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The Time has come to overcome the still prevailing intellectual frame work of knowledge work! Its thinking catastrophes evoke the kind of human catastrophes we can no longer afford! And that should be the onset to consider to have the prevailing OPTION I know-ledge work to be reframed by a critical number of people who are fulfilling their tasks with their innate OPTION II conscience!
The capability to experience that, I call soul...

Call for oeg-Action supported by LifeFulfilling Consulting

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Watch the end in the above frame: Give me the distribution of the 24 mindsets in any collective (let them outline the priorities)  and I tell you far more precisely than any socio-logy in what state, and how close it's Group-Spirit and its Directors are to the abyss, and how open to where to go further...

To the degree people are in l-life (o,e,g) practical ways mutually

o-open up discussions with self and/or each other, so you can be perceived/understand in what is relevant to you; to the

e-end of consulting each other in concrete oeg-lifefulfilling ways, conceptually, evolving in creativity about how to best

g-generate flow cooperation based on insights expressed beyond just intellectual but with consciously powerful

p-principles of task-fulfillment that do justice in rationalizing the conscious oeg-experiences in qualified ways in the range of >1 very bad toward what is innately >6 very good, instead of when p is 1st priority, being plll insubstantial, just reactive to things...

they achieve synergy: How come such an obviously live-practical, simple way of understanding Jesus basic about loving others like yourself has in the ZG-zeitgeist's history, been so terribly disrupted in most people's mind? More importantly und now of extreme urgency, how can misleadingly formatted minds be defragmented and updated to the most lifefulfilling oeg-mindset? The is the crucial question to overcome the present Age of Disruption before the point of individual and collective, global NO return! This site provides the necessary answer for YOU as far as it is in YOUR possibilities for a bottom-up L3-reframing of your own mind and that of oeg-good willed people you have sufficient access to. In short, following your oeg-call/vocation makes you immune against being p-divided to be ruled under OPTION I:


The LifeFulfilling CONSULTING Foundation was initially

o-opened up by Swiss-Aussie-Canadian pioneers as a LifeFulfilling Platform where courageous cooperation in synergy become possible following the oeg-call. It entails an educational impulse for inspiration and networking to allow synergy in your own work. In the

e-end of oeg-reframing one's mindset encouragement arises to grow beyond the OPTION I prescribed work-life to the balanced innate self-empowered Life- through Task-Fulfillment:


Where %6-projecting OPTION I confusing prejudices end, understanding between pioneers begins and leads to their flow state in synergy: In view of the real progress the oeg-attitude encourages you too, to...


g-generate living together beyond the OPTION I science-education-management system in its rather pgoe-confusing, gpeo-stubbornly silent, defending its gepo-usurped superiority geop-facing the challenge of taking the next step at the abyss. How come that when it comes to dealing with human systems' lifefulfillment, rather then just mass-attractive behavior formally closed upon themselves wordily, therefore self-destructive

p-principles still prevail over the oeg-call outlined here? And that despite the demonstrated real progress since 1979; OPTION II is barely noticed by the public and is just ignored by the institutions as a threat to its elite's position powers. This proves the point, that our now actually insubstancial, INTER-National socialized collectives are pre-trans-trapt in the OPTION I MATRIX under its curse of the now globally sychronized self-destruction. Typically elite pedagogues want an academic pedagogy which those concerned, children and most of their parents and the responsibly politicians cannot understand, just as before the Reformation, most people could not understand the Latin of priests!

The fact that the B3-path in B4-truth leads to an OPTION II B5-life shows since 1979 that this desirable option is possible despite all OPTION I odds! However, the oeg-path is challenging and requires a lot of oeg-good will open for perceiving the inner flow, willing to allow its expression towards the e-fulfilling end of personally relevant concepts, which allow to g-generate a life of reaching out to still real/OPTION II aware people. This oeg-call also that of your vocation, aims at you too, becoming able to become part of the solution. The challenge is to open-up for the now more necessary than ever, turnaround from OPTION I's conditioned self-destruction towards overcoming the ZG-zeitgeis's hypes to remain focused on one's innate OPTION II fulfillment!

That entails life-long learning which allows and maintains LifeFulfilling Platforms to support synergy and allowing constructive feedback loops with people of all ages and cultural background. Then also innovative educational projects get their deserved meaning rather than its proponents being out-cast! Beyond the prevailing ongoing self-destructiveness, real human beings with geo-good will on LifeFulfilling Platforms, lead to better ways of understanding and relating to each other ready to opeg-optimistically oepg-optimizing learning to oegp-meaningfully express personally relevant inspirations for networking to make OPTION II self-determined courageous cooperation possible with synergy before the point of NO return!

This site provides what is required to relate to your options and to what concerns us all, beyond OPTION I reactions to open up the new fields of OPTION II determined actions. Such are the goals and calls on my oeg-agenda; fitting the norms as a norm, a "human", is not part of it!

Human Systems fulfill the relevant options of their substance;
OPTION II can be modeled with relevant open-ended generative principles!
The ZG-zeitgeist makes people dance around its prevailing icons;
in permanently self-destructive ways from to Golden Calf, among others to Stephen Hawking,
as a
science idol; we rather need a sustainably lifefulfilling think-system - here you find it!

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