A Brief History of Science concerning Human Systems
The literary assault on faith and religion is on the march against
substantiating it as is the focus of lifefulfilling consulting. The
ZG-zeitgeist progression is more than enough to
undermine the claim that we need God in order to be good. Humanity,
though modernizing in technological terms, is
rather falling back from any hopeful moral or social
direction even if the elite of the establishment of
the prevailing mindset agrees that a
settled faith is required for society building of their kind. But among them
you can hardly find any respected scholar of the humanities who still take
seriously now so-called irrational emotions of believers
— nowadays, as science asserts that the notion of a supreme agency
at the origin of things is, in the word the late
Stephen Hawking, a "fairy
story for people afraid of the dark!". The "leading" atheist Dawkinsians
see the human mind as a trophy of their
evolution myth, having emancipated instead of
substantiated the literary historian and novelist, who used to
maintain that existence can only be apprehended as the
workings of the soul as the unshakeable basis for their
ideals of compassion, recognition and love and so
on. In fact ego-centered OPTION I interests come and go like the
nihilistic ZG-zeitgeist obscuring the story
of authentic compassion! In fact
the ZG disrupts any story of continuing human
advance more than ever. Do not expect the human OPTION I
nature to improve in view of humanity's own degenerating history
by a species OPTION I conditioned (obscured as
the protocol of Zion -
summed up in German) for
technological perfection with
a single-minded "humanism" of ruination of its own
habitat! It is all just for the short-terms favor of the ruling
elite with billions of Dollars at their disposition to
divide and rule billions of people and Earth. Their libraries are full
with once-visionary, now forgotten dreams. Thus
their next big thing can rarely be be part of the
solution! Noah was disturbing the group dynamics of the barbarians, those who PREced civilization. They saw him as mad with his endeavor to build an arch to safe life on earth. In our days, Elon Musk aims a making man-made life an Mars possible to that end, having given up the hope for any desirable future for mankind on earth... Moses, unlike his brother Aaron did not have tolerance for whatever people wanted, in favor of God's 10 commandments. In our days, the zeitgeist's disciples can justify every nonsense among others in the name of their cancerous intellectual constructions/TRAP around "human rights" up to inhibiting national states and direct democracy, ultimately against any substantial OPTION II. I know that what I point to here, is considered inferior under OPTION I, of now use, me no right to exist with it, as long as I do not join the dance around the prevailing idols... Jesus in fact the corner stone of TRANScending mankind by initiating the basis of lifefulfilling science and knowledge work, was and still is, the ultimate disturbance of the OPTION I elite that rules earth; according to the Bible, in the name of Satan and the Antichrist. Fully aware of what that means, Jesus started with preaching in the temple in a non %1-politically correct ways, thus coming on the radar of the Pharisees and the scribes. Then he began healing against the norm, which arose critique. On Palm Sunday, traditionally to celebrate the unity of people under the temple rule, people got out of hand and hailed Jesus. However, he did not go along with their pre-tans-trap for which they wanted him as their king - something hardly anybody in the elite would do! That signaled an unacceptable threat to the Pharisees' authority. And so they designed the spin to make Jesus a danger the ruling palace (Pilate). Meanwhile people could be easily instrumentalized into this plot to crucify Jesus to get rid of this ultimate disturbance of the OPTION I system up to our days. And so, presented with the generous alternative to let one perpetrator, a terrorist or Jesus free, people cried "Crucify HIM!" in an act of pseudo-democracy to appease people misused by the palace with the spin of the temple. However, Jesus resurrected to the utter amazement of everybody in the then exclusive OPTION I mind set in which the individual is meaningless, then brutally, now in "civilized" areas, more subtly. This was the onset of the destruction of the evil, bloody, greedy Jewish temple cult. The remaining Wailing Wall is still one of the major trouble source for world peace under OPTION I. This aspect of the Jewish mentality gave rise to all the terrible and indiscriminate prosecution of Jews up to the holocaust and all the wars in the middle east hotspot. However, Jesus left those who understandingly believe in him, the Holy Spirit who at first, on Pentecost updated the mental operating systems of sufficient people to the end that Christianity seemingly globalized. In actual historical fact, Greek philosophy globalized on the back of Christianity as lead science with its thinking catastrophes evoked all the now well know human catastrophes - as predicted in the Bible; the warnings and its critics are there to get us a glimpse of the experience in the coming progression of the ZG-zeitgeist about what is ahead of mankind. According to Prof. Alexander Cain's video,
This already present Age of Distraction, is already embellished in its PRE-TRANS-TRAP/MATRIX as the Age of Amazement. In short, the knowledge work you were brought up, is dead since Nov. 24, 2016. However, already in ancient times it was understood, that there is, what was called a transcendent moral order outside the ego-self, built in the fabric of the universe. Most languages, above all English do not have a proper word for this, but German used to have "Wirklichkeit" i.e. like the laws of nature, the substance (keit) impacting (Wirk) on tangible reality and our lives. If you violate that H2-superior order, obscured as a metaphysical one, there are consequences just as severe as if you ignore physical reality say by placing your hand in a fire. The path of wisdom therefore is to learn to live with the innate causes/nature of reality changes. Philosophy, in fact rather than the desire for B4-truth, the science of how to rule people, mutated such wisdom in developing the wordy idols as ideals of "character", a concept up for redefinition and manipulation. Here are some such words, appealing for humility, compassion, courage, discretion, loyalty up to generalizing psychology and shrinking psychiatry with its nerve-poison cocktails. In post-normality the intellectuals have reversed this. Ultimate H4-Wirklichkeit is now seen not so much as a supernatural order but with a Lego-mentality as part of the real world, in search of "God-particles". Therefore "Wirklichkeit" was mutated by the leading German linguists as synonym to "Realität"/reality; a major thinking catastrophe! Instead of trying to shape M/O; our M-manipulative desires and reality to H4 to fit the relevant O-immutable order of the universe and life, science is still working almost exclusively to control it all to fit OPTION I desires. The ancient wise one's looked at an anxious person and prescribed the necessary, what they called "spiritual character" change. In the present Age of Disruption, humanists, intellectuals and managers, ignorant of the relationship truth of M/O=STRESS<DEATH, instead rather talk about stress-management techniques. Atheists Richard Dawkins, Daniel C. Dennett, and Sam Harris, up to their trend rider Stephen Hawking, assume that science in general, and evolutionary science in particular, maintain that "belief in God" has been made unnecessary and obsolete by science, indulging in such non life-practical discussions and ridiculing and OPTION II as non objective as if they were an assembly of particles with their meaning of life as a physical-chemical one a the President of the Swiss renowned Institute of Technology, Prof. Lino Guzzella put it 2015. Dawkins said very arrogantly that "although atheism might have been logically tenable before Darwin, Dar win made it possible to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist. In his "God Delusion" he goes further, that you cannot be an intelligent scientific thinker and still hold religious belief and that only about 7% of American scientists in the National Academy of Science believe in a personal God. If he means the denotation these very intellectuals have stuffed into the word "God" and the human catastrophes they have evoked with it, he is even right! That is why when people thus use that word, they actually speak of the ZG-zeitgeist and not the Creator of all; what a Pyrrhus victory of Satan/OPTION I, who historically speaking, even according to the Bible, rules the world! So let us look to what remains to deal with real human beings and their systems in a desirable way that ca be applied under almost any circumstance with all the p-principally available methods and technologies. The fist lesson we need to be o-open for from the above, is that all this man-made stuff, as necessary, desirable and appealing it may be to become partially other-determined by it, it can and should not plll-sublimate our OPTION II. It entails remaining o-open for God's Holy spirit, rather than the zeitgeist's self-destructive pre-trans-trapping seductions, and the e-end the former points out in our conscience, so that we learn to g-generate out of our God created X-substance and H2-superior order as Jesus did with his H3-real life. That life was and remains in tune with God's created H4-framework of his H2-superior order; the sole source of H1-justified hope for one's B1-belief in a B2-breakthrough beyond OPTION I's pre-trans-traps, on one's B3-path, which in B4-truth leads to one's B5-life's fulfillment. So here we are with some of the relevant social dimensions in which we better fulfill our relevant inner resources among the 16 possible one's. Parameterizing the former, in the general dimensions of life, with the latter, the 16 inner resources, is the sufficient contribution science should come up to deserve being called "science" in order to support the OPTION II of real human systems to not fall for the 8 dark inner evil voice by which we are tied to the OPTION I MATRIX. Letter based fundamentalist %1-Christians literally hate me for pointing this out, even if according to the bible, the merely written p-code of the scribes taken literally, (o,e,g) insubstantially, according to the zeitgeist's floating denotations, condemns to death (2 Cor 3;6). For many people it is not the exclusivity of Christianity that poses the biggest problem, it is the presence of evil and suffering in the world. And that problem can be resolved in terms of the concepts of OPTION I and II following John 14:12. As the Swiss theologian Karl Barth put it, it was the church/temple organization, not the world, who crucified Christ - and for that matter, all their other horror stories and templates they produced for their hidden agenda up to Karl Marx's "opium for people" to human catastrophes beginning with the thinking catastrophes of philosophy competing with religion through the ages - no wonder, religion was the greatest weapon of mass-destruction and still is one... Trinity, the misinterpreted Christian concept to confuse and mislead people that we have to deal with three "Gods", which above all, Islamists abhor using it to become the Antichrist. However, trinity makes perfect sense if you consider God the Creator of the H2-superior order to which we have access to H4-understand the relevant substance such as the laws of nature and life, relevant to our own B5-life fulfillment. Then Jesus Christ can be seen as the H3-real human existence in tune with the H4-God, having left as the concepts and the living example to oegp-comprehend and make use of a-God's hints in his interest for each and everyone's OPTION II, the Holy Spirit in our conscience. This rightly understood trinity is the basis for any science that deserve that word, and that is how Isaac Newton created the modern concept of physics beyond the papal dogmatism. So there is no more threatening concept to OPTION I and so its fools can be made to cry: "Crucify it!" by its elite. There is no B4-truthful L1-love in and towards the world except the H3-real L1-love by which God loved this Creation in the H3-real Jesus tuned into God's H2-superior order with his H4-understanding of it. What I indicate mentioning this, is that Applied Personal Science#3 APS© entail the relationship truth relevant between real human systems and the Creator, rather than assuming theo-logy; modeling God's mental logic without understanding one's own in the truly evil OPTION I attempt to instrumentalize beyond God's creation and creature, also HIM - a truly ignorant, arrogant way to usurp the lead in human knowledge work! What is the viable use of the kind of corner stones of OPTION II when they are systemically displaced by the OPTION I elite and group spirit directors, among others by disrupting the denotations of the key words to be able to give hierarchical power games the prevailing OPTION I meaning? The signs of what their thinking catastrophes evoke as human catastrophes are on all walls. Isn't it so that the use of everything is ultimately nil without OPTION II life- through task-fulfillment? In short instead §1) of a culture may be o-open
enough to not injure a human being or, through inaction,
allow a human being to come to harm, And consequently, instead of §2) a culture must provide a LifeFulfilling Platform
to the e-end of obeying the
OPTION II of its members, except where such orders would conflict with §1, And beware, instead of §3) a culture, in what it
g-generates, must protect its own existence as long as such protection
does not conflict with §1 and §2, And in analogy to Asimov's laws of robotics §0) of a culture must obey the
p-principle of not injure humanity or, through inaction, allow
humanity to come to destroy its living space and itself, |