Home Up Live-Evil Intellect Mentalities One-Track Accusation


The Time has come to overcome the still prevailing intellectual frame work of knowledge work! Its thinking catastrophes evoke the kind of human catastrophes we can no longer afford! And that should be the onset to consider to have the prevailing OPTION I know-ledge work to be reframed by a critical number of people who are fulfilling their tasks with their innate OPTION II conscience!
The capability to experience that, I call soul...

How man-made Principles lead to Mentalities

Most animals are fully equipped to fulfill their lives in amazing ways. Some animals use some things as tools. But only humans, considering themselves since the fall as deficient, began to make tailor-made tools, beyond what they find in nature, to enhance their given skills, know-how and systems to outcompete each other creators as
- ego-planful Neanderthal man convinced by tribal ritual to hunt them down. However, they got stuck in implementing their tribal hunt as a g-joyful practice, applying their group's e-strength until they encountered
- geo-evolving homo sapiens with their organized e-strength beyond g-joy to compete with each other, to impress their women, and towards moving up the tribal hierarchy organizing one tribe against others. This kind of knowledge work has shaped their ways of seemingly superior thinking up to its globalization on the internet...
- Thus they began cultivating a gepo-superior, other-determined mindset as homo sapiens sapiens, outcompeting
- egop-convincing self-determined first movers in taking risks to survive the hunt with what they were best at so for them as entrepreneurs, today's goal can be tomorrow's starting point...

By now homo sapiens sapiens are running the world as social animals, socializing the risks as fast followers, first in tribes up to National-socialist ideologies, now INTERnational-socialist ones; never mind that such ideologies based on mass-attractivity have all ended in self-destruction up to the of the Evil Empire of the Soviet Union...

Humans speeded up survival and cannibalization techniques beyond what anything else but the forces of nature such as global warming, are capable of. This began in the stone age by mankind evolving themselves by

o-opening up unconscious incompetence about physically forming things from the available, content-free#1 MATTER; e.g. wood and stone, to improve their clothes, weapons and tools. With the inventions of using fire, and under its protection, humans gathered in caves, first for shelter against wild beasts and the weather, then to exchange ideas about how to feed themselves better by more efficient hunting and cooking. The progress achieved in talking more and more sophisticated to each other allowed more time together to begin forming their cults, rituals and cultures such as that represented by Stonehenge. Then they managed to transform matter, liquid metal alloys, using early forms of metallurgy and chemistry to the

e-end of making desired forms with conscious incompetence compared to what hard science has worked out since, and about the consequences of those fruits of the tree of know-how; creating more and more harder materials (knives, needles, swords), first heated metals as liquids in its optimal composition, beginning with bronze, to get equipped to conquer their desired, personally-neutral#2 managed common SPACE as people with collective forces up to states, in our day even lawfully. With Isaac Newton's modeling of the laws of nature, humans began

g-generating machines (steam engines up to computers to overcome nature's forces) with conscious competence of making more and more mind freeing#0 ENERGY available for anything to go; beginning to conquer the whole of earth, domesticating all life forms and cultivating and instrumentalizing each other in ideology-bound collectives (Hot-, World-, Cold-Wars now asymmetric world-wide disrupting, black-mailing each other with atom bombs...). Now, hopefully before the point of no return from self-destruction, as presented on this site, modeling the relationship truths of human systems is now possible to model the consequences of the

p-principals still used with unconscious competence for systematization, either towards
- personally relevant#3 LifeFulfilling Platforms supporting and demanding OPTION II, Life- through Task-Fulfillment, beyond the g-ignorance of the consequences of power games, towards e-arrogant ends, of p-principles of pre-trans-trapping any o-opening for OPTION II with the
- insubstantial, man-made, one-track minded OPTION I towards the ultimate rat-race for the self-destructive mass-attractivity's ruling the zeitgeist in the trap of personal-neutral#2 virtuality, to replace the God-created bio-logical life forms that preceded man-made culture e.g. of building sea worlds, pool worlds and museums full of stuffed animals increasingly right up to internet archeology about the traces of extinct creatures ideas and cultural relics. Man-made principles are concepts or values that are supposed to transcend pre-primitive behavior and its evaluation, from *3-natural, egoistic reactions and ?0-illusions to lawful#2, %1-politically correct behavior and fair rational arguing about what is +2 desirable and what -4 not. Then humans can, divided from their truthful inner nature be ruled in collectives. Such abstract principles lead to...

... systems and mindset that can be +2 desirably followed, in order to deal with +2 profit and its inevitable consequences, undesirable -4 stress such as caused by the laws of nature scaled up by the now global technology. The principles of such systems and their management need to be understood by their users in their inherent characteristics and inner dynamic e.g. that of the Titanic where nobody was on the bridge. We can no longer afford to not consider the now global system's designed purpose, towards its effective operation or use, bearing in mind that disaster is evoked if any one of its design principles is ignored in its management, or sacrificed to hidden agendas, as was the case on the Titanic. The prime principle of formally closes systems is that they are self-destructive and that is why personally relevant open-ended generative principles are required to understand real human systems' relationship truth leading to lifefulfillment instead of disasters! No simply descriptive comprehensive and fundamental personally neutral law, doctrines or assumptions forming normative rules of conduct, such as separation of church and state, the study of intellectual statecraft or any other philosophical thinking-catastrophe can do, as promising as they all are made to sound to substitute conscious understanding and modeling! Such intellectual laziness simply evokes human catastrophes!



risk taking


convinced man

superior Homo
sapiens sapiens




The egop man, without a model of his ore her own self-determination will, without a strategic plan, become a part of somebody else's plan and is bound to become extinct. If you don't have a plan for life- through task-fulfillment, you can safely assume your plan is to fail by doing nothing that fulfills your life or that of anybody else.

Do not fool yourself by thinking you are not here to fulfill any lifefulfilling plan! It's fooling yourself thinking that O-OPTION II substance-based planning that serves as one's orientation is outdated by creating more possibilities for M-manipulating push-button reactions, for the basic principle of life is M / O = STRESS < DEATH!

The absence of O = orientation, is being insubstantially, unprincipled and when it comes to those who maintain the collective they belong to, a danger to all. Lack of task-fulfillment or understanding self for lifefulfillment, is rightly considered a character/mindset defect by which people become part of the OPTION I problem! Principles should rather be used to declare how a reality has diverged from the norm of some ideal-idol-religion-ideology rather than as an alibi for going along irresponsibly, socializing the consequences. Dare to assess the nonsense of formal principles applied to human living together, such as when something is said to be true only "in principle" but not in fact. So our OPTION I world, after its actual collapse on Nov. 24, 2016, is now spending increasingly more resources for secret M-operations to reduce the politicians' stress, and increasingly less to provide the §0-sustainably B-lively belief in, H-hopefully L-loving-O-orientation for real humans to help keep the stress for all in the creative eustress range. But no, under OPTION I people rather let the stress further evolve at the abyss of disruptive distress that inhibits conscience, a step further to
keep humanity's management and enlightenment in the dark of OPTION I...







subject / response

Human Persona







a-insights > joy


















+2 / -4 taboos

%1-5-6  §1230-B12345-H1234-L123

In temples you make a career by preaching, e.g. by communicating convincingly to people in regard to make something seem superior to who people are with their OPTION II. The aim is to %6-condition people as serves to become what the temple honors in its cults and rituals, e.g. like making a prostitute with reward and punishment succumb to a pimp.

On that basis a palace career requires the pre-trans-Trapping skill to contain what precedes the trap of the palace culture and to demean what- and whoever tries to transcend its shortcomings as an onset to a feared revolution. And that without §3-integrity to oneself, even if it is meant as a fulfilling the task to improve the palace system where it otherwise ends up in self-destruction, such as on the Titanic!

As a manager-engineer-physicist, you need to be H3-realistic and H4-understand the numbers to -4 prevent disaster and become successful with +2 more of the same; profit.

As a prophet you need the insights and the courage to stand up with §3-integrity in a process beyond what otherwise the temple conditions people to and what the palace %5-manipulates them into its pro-trans-trapping %1-political correctness with which everybody ends up equally poor. We know all enough about the past of the national and international socialist, evil empires and how terrible they collapsed. Even so we are told to not expect humanity to learn from history and its horrors; what the Germans learnt from the Thirty Years War (1618 -1648) was to sublimate the horror with poetic literature, and thus comforted, rather indulged in world wars. And now all intellectual argumentation has fallen apart with the simple wordy hypes our wordy cultures still insists on to make a career, and with the lust for cultivating disruption, preferring things like the Rohrschachtest to a proper science about human systems...

Our time is cursed by an increasingly sophisticated misuse of language to make sure, our mind/thinking remains guided by the self-destructive ZG-zeitgeist of some 7000 language magic dynamics [TED-videos with harmless examples disguising the disruptive infiltration of language with ideological spin] which is evoked to craft H3-reality as its ZG-virtuality, tags in place of the tagged, Creation, Creators and your and I, the hypes about them, made mass-attractive by the temple and managed by the palace with OPTION I as the measure of all as mere things; the Creator is made to seem irrelevant! At its magical core this world of ideologies is spun into language by the art-intellectual elite, towards flooding people's ownership of their senses and their §3-integrity. So rather than the corner stones of living together in synergy, the stumbling block of the above choice (C) of "living" what you are not, belonging to a common language group, is shaping people's loyalty as a matter of course and exclusive necessity - to earn a living. The required scarified lifefulfillment is achieved by intellectual idolatry; psycho-politics far away from being sufficient for a desirable future! So human minds become intellectual mentalities, instead of adequately H3-describing, mapping and modeling Creation towards H4-understanding the substantial purpose of Creatures, self and others. Such minds have invented languages to emancipate from the one real universe by some 7000 cognitive universes people fantasize and psychoanalyze with languages; with all the misunderstandings and potential of to misleading hypes and ideologies published and preached! And that is portrayed as the beauty of linguistic diversity, and used as the biased basis of "researching" how "ingenious and flexible" the human mind is, i.e. in a formally closed, devil's circle. This glorified diversity of Babylonian confusion up to the present Age of Disruption is cultivated in the universities and the media in its %6-projected/lectured beauty and richness, now embellished as the Age of Amazement.

Instead of such evil, we now urgently need to come up with an adequate language which allows H3-realistically expressing what does justice to the necessity of our time. This is what at least the evolving physics does/should do about the managing of our infrastructure. Now the time has come for humanity, before its point of NO return to create LifeFulfilling Platforms. Instead the mainstream is emancipating from any substance, as convincing as the temple/media and its intellectual spin doctors have prepared most people's minds for, like Apple its operating system. Thus streamlined by the palace/politics of people is misleading reasoning-arguing-competitive battling towards the disruptive virtuality of anything disruptive to go.

Until Christianity took off, human civilization was a
- social Darwinian one which made the surviving people tougher outside their circle and more understanding and supportive among friends. Then over a long period in the West, the intellect became sufficiently cultivated by the philosophers, so that eventually the Vatican could begin to globalize a
- pre-trans-trapping civilization after it was initiated at the time with the process that led to Jesus' crucifixion towards the transformation of the Roman Empire. Jesus disturbed the comfort zone of the evil union of the Jewish temple and the Roman palace, which out of fear of losing control, had to get rid of the real Christ because he actually transcended their trap. So he was treated as worse than a criminal terrorist, whom they pardoned to get people involved in their pre-trans-trap. However, the terrorist's behavior was actually one that preceded the then prevailing culture in criminal ways. That highlights the basis category error based on which the pre-trans-trapped Social Darwinist civilization could mislead half of humanity into two world wars. Growing up in its aftermath we experienced its collapse on Nov. 24, 2016, now in the civilizations' interregnum of the present Age of Disruption of ideological wavering. All this makes people degenerate into self-destructive INTER-National-socialists where all are getting more virtual in their demeaning, meaningless chats...

Among such chatty People, OPTION II still evokes the insubstantial hostility and fear nourished by the whole of the failed OPTION I elite, because they champion undisturbed pre-trans-trapped, one-track minded mass-attractivity. So people, pulled in by what is 'cool' rather than consciously self-determined, go on building and competing with social Darwinian rhetoric, i.e. alibi-democratic OPTION I measure of all things, that kind of self-destructive society. So it is time to stand up beyond

that hoax with §3-integrity to one's OPTION II, rather than let Donald-Kim types form our destiny. In the German weekly Journal, "DIE ZEIT", May 17, 2018 page 40, OPTION I science rather meticulously accounts for

- the 122'193 000 immediate victims of the main violent conflicts, where it failed in the 400 years since 1618,
-excluding those by the plague, the cure for which in the last, most terrible 100 years was inhibited by the church, its tolerated
- genocides in America and Australia, the up to
- the 100 millions deaths caused by the Spanish flue among the weakened people after World War I and
- the some 100 millions murdered under the Evil Empire of Communism with its random terror,
- not to mention the ongoing starvation, misery and the simmering civil wars and terror in the so-called colonized remaining world, and all the lifefulfillment wasted world wide, and
- the effect of those traumatized in all those wars - such as Alois Schickelgruber, who brood revenge, evoking World War II
- all the lives wasted by drugs and crimes with its peak in the USA with the highest proportion of inmates...

And yet OPTION I science as well as some branches of the Christian religion become ever more part of the problem. Now the intellectual nihilism and their pre-trans-trapping spin enhanced by the media maintains OPTION I hinking catastrophes wtop-down from the "humanities" with their intellectually encapsulated, i.e. self-destructive social Darwinian superiority %6-projecting rhetoric. According to Lenin, the history of philosophy and the history of social science show with perfect clarity that there is nothing resembling "sectarianism" in nihilist Marxism, in the sense of its being a hide bound petrified doctrine. He and still universities present it as a doctrine which rather stems from the highroad of the development of world civilization. The genius of Marx consisted precisely in his having furnished answers to questions already presented by the "foremost" minds of mankind; never mind the greatest human catastrophes it evoked! His doctrine emerged as the direct and immediate continuation of the teachings of the greatest representatives of philosophy, political economy and socialism. So what more evidence do you need to understand into which evilness the OPTION I sciences thinking catastrophes about human systems have lure humanity? Do not kid yourself, communism has just transformed into the now prevailing global zeitgeist as did the Roman Empire into the "Holy" Catholic Church with its universal claim to represent God, i.e. its formerly inquisitively-torturing stake bound, now spinning zeitgeist's pre-trans-traps. This OPTION I and its champions require an accusation in a court to properly dealing with this source of almost all evil, as the evoked various crimes against humanity which already got their trial in international courts.

So what counts is not your soulless, zeitgeist reactions to my forms of expressions, but your resonance to what my content and its meaning really points to; your OPTION II by which you can become part of the solution...

Related topics: [History] [Actual Trend] [History of APS]

Human Systems fulfill the relevant options of their substance;
OPTION II can be modeled with relevant open-ended generative principles!
The ZG-zeitgeist makes people dance around its prevailing icons;
in permanently self-destructive ways from to Golden Calf, among others to Stephen Hawking,
as a
science idol; we rather need a sustainably lifefulfilling think-system - here you find it!

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