e.g. according to which, I am ignored with my sites as an "inferior" disturbance of raving and business as so far usual - a whistleblower of the still predominant thinking catastrophes in the people-ruling sciences#0>#2 instrumentalizing hard science#1 e.g. up to using atom bombs to blackmail for evil purposes and worse...

That means I am either predestined to perish, outcast as poeg-meaningless,
or to work out the OPTION II - like Moses, epog-optimistic about the H2-higher order
fulfilling my task to oepg-optimize its modeling in terms of its oegp-meaning.
If that is - as it should be of interest for you:

1) Please follow the meaning of my content and what it point to, instead of arguments of the 8 dark inner evil voices of OPTION I in your triggering insubstantial opinions, so you may also learn to identify your or anybody else’s mindset, to diagnose its shortcomings in view of H2, so you can be part of making transparent where it is holding people severely back from fulfilling their lives.

2) Then you can learn to overcome the destiny inadequate mindset framed relationship evoke. It works with adopting the oegp-mindset that allows you to follow your path, which in truth leads to your OPTION II lifefulfillment.

3) Consider the highlighted corner stones that give you the chance to change everything necessary; considering this, worked out in our Workshop 17 with real people, can mark the your turning away from OPTION I point; there is no other experience under OPTION I like it, because if you allow it, it can transcend the OPTION I before its self-destruction affecting everyone, and gets at your OPTION II substance instead of you fulfilling it…

 The 1st corner stone  is pointing out the necessity to just focus on yourself until you have gone through a lll-lively sequence out of [e,g,o] preferably oeg; having l1. experienced what triggers you, l2 practiced your actions to qualify with the lesson l1 provided, and then having l3 clarified it in dealing with the reward/consequences in the actual situation. Only then have you done your best to not p-freak out, fulfilling what the feedback to your (re)action really points to in response to the p-principle you have applied. Once you get synergy with your inner self about feedback, the others with good will, will join you and synergy can happen with them too, not just in you. Do not get limited by thinking about “them/others"! Never mind if in the beginning, you feel uncertain; overcome the doubts about your ability to get your understanding even across to yourself. Remember, only your mindset is in between, and where it is inadequate, free your self to reframe it, reshuffling it to the H2-oegp-priority thereby optimizing its oegp-flow. Anybody with good o,e,g-will can do that! However, remaining misled, you might think no one can get anything across, at the very least not you as the OPTION I stumbling block traumatizing you like the 3Be-snake a rabbit by setting F3-concret, seemingly Be-established boundary conditions. As fake news, they make you disrupt your ability to deliver desirable results. You will think stuff like: how am I possibly going to get anywhere, what if I mess this one up too, what if it doesn't work for me, what if the others and then yourself get angry? You will ponder, procrastinate and waste your time with all of these different inner insubstantial voices. In addition, all this does, is make you feel like an imposter, a faker and a fraud and then, to suppress that, tempts you to blame anybody else who stirs you up, with such pre-trans-trapping slander. You will think that there is no OPTION II for you, and: how can I, let alone anybody else say I am this or that? The beyond openness for any help, having thrown out the baby with the bathwater, you will drop in the OPTION I vortex, i.e. hell, with all of these mad things swirling round in your head. Beyond the point of NO return you might flat out think you are not made for getting further, insisting this isn't for you and that you're not good enough anyway. That appears as a fact to you, having thus missed the 1st corner stone, "up-shit creek without a paddle" as the Aussies would say, and as a great part of the OPTION I world is already in.

However, having instead followed my directions 1-3 honestly,
a prejudiced hidden agenda, the necessary

 2nd corner stone  is to accept and understand the H2-superior order of lll-life that everybody in the 23 non-oegp-mindsets feels the same way; depending on where p is, can hide their freakiness better, some are freer than those who are more honest about their inner world, to give in to the meager satisfaction to be more mass-attractive. The more you are away from the oge lll-priority, down the bottom of the MATRIX towards its geo-reverse, the fall through the freaking p-cracks and learn it, if at all rather than dropping out as full plll-freaks, the hard way, as lpll-victims, 2/3 freaks, other-determined by the more mass-attractive 1/3-freaks, the llpl-perpetrators actually follow the free-trans-trapping recipe for meritocracy. The Peter-Principle

takes care of the latter up to the big shots of history such us Stalin and Hitler, though after horrid collateral damage "thanks" to all the cowards on their way, who let themselves be corrupted by them.

When I got started in this world, I felt the same way like most people still do. I could not see I was cut out to stand up for anything; I seemed, unlike others, not to be designed to have any meaning in this world, or do something for others they appreciate and open up for mutual understanding. Then I began to do my inner work to that end, and oh, not a wonder, that showed me what I could really do for others via parameterization. Imagine if I had not done that first step out of and for myself – which I do now all the time; with or without opinions! I would have just believed and followed a misleading lie; the worst stating for most people now pre-trans-trapped, that no one is cut out for anything! The fact is no one is a thing, despite what the elite makes you think thus cutting you out for what they want of you, to be ruled! It is also not sufficient to just will and train yourself for what you want, or whatever you just are chipping at all the time, as the elite tries with the people! It is what X-is in you as who you innately are, what you accept of it, what you understand about it's substance and oegp-potential and, in the end, who you are and what you are here for, and what you fulfilling of it! This X is the

 3rd corner stone  the sufficient, most important one to understand! The 23 non oegp-, the psycho-political mindsets just more or less mislead people under OPTION I away from their X-potential of their OPTION II towards the insubstantial one of the elite of intellectuals, politicians, entrepreneurs and consultants and there man-made p-self-destructive systems. In its ice-cold (evolution of their "Big Bangs" in their cold universes of their egoistic agendas) weak spirits sink down to the insubstantial pgeo-confusion. And so the the elite must sooth and sublimate people to the degree of the emotions of fear stewing inside their mind to loose oneself in their pre-trans-trapped understanding and the painful situations such mindsets evoke. Doing so they are actually just disguising the fact that no amount of thinking, learning, hoping, praying, meditating, reading, talking, or anything of just achieved by M-manipulation know-how, including conditioned insubstantial p-principles and wishful thinking about yourself, will ever make this feeling of existential inadequacy go away for they can never come true, which is the universal nature of whatever is insubstantial! Only when you learn to O-account for the relevant orientation knowledge of relevant relationship truths about fulfilling your OPTION II can you reduce the painful Di- STRESS = M / O < DEATH . Only then can the stressful, seeming unjust stumbling blocks, become the corner stone for bringing you back on track; away from dis- to eustress to your next step on your B3-path on which that kind of B4-truth leads to your B5-life's fulfillment. If you don't have an understanding and a plan to that end, you can safely assume your plan is to fail! And then by doing nothing at all towards your OPTION II, you become p-other-determined; plll-condemned, or first lpll-divided as victim, then as llpl-perpetrator in your lll-life, thus increasingly self-destructive.

 Let us face the 3 corner stones of desirable life; no amount of M-OPTION I scientific analysis and humanist discussions is going to sublimate the require O to fix M/O=STRESS! And so we should, even just eopg-reasonably not waste any more time with it! You know, you could look at all of the different possibilities in books, statistics and you can get hold off. You could hope for a super computer with artificial intelligence and everything, you could talk to 1000 people, and you could think about it for 10 years and longer, it's still not going to fix the pre-trans-trapping dynamic of the 23 non-oegp-mindsets. With all of such man-made, in view of your inner substance, insubstantial approaches and its cults and cultures in all of history so far and in the future, you will still feel the same way in that trap, mostly probably even worse the more you try overwrite your OPTION II with such personally-neutral psycho-pseudo-psycho-man-made logic! The end of it all is in sight when your soul has become insensitive to such sins and crimes against your X-self, and thus humankind. Then you have become a danger to yourself and others, provoking other-determinedness of the kind the OPTION I world ironically promotes towards its self-destruction. Its intellectual “meta physics"/philosophy has actually already collapse Nov. 24, 2016. Donald Trump, i.e. the figurehead of the United States is on plan in accordance with its red thread; with his tweets and ruling, the USA in our time is stepwise retreating from system-building (in which so far people have just been guinea pigs) around agreed upon rules/foul zeitgeist compromises towards a unilateral power-based order seemingly in no need for allies anymore. Watch yourself, aren't we all doing that when we can no longer understand each other, losing trust; stress results in the egoism of those who survive and they produce more stress in such degrading mindsets; a devils' circle beginning with arrogantly ignoring the above!

 Get clear, your inner world is the most appropriate environment for you to B1-believe in being able to understand yourself as the first inner relationship to the then possible B2-breakthrough to get there, on the B3-path on which that kind of experienced-practiced and clarified B4-truth leads to your B5-life's fulfillment. Only that mental oegp-priority leads to the confidence you need to pursue your life with your OPTION II in any circumstance. Any outer environment, beginning with the wordy intellect you were conditioned to in schools, makes it much harder for you and always resets you at the crossroad where you can still opt for your OPTION II. That is what God’s grace is really about; up to the point of NO return. So let’s get on with your innate OPTION II’s “plan" enhanced only in your oegp-mindset, the sooner and the more more focused, the better. All of what is mentioned on this site is operational for any human systems life-practical usage as an inner guidance system.

Human Systems fulfill the relevant options of their substance;
OPTION II can be modeled with relevant open-ended generative principles!
The ZG-zeitgeist makes people dance around its prevailing icons;
in permanently self-destructive ways from to Golden Calf, among others to Stephen Hawking,
as a
science idol; we rather need a sustainably lifefulfilling think-system - here you find it!

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