Home Up Live-Evil Intellect Mentalities One-Track Accusation


The Time has come to overcome the still prevailing intellectual frame work of knowledge work! Its thinking catastrophes evoke the kind of human catastrophes we can no longer afford! And that should be the onset to consider to have the prevailing OPTION I know-ledge work to be reframed by a critical number of people who are fulfilling their tasks with their innate OPTION II conscience!
The capability to experience that, I call soul...

The Usurped gepo-Intellectual Superiority

This page answers the question about how just a few llpl-perpetrators, media moguls, spin doctors & Co., can disseminate misleading information and fake news in order to undermine a society made up of millions of media consumers still capable of at least taking lpll-responsibility on the job and privately! It also highlights the design in the Bible, leading beyond any OPTION I intellect to OPTION II!

Here is an Introduction for Intellectuals - their kind of "understanding" is produced to overwrite any OPTION II through systematic, i.e. insubstantial, in fact merely cumulatively evolutionary interpretations; mutation of opinions and selection by the zeitgeist. The so-called semiotics pretends to be a theory about the relationship between a sign, the object it at best points to, and the desired meaning and the underlying agenda. The sign, usually a denotational word, is supposed to represent something in the intellectual mind of an interpreter. This intellectual basis for this approach is in fact a ongoing argumentation about meaning-making and the sign processing towards mass-attractive communication so they underlying objective person-neutrality of the intellect is kept. In fact this is the way that can be used in order to lie and to obscure this envisaged misuse of communication, its proponents promote the category error that this is also the same required to tell the truth, i.e. rape is the way because procreation requires it too. With this kind of intellectual argumentation  about culture, society and natural phenomena as if the were the man-made signs (pictures, words, statements, objects, gestures, phenomena, events and actions) about them, anything can go but substantial fulfillment, i.e. OPTION II. Thus the creation of signs has become a way to %5-M-manipulate giving meaning without having to O-consider any other H2-superior order about the context in time and space. Cultivating such pseudo-symbolic systems (unlike physics via mathematics) allows for hiding OPTION I agendas to most people to easily cannibalize their substance! And so eventually the mass evolves with the self-destructive zeitgeist, i.e. the relationship between the signifier and the signified diverges toward insubstantiality, purely arbitrary and p-principally artificial, not lll-life, just pretending the elite calling this analytical science. It results in %1-politically "correct"  conventions for correlating signifier and the signified in the domains into which sciences hast fragmented. This provides the OPTION I framework within which signs make sense as %1-politically correct interpretative devices which are used by the elite's interpretative communities to %6-project division between people, e.g. in some 70 gender, to rule them easier. Sociology, anthropology, and linguistics assume that their wordy structuralism is the methodology that implies, fragments of human culture can be understood by way of their relationship to a larger, overarching system or structure to be uncovered by the language people use to feel, think and do all the things they do in it, and about the ruling elite, and how they rule people under OPTION I. This is exemplified such as with stating the affordances are clues about how an object should be used, typically provided by the object itself or its %6-projectd context, say of the carrot and the stick, to get the desired %1-compliance. For example, even if you've never seen a coffee mug before, its use is fairly natural, given the handle shaped for easy grasping and the vessel with a large opening at the top with an empty well inside. Such kind of pseudo "scientific" explanations, a mixture of matter of course with obscuring what is common sense gives this kind of humanism a scientific touch and thereby "authority" to appear superior, qualified for power over people. In fact this intellect applies to advertising by %6-projecting an effective spin through the use of signs or symbols people were conditioned to reacting in a desired way, allowing pre-trans-traping people with the non-sequitur that a sign's arty expression can be better "understood" than what it is supposed to point to it. This way people are made to believe, that literature reveals more about humans than mutual understanding between real human beings, even more so based on the former, psycho-logy, based on it, theo-logy even about God, and above and about it all, philosophy. The latter forms opposites to the research strategies which stress objectivity to protect us from our biases and erroneous believes on the one hand, and to exclude OPTION II on the other hand, the pimp strategy called "humanities". They boast with independence of interpretations referring to where it applies, in obtaining hard science know-how, with mathematics in ways properly applied. However, only the latter allows reveals lies about what is really equal (1+5=6) by it self, just as Applied Personal Science#3 APS© models the consequences of choosing options. But that does in no way apply to the intellect and or art! But they can convince weak spirits that their insubstantial, non-committing discussions about opinions are above all science, in the name of alibi-demo-crazy, to legitimately mislead collectives to media-enhanced zeitgeist rides, against each other's ideologies based on thinking-, into human catastrophes, glorifying the beauty of cultural insubstantial diversity, the fruits of the tree of knowledge:

oegp-Genesis 2 Adam and Eve

o-open up) 4 This is the account of when the Lord God made the earth and the heavens.

e-end God has in mind for humans) 15 The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. 16 And the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die."

g-generating companionship and procreation) 18 The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." 19 Now the Lord God had formed out of the ground all the wild animals and all the birds in the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. But for Adam no suitable helper was found. 21 So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs and then closed up the place with flesh. 22 Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.

p-man-made principles (Apostle Pauls' thorn in the lll-flesh) 23 The man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman,’ for she was taken out of man." 24 That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh. 25 Adam and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame in

================== man-made world ==================

generating their world by creating the OPTION I hierarchies, having lead to temple > palace > people, to the present e-end in the New Disorder of the Age of Disruption, following the mass-attractive p-principles of the ZG-zeitgeist. Now they are manifesting their agendas more shamelessly then ever in alibi-democracies about doing everything outside the H2-superior oegp-order the Creator has set up to allow Life- through Task-fulfillment, OPTION II - leaving humans the free will about considering their personally relevant insights, consciously.

Genesis 3 The Fall from oegp-Meaning to gepo-humanist Superiority

3 Now the serpent was more (gepo-) crafty (in generating an end to respecting the Creator in favor of the evil OPTION I's Beelzebub principle to o-come out stirring humans up against HIM - intellectually, impotent for anything real) than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He spoke to the woman,

g-generating an interaction from a seemingly superior point of view to the oegp-one, Adam and Eve got from God) “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?" 2 The woman said to the serpent,o) We may e) eat fruit g) from the trees in the garden, 3 but God did say, p) ‘You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.'"

e-hidden agenda to end without God ) 4 “You will not certainly die," the serpent said to the woman.

p-man-made wishful principle) “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."

o-opening for anything goes) 6 When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.

Such was the onset of economy > technology > globalization > virtual reality towards the temple formatted rules of politics over pre-trans-wordily-intellectually trapped people in self-destructive man-made manipulation-systems that drove the past evolution of in ignorance, the arrogant OPTION I intellect with its thinking-catastrophes towards the horrid human catastrophes' history...

No wonder, the meaning of man-made OPTION I cults and culture was raised by the intellectually formatted papal, university, company, and other hierarchy and now in universities exclusively and explicitly excluding what the Bible points to the innate relationship truths that allow OPTION II, culminating in John 14:12, hardly mentioned in any church. Most institutions are more concerned with their collective OPTION I evolution than the OPTION II lifefulfillment of their pastored/spin doctored "flock" / paying as bums on seats / constituencies / target groups - so folks of the same feathers flock together as abiding citizens / voters / soldiers / chess figures (taxed, put to duty and paying socio-metric units) on the power game battlefield of the elite. They consider people's minds to be empty containers to be occupied / convinced by Madison Avenue Marketing! Such are the predominant intellectual catch-words in forming hypes and spin, so that a few can rule the many, top-down, gepo-pre-trans-trapping any significant OPTION II task fulfillment, inhibiting any bottom-up, inside-out; up to crucifixion, scapegoating reel people up to genocide. That is how disrupting their world is to every manifestation of God created substance, in universities' teaching, in the economy which already invests billions, in industries and armies, getting ready to destroy any biological-essential life and substantial national states to replacing them with INTER-National socialist empires now using artificial "intelligence" towards one Global Evil Empire, a trend well under way against the natural 5-year cycle of inner growth, with:

g-generating T-tensely in the best suited social dimension (for me, instead of the one appropriate for my X-substance, Pp-preparing essential OPTION II processes) with Bm#X# on the highest, intellectually most mass-attractive rung (in my case, that would be J-justifying myself towards +2 more of the same, making others do the -4 unpleasant work for me in my intellectual 20-PalacePriest  peak intellect  concerned with L3-reframing the palace's rule, instead of on the lowest rung, standing up as a 13-PeopleProphet for OPTION II). The intellectual chicken ladder,
(00-02-01-03 temple priests-masters-serves-prophets (xxxx)
 20-22-21-23 palace-xxxx 10-12-11-13 people-xxxx
makes people pursue the OPTION I rat-race towards their peak intellect
their  bottom intellect  and hate that of others/13-Jews...:

Here are some relevant examples showing how everybody strives for the peak intellect under OPTION I and how far they eventually fall from there; me with 9Pp (like the Jewish history) to where I X-am and further, when my X-substance is getting corrupted. Christians should not betray their v-values of Jesus being the 22-Lord, though not of the OPTION I world, but Christianity evolved going above 03-TempleProphets like Francis of Assisi -Popes; most destructive above it. Europe obviously has become the world's 20-PalacePriest with its papal universality. The USA has the persuasive zeitgeist policing role of coping with what is not just 00-symbolically -4 stressful (terror). Switzerland's top is %6-projecting its 03-TempleProphet role (neutrality, Red Cross, good international services) at its best, Donald Trump is y-minimizing the intellectual 02-TempleMasters, he actually triggered the collapse of the intellectual elite's framework. Vladimir Putin as Russian President, tries to keep Russia out of the USA-dominated world, and the Swiss Nationalist in opposition to the political class, Christoph Blocher, leads party to keep Switzerland outside the the blackmailing EU as 20-PalacePriests. On the other side, the bottom level intellect of most people is the therefore hated 13-intellect of the Jewish culture based on the Old Testament. However, the media only drops as far down as the 11-PeoplWorker mentality - having made the French and the Russian revolution possible as well as stirring up pogroms and the Nazi genocides.

In short, in misery, by ignorantly PRE-evoking the fear / hate for the predominantly TRANS-13-lowest ranking intellect, mobbing people to rule them in the name of benevolent-communist-fascist dictatorship becomes possible, and by arrogantly promoting the completive greed for the TRAP-peak intellect, the capitalist opinion driven cannibalization of substance becomes more attractive again towards globalizing misery...

The intellectually greedy simplification results in "too many unqualified chiefs and no Indians"; that is the state "humanists and good people" are lifted up in the Tower of Babel-Syndrome; up to their incompetence, to fall even further into self-destructing hell, first to the

e-end of the peak-intellect driven race for mass-attractivity; on a ZG-zeitgeist ride, never mind ethics, as long as it can be made to appear %1-politically correct with a return on investment (for me, instead of tuning into G5-lifefuflillment) into A-anger, trying to force short-term-promises

p-self-destructive principles instead of "having" to qualify appropriately with your OPTION II. However that short-term thinking entails the risk of eventually falling for the Peter-principle. So more and more people just intellectually learn to no longer be who they X-innately are to get attention (social skills, agitation and rhetoric). It seems to be easier, to hide one's agenda from one's adversaries, which more and more people become to each other, rather than §1-expressing oneself with the (me with the >6 very good for which I am challenged to qualify my existence) oegp-priority. And so humanity becomes G-guilt ridden. Now that making each other guilty has become shamelessly progressively socially compatible, more and more people, thanks to the mobile social media, are less and less

o-open for each other as the last priority of the gepo-intellect, and are rather addicted to the next hype, e.g. literature Nobel prize, the next street- or love parade, to get their shares of clicks and fame, power and influence in evoking an opportune presence (rather than in my case my substantial F9, the basic past with a lifefulfilling future, i.e. with the life-practical overview of the innate laws of lifefulfillment, the real H2-superior order, made operational to accept the TAG-grace to get one's X-being restored) first of all, graceless towards a cash cow - job - a position - a rank under the skirt of the OPTION I pimps / managers / politicians / priests / God's representatives and usurped deputies...


Here is the effective Prescription for setting your mind oegp-straight also for those,
- who always gepo-cry for M-Know-how as an excuse for understanding, e.g. those
- who do not yet walk their talk, say as reborn Christians, such as Judas and Peter & Co.

- who are hooked by magic, NLP- and/or positive thinking and mind p-conditioning practices...

  1. poeg-demean the gepo-priority as in the Old Testament, idolatry, in our day, that is used by misleaders of all ideologies and cults, up to the devil; rightfully

  2. opeg-optimistically towards the oegp-mind set in reshuffling your none eogp-priorities in your one-dimensional mental way of dealing with your trigger - action - reward/consequences - feedback. The Bible talks about separating the p-chaff from the lll-wheat, giving meaning to prophets, allowing judges and kings, and when they all failed to fall under the OPTION I Roman Empire, God in his love for his human Creatures, send Jesus up to resurrection, demonstrating that the OPTION I mindset of intellectuals will not have the last word about HIS H2- superior order.

  3. oepg-optimizing how you deal with your insights in a

  4. oegp-meaningful OPTION II based way. Only then are you beyond comparison by any OPTION I measure stick!

  5. Internalize steps 1-4 in any situation to always get on the oeg-top with qualifying with a p-non dividing judgment other than discerning what HAS no meaning from what IS meaningful

  6. Emergency training: Overcome geo-chaos by goe-transcending it, then ego-meditate on your genuine eog-desires to oeg-consider the oeg-justified requirements for an p-adequate model which supports reestablishing OPTION II.

Human Systems fulfill the relevant options of their substance;
OPTION II can be modeled with relevant open-ended generative principles!
The ZG-zeitgeist makes people dance around its prevailing icons;
in permanently self-destructive ways from to Golden Calf, among others to Stephen Hawking,
as a
science idol; we rather need a sustainably lifefulfilling think-system - here you find it!

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