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The Time has come to overcome the still prevailing intellectual frame work of knowledge work! Its thinking catastrophes evoke the kind of human catastrophes we can no longer afford! And that should be the onset to consider to have the prevailing OPTION I know-ledge work to be reframed by a critical number of people who are fulfilling their tasks with their innate OPTION II conscience!
The capability to experience that, I call soul...

The making of the New Zeitgeist ICON

Pub Landlord, Al Murray in "Let's Re-Great Britain": "Parliament is a nest of slippery poisonous vipers and only a bonkers, mental idiot would try to make sense of it... This is the greatest country in the world. But we have to be frank: currently we've lost our way. In fact it might be said that we are up Shit Creek without a paddle... . Which makes you wonder what abroad might be like... We have some oft he fattest poor people in the world...  Instead of starving to death they gorge themselves on Chips until their hearts explode. Take pride... Not only that, we have bigger units of measurement than they do in Europe..."

Coping with MEANINGLESS-NESS: Please check My Elevator Pitch to understand this site. It was worked out in my Badenweiler wellness office March 19-22, 2018 after the self-iconized "Lord of the manor" of the Christian Start-up Network in Zürich tried to cast out the content and meaning of my work since 1979 as a disturbance to his group spirit, i.e. of its director's and trend rider's hidden agenda. These people do not care if they thus violate the Swiss Constitution which guarantees the freedom of science, let alone that of opinion and religion. Getting involved with them, you need no further enemies of your OPTION II! They behaved as if their intellectually insubstantially formatted mind by the zeitgeist would still be above the law of the country as in the time of the inquisition. So I left them for a better place, wiping their sand of my shoes to continue my research and identify the actual iconization of the zeitgeist which they were tuned into. Thus they certainly were not on their path which in truth leads to their life's fulfillment as Jesus has made it possible for each and everyone of us with good will to understand. They rather reenacted the intellectual template of the Pharisees and the scribes who had Jesus crucified! In short, beware, I am revealing the antidote to the new icon of science for which

Stephen William Hawking has qualified to oepg-optimizing the new p-zeitgeist's principle of  the disruptive g-generation of separating the wheat/substance from the prevailing chaff/intellect: The real Stephen was born in Oxford on January 8 1942 - as he liked to point out, this was 300 years to the day after the death of Galileo Galilee who was shut-up with his substantial research by the the insubstancial Pope Urban VIII - to inhibit his iconization towards a scientific age beyond the dogmatic one. That pope had come preoccupied with court intrigue and problems of state, and out of anger and fear began persecution of threats to his power. The problem of Galileo's findings for the prevailing dogmata was presented in 1633 to Urban by court insiders and enemies of Galileo, who used to be a friend of that Pope. Galileo was accused of weakness in defending the church which normally would have led to the stake. It took till 1992, 359 years, until Pope John Paul II rehabilitated Galileo, recognizing that he was ahead with the truth. Stephen Hawking was of an entirely different kind; his father was a tropical diseases specialist and his mother a Liberal party activist. With his X-substance of 8Op, he o-opened up for the F8-necessary e-end of L3-reframing pop-science stemming from Einstein's relativity at his time, by g-generating Op, the preparation of the objective of "uniting relativity the quantum physics". He did this as a science-temple priest#00 towards >5 good reasoning p-principles relevant to a new pop-science serving, unlike Galileo, zeitgeist politics. That has meanwhile qualified Stephen Hawking to become the new science idol after Einstein. Like any other before him, the Hawking idol is now set up to serve the ruling palace ideology and its temple-spin to make people dance around the new icon!

Please consider what is required beyond mere technocratic solutions about increasing the application of M-manipulation know-how (requiring E-energy); creating and taking into account appropriate know-why O-orientation (such as c-speed of light, a nuisance of those who, after raping Earth, want to go on to the next planet as they did going from the continent of Europe to that of America) about the lifefulfilling substance of human entities (such as you and me, relationships, teams, organization, institutions, cultures, humanity) for

M / O = STRESS < DEATH (analogue to Einsteins' E/c2=m where undesirable m-matter causing stress)

The deceased Swedish Prof. Hans Rosling demonstrated in his life-long mission to fight devastating O-ignorance among others, that the sophisticated elite of "Davos/WEF" people score worse than chimpanzees about the basic questions of survival. The state of O under OPTION I's "anything but OPTION II goes", points to pessimism, that of M to optimism, and understanding the implication of M/O to Roslins's possibilism (things can be bad, but can also improve), the basis of which I have worked out fully as one of the pillars of the LifeFulfilling CONSULTING Foundation in terms of OPTION I versus OPTION II. In short, it is time to look behind the statistics to the stories of real human beings, and behind those, to their individual, personally relevant oeg-lifefulfilling p-principle (the one out of 144 input-internal state, or the 1728 possible ones accounting also for the output):

YOU, just taken as a "human", pgeo-confused by this world, and confusing your self with a correspondingly conditioned mind, under OPTION I's Social Darwinian survival in the ZG-zeitgeist,...

For me personally, that OPTION I is poeg-meaningless.

... so that you can become an accepted part of a groups's-WE to take a gpeo-firm stand in the group-spirit's pre-trans-trap, to be part of pre-trans-trapping in view of the...

That arises opeg-OPTIMISM in me to overcoming such OPTION I thinking-catastrophes!

... OTHERS outside the group, to feel gepo-superior against them by cursing and belitteling them as for instance the German Nazi as hyped-Arians typical for such other-determined, iconzed people did seeing...

That makes me oepg-optimize the available think-systems with OPTION II

...THEMSELVES, with seemingly SELF-determined opinions to face the geop-challenge of enmity and go for it up to war and worse...

I rather give oegp-meaning to the available options of o-opening them up to the e-end of the consequences when g-generating with them, before I make up my p-mind. 

And YOU?

Threefold is the flow of time allowing OPTIMIZING concepts...

  1. The p-past thinking-catastrophes of OPTION I have so far been %6-projected in the name of the two past science icons, Darwin and Einstein, to make people eternally silent in the ?0-illusionary evolution which makes every entity have to *3-survive as relative to the zeitgeist, unless you recognize and overcome what is a meaningless, trauma/collective archetype, which otherwise disrupt your §3-integrity...

  2. Hesitantly, unless you make an impact with your optimistic OPTION II, the f-future is now evoked by the actual icon of science, since March 14. 2018, that the deceased Stephen Hawking is turned into.

  3. The n-now, without you optimizing the understanding of your experience, flows away more and more from any OPTION II in a self-destructive flash in a world, that is reinvented by the media every day anew towards downloading biological, X-substantial life into man-made insubstancial virtuality of mainstream models of hype enhanced feasible, physical-chemical/neurological processes, that are supposed to reveal the meaning of life...

The 20 Steps of putting the actual science icon on its pedestal
above all among others by the Financial Times which to begin with put the relevant tag of "Age of Disruption" on the actual age. I have identified the onset of it as the collapse of the intellectual OPTION I mindset which occurred Nov. 24, 2016. Now Stephen Hawking is set up to symbolize, beyond Jesus Christ, the ability of the human spirit to rise above severe physical disability. Thus he provides the ideal icon towards replacing biological life. Similarly Jesus on the cross provided the ideal icon towards the self-destructive mankind of our days...

Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the worldwide web, tweeted: “We have lost a colossal mind and a wonderful spirit. Rest in peace, Stephen Hawking." The US astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson wittily summed up Hawking's scientific legacy: “Think of it as a kind of vacuum energy permeating the fabric of space-time that defies measure", referring to Stphen's skills in communicating complex cosmological concepts to the general public.

Here are the 20 steps by which the new pgeo-zeitgeist icon
challenges oegp-MEANING GIVING


From the point of view of the Creator, humans are meant to o-open up to HIS e-end foreseen for them with their OPTION II. However, the serpent suggested to eat the p-fruits of the tree of OPTION I knowledge instead, to intellectually enable them to g-generate their own, man-made e-end, which in itself, without the H2-Creator's superior order to be H4-understood, M/O converges towards the self-destructing p-principle of OPTION I ! Above all even Popes admitted, the Vatican is not safe from the disrupting p to walk around right in it with all the clergy, the Swiss Guard and Sant' Angelo's Fortress - only a substantial oegp-mindset these sites are aiming at, IS!

  1. pgeo-Confusion: Stephen Hawking emerged as a leading popularizer in 1988 with the publication of "A Brief History of Time". It became the best-selling science book ever written, and is positioned as having changed our world view (not mine). Some say it is the most bought and least read science book of all time. Although his disability made writing a slow and laborious process, he went on to produce several other popular books, including "Black Holes" and "Baby Universes" (1993) and "The Universe in a Nutshell" (2001). Hawking’s self-proclaimed intellectual goal was strikingly ambitious: Complete understanding of the universe, why it is as it is and why it exists at all." He managed to make important contributions to many of the big issues in cosmology, particularly the unification of the two great theories of 20th-century physics: relativity and quantum mechanics but without solving any real riddle und with no experimental verification so far. In my Ph.D. I made the synthesis between the relevant aerodynamics and quantum theory, and verified it in a doubly ionized Argon Plasma slug at Mach 40 in a double diaphragm shock tube. Afterwards an artist came to make fancy picture with the interferometer I used as the plasma diagnostic tool. After Einstein, in pop science everything became relative, with Hawkins, meaningless with his attempt to defy God with science as if quantum physics had overcome the life experience of the material world with its statistical quantities in the sub-atomic realm. Hawkins projected that black holes are not just a bizarre theoretical concept, but play an important role in the evolution of the universe - as in the head of scientists. At the same time, he emerged as an immensely popular lecturer and scribe who could fill any auditorium with fans eager to hear his elegant voice-synthesized account about the cosmos. He enthused thousands of young people for research. There was also annoyance — or perhaps jealousy - from some colleagues about the way he increasingly grabbed public attention by speaking out on issues about which he had no special expertise, only...

  2. gpeo-Firmness: As an example of his intellectual Op#00 science temple#-priest#0 role, Hawking was convince of the existence of aliens but warned of attracting their attention because they might be malign as the conquers were to aboriginals. These pop scientists assume evolution as the driving force and aliens to be scientifically far more advanced than us. So why should they be more malign? Could it be such evolutionists unconsciously understand that evolution as such can only be self-destructive according to the 2nd law of thermodynamics as well as every historical and experimental account i.e. the more ideologies of that kind in science, the more it becomes a curse to mankind! To sustain the Vatican's superior role in history, Pope Urban II used Crusades to keep his knights from mutual self-destruction, which undermining his authority anyway. Then the European "Christianity" brutally colonized all other continents, e.g. Columbus greedy for gold to finance the wars at home! Napoleon wasted more than 5 million lives to create a European Empire, Hitler 10 times more to gain more Jew-free living space for his "Arian race", Lenin, Stalin Mao & Co. wasted some 3 times more lives and nature than Hitler, to establish the "Evil Empire" with a global ideology to replace the Christian one. Meanwhile, the zeitgeist's high tech globalization has speeded up people to rape themselves and the planet, getting ready to expand as a malign life form into the universe with a sense of...

  3. ogpe-Superiority: The Financial Times sums it up: “What a triumph Hawking's life has been. His name will live in the annals of science; millions have had their cosmic horizons widened by his best-selling books; and even more around the world have been inspired by a unique example of achievement against all the odds - a manifestation of amazing willpower and determination." But what has that got to do with you and your live and our present Age of Disruption with a decreasing horizon of people about themselves and their OPTION II? Tim Harford, the Financial Times undercover economist tries to reveal Hawking's secret for his mass-attractivity, subtly presenting it as the template for the new %1-politically correctness for science under OPTION I with the...

  4. ogep-Challenge: Do not patronize your audiences, e.g. do not pretend you have an understanding of some relevant substance beyond "human" %5-manipulation and the prevailing %1-politically correct %6-projetions. Instead presented complex issues with a sense of humor, e.g. pre-trans-trapping the real issue so that the hypes about it fit into the ZG-zeitgeist, never mind what is essentially necessary, or beware, sufficient to cope with with L2-timely exchange of project-oriented competence, i.e. with synergy, before the point of no return (from loosing one's soul, home, others, and environment, death - an experiential video of "All is lost"). By science now following Hawking's template, making media-pop-science a sign that the intellectual elite respects people's intelligence to keep people engulfed under OPTION I to divide them from their real self to be able to go on ruling them easily. So most of the elite do not need not grasp everything about the Hawking icon to rule by it, as long as they are made to believe, they are better off for going along with his hypes about it all. When making people feel as pop scientists, then it does not matter too much if they can’t follow all the proper arguments. As long as they feel they can get the flavor of the intellectual quest of the zeitgeist to better being able to pretend they are riding it too and get their share of mass-attractivity in discussions as did Stephen Hawking with issues he was not an expert in, the OPTION I MATRIX remains formally closed, i.e. self-destructive in the service of the ZG-zeitgeist! But he also came to the now mostly unmentioned, %1-politically no longer correct, thou obvious conclusion for an oegp-good-willed mind, that the odds against a universe like ours emerging out of something like the Big Bang are enormous, and he then, before he was an the go to become the new science icon, dared to express that there are clearly religious implications. "It would be very difficult to explain why the universe would have begun in just this way except as the except as the act of God who intended to create beings like us."

  5. Under OPTION I: Facts alone cannot not dispel misinformation, therefore it remains easier to pollute the stream of conversation with ?0-illusions and rhetorical hypes#0, even about hard science#1 and statistics, let alone human systems! This way people are inhibited on their B3-path to stand up for the B4-truth that leads to their own B5-life's fulfillment! This actually 8 dark evil inner voices make people fall for a socially compatible OPTION I right- or left-wing way to hypes, that distort challenging ideas - as the story of Peter, Jesus' like to be deputy disciple, shows, when after crucifixion the rooster crowed three times and the supposed. He was then qualified to get iconized as the "rock upon which the church was to built", the Vatican which turned into the philosophical quick sand of the zeitgeist...

  6. Intellectual Humanities: Based not just on Hawking's example, but above all the "humanities" with all its insubstantiality, thinking-catastrophes, category errors and non-sequiturs*, realize that real or pretended, mental or physical disabilities attract the ZG-zeitgeist's attention! In Hawking's case, there is much more going on than the spectacle of a brilliant mind of science in a malfunctioning body, or science in a university context with its courtly science temple set-up of peer reviews in mutual admiration societies...
    *e.g. Karl Marx's idea about the best way to view the world and people in it was, after the pre-trans-traps of the Vatican's dogmata, the nobilities' power games, then the capitalists' greed, was through that of the prism of Economics based on the outdated data he consulted. His ignorant hope was that Economics world explain how it all works and unfolds and that it would provide the answer to the present and how the future would work out with his kind of Marxism. With such -isms trend speakers try to ride the zeitgeist, or in case of Hitler sublimate their traumata, most philosophers, too lazy and ignorant to think substantially, while in fact all of that is the problem they pretend to be the solution with- in case of Marxism, leaving over 100 Million killed and many more wasted lives, more than any other evil empire, including Hitler's 3rd Reich before...

  7. Science: Substantial, unlike hype-pseudo-pop science demands conscious concentration towards synergy with what is essential! Hypes do the opposite, they disrupt any innate tuning into what is substantial in view of anything else to go, national culture towards the zeitgeist's Inter-National socialismThat is why Hawking cracked a joke about hairy black holes, so that the audience would all be back ready for another attempt to be enthused by his intellectual heights. But where is the physics, where is the substance in such science temple like performances - let alone modeling of the created substance of real human systems, rather than fishing for zeitgeist compliments...?

  8. Hubris: Hawking's statement: “My goal is simple, it is a complete understanding of the universe, why it is as it is and why it exists at all..." under the premise: "Never mind if God the Creator (verses 12-31) exists or not, and whether there is proof of either, he can now be replace by his type of science!" him and his disciples, express the out-casting of the source with mere curiosity what they can themselves g-generate as an e-end, in ignorant arrogance they aim to g-generate replacing Creation with man-made p-principles rather than modeling the Creator's H2-superior order. Correspondingly this kind of science talks about the actual Age of Disruption which begun on Nov. 24, 2016, as the "Age of Amazement"...

  9. Mass Psychosis: That sort of fig leave curiosity is contagious up to mass-psychosis as earlier on, social Darwinism. This insight into how his work was iconized, made Darwin say at the end of his life: "It seems to me that I committed a murder!" But his icon made most people want to join its rat race for mass-attractive answers, i.e. hypes, rather than o-opening up for what leads to a truly desirable e-end unlike the rockers of the basis of OPTION I systems! Based on what they got conditioned to by scribes who claim to know the published opinions of their preferred peers are about to divide to rule the group spirits to become their directors! The of the challenge of science worth that tag, is to first of all o-open-up for understanding the relevant H2-immutable superior order, beginning with the content-free#1laws of nature, ecology up to what this site is about, the inner relationship truth of real human systems to the e-end of g-generating their fulfillment! Contrary to the present, reverse geo-science, according to the iconized Darwin is misusing evolution of everything, the iconized Einstein, for relativity of everything, never mind that he he said: "God does not thrown the dice!" The dead Hawking, is now iconized to make the zeitgeist's knaves g-generate the e-end of o-opening to what has meaning. To the contrary, this site is about o-opening up for giving meaning to what has in the e-end meaning as a g-generated, created substance by modeling its p-principle to do justice to help fulfilling real human's life with their innate OPTION II...

  10. Conflict: The hype to prevent such meaning is pointing out that Hawking, unlike some public intellectuals, was not very interested in conflict for the sake of it as the economist Paul Krugman and the biologist Richard Dawkins are pointed to as instructive contrasts to Hawking. So even brilliant communicators, that often present their ideas as a battle between wisdom and stupidity, or Churchill, between good and evil are pgeo-demeaned. But who wins, when nobody has §3-inegrity anymore and stands up for it to not disrupt an seemingly no conflict pre-trans-trapped society as above all Jesus did? The zeitgeist, biblically speaking Satan to rule the world! And that is why the OPTION I's humanities have organized a now globally indoctrinated prejudice about each still real human system with its OPTION II. There is ample proof of it for whoever has still eyes to see and ears to hear! The prejudice I rightly get in terms of OPTION I, is of course, "inferior"! Donald Trump's is being familiar with OPTION I trickery - after all he beat Hillary Clinton, the fallen OPTION I icon by beating more successfully the drum of her being a bag of excuses...

  11. Scapegoat: However, when you you have a nobler than the TRAP OPTION I cause, and dare to TRANScend the former, you are tempting to pursue it in an antagonistic way as Jesus did by provoking the temple's scribes. However, the sophisticated evil one's, beginning with the serpent in paradise lure people into their TRAP with mass-attractive spin. Thus the former, challenging one's can be easily be put in the same basket as primitive baddies, PREceding the TRAP's culture, to have the people mob them, crying "Crucify him!". The elite need to arouse that, for TRANS is a greater danger to them as the TRAP's spirit directors than its PREceding-terrorists of the kind of the one who was pardoned instead of Jesus to be crucified as a pox on the elite's "humanities". Those who stand for their human rights to be protected from the TRAP getting lowered into tolerance for PRE-anything goes, are now called populists as if all of them were Nazi.

  12. PRE-TRANS-TRAP: It works, at first like a Damocles sword over people to make them give up their OPTION II, under the OPTION I TRAP. If you call out your opponents as fools, knaves, or even as having a transmissible mental disease, you enthuse your own supporters who suffer under them. That make some no longer going along with people's mainstream pre-trans-trap as did Jesus on Palm Sunday when he chickened out from the mob wanting him as their OPTION I king. In this power g-generating game the popes up to Hitler were grandmasters of pre-trans-trapping their mob to serve their hidden agendas! But in the e-end, when every issue becomes a matter of tribal loyalty that wins few new converts, towards the mafia, world wars and genocide when the consequences become o-open on all walls...

  13. Age of Disruption: So to settle any unrest about the geo-evilness of pre-trans-traps, the humanities define humans as pre-trans-trappers; social creatures! Given a choice between being right on a partisan question (abortion, guns, Brexit, globalization, climate change) in view of disagreeing views, most people are by now conditioned to be rather wrong and stay in the tribe. This becomes clear in surveys of views on climate change; college-educated Republicans and Democrats are further apart on the topic than those who are less educated! That reveals a lack of a critical number of people's#1 prophets#3 as I intellectually, like some 10% are, as well as that of the traditional basis of Jewish religion! Where ever that is prosecuted, it has lead to another Age of Disruption, the present one embellished by science temple#0 priest#0 like Hawking, as an Age of Amazement after all the pogroms against the 10% with an intellect#13, of serving#1 real people with lifefulfilling insights#3 and models towards LifeFulfilling Platforms. This is evoked#00 by the former on the top of the intellectual chicken ladder that still determine hierarchies which out-cast the lowest rank#13 with which 10% of all people point beyond OPTION I hypes, towards on relevant H4-understanding of substance beginning with that of nature#1; its laws up to that for personally relevant lifefulfillment#3. Just think in which culture that had any meaning...

  14. Virtualization: With Hawking as the new science idol the goal is to persuade people, that the curiosity-driven, evil geo-confusing approach works better than the conflict-driven one, thus throwing out the oeg-child of meaning giving with the prevailing geo-hypes - if necessary with the total virtualization of humanity by those who are in control of its "nervous system", IBM, Microsoft, Facebook (supposedly know who you are), Google (supposedly know what you want) & Co. organizing mass-attractivity with the Internet of people up to that of things as the measure of it all. But who can understand, what your are really her for to fulfill your life with - I can, the oegp-way, contrary to the pgeo-way of those who claim it under OPTION I in religions, the arts and the humanities and their organized pre-trans-trappingly cultivated prejudice! Their self-fulfilling evidence towards disruption to rule, suggests like Hawking, that curious people are less subject to the temptations of partisanship - and more to sell their soul to the zeitgeist. When the national conversation becomes polarized, trend speakers now evoke Hawking's meaningless geo-curiosity approach about how things work, to avoid any them-and-us tribalism, e.g. INTERNATIONAL-, rather than just NATIONAL-socialism stemming from the God-Devil approach of the past misuse of the Christian basis in religions to rather format culture philosophically to inhibit people from becoming o-open for the source, the Creator and the to be fulfilled X-substance HE has created for each and everyone of us.

  15. Stephen Hawking the idol: His robust political views help making him the new zeitgeist idol! He criticized the UK health secretary Jeremy Hunt for cherry-picking evidence on the National Health Service and spoke out against Brexit. But after the referendum he went the other way, he continued to argue in favor of mutual understanding and solving problems together, rather than dismissing voters as ignorant - see (1).

  16. INTER-NATIONAL-socialism: Its experts want to persuade us to wrap our minds around issues made complex beyond understanding what is covered up with hypes in their way they need to get us to abandon conscience in favor of cynicism towards what disturbs their mutual admiration societies's comfort zones/TRAPS. The most recognizable scientist on the planet, now Hawking also understood that insults do not work. Instead, he treated people and students with respect and fired their enthusiasm for his new meaningless world view...

  17. Pop-Science with its category errors and non-sequiturs: Hawking used to g-generate towards the e-end of his lecture, after a difficult discussion of quantum effects near the boundary of a black hole, simpler, rather pop-Christian ideas like: “If you feel you are in a black hole, don’t give up. There is a way out." This way students got addicted to o-open up for more of the same zeitgeist hypes...

  18. OPTION I Experts: Make statements any teenager could hold on to, like with the fame that they thus get, as well as Hawking by himself, who under the burden of an apparently unbeatable illness of which normally people die within two years, he is not portrait as having had such a rich life for another 50 years, topping the prevailing medical opinions of the experts - thus rightly qualified as an icon, according to Hawking's self-fulfilling prophecy, replacing the Vatican's definition power of who is holy, with media-pop-science...

  19. Intellectual Collapse: So holiness>iconizing can be used to throw out the baby/substance with the bathwater of the zeitgeist trends to exemplify that people have had enough of former experts so they cheer the new kings of expertship, now the Hawking icon. So in the Age of Disruption, the former, now PRE-experts with their hidden agendas like in politics, and in the end aiming at TRANS-ones, beginning with Jesus, who based on substance, challenge people to understand the evil nature of the OPTION I TRAP are to be taken from their pedestal, before people begin to fulfill their OPTION II. Stephen Hawking fitted into neither bracket, so as a science temple#0 priest#0 of the New Age of Science he is now %6-projected as the new icon after his death to replace Einstein.

  20. Albert Einstein: With his X=6Be, a people#1 master#2, after Charles Darwin, who unwillingly introduced the pop-science hype of social Darwinism which was fulfilled by Stalin-Hiter-Mao & Co., up to the 3rd Reich and the Evil Empire, Einstein Be-established the scientific bases for man-made atomic fusion and fission up the the atom bombs who helped ending World War II by the "right" side, and the hydrogen bombs, who froze further excesses of social Darwinism in the Cold War. However, since that no longer works due to North Korea and Iran, and the disruption of the proliferation treaty, the Age of Disruption had to come and did on Nov. 24, 2016 to disrupt humanity away from the super power towards smaller gangster syndicates where every one can black mail every one else. This has disrupted the smoke screen for globalization of the geo-ideology of the "humanities", which has empowered discussing every substantial entity (real human beings' up to national states') towards meaninglessness.

Watch how Switzerland is disrupted to join the trend of getting rid of its substance; the last Mohican of direct democracy, a stepping stone like you with your OPTION II for the zeitgeist, is now be displaced in favor of "disrupt and rule" in favor of that devil's p-principle over mankind, even if in fact the former, the understanding of real people provides the corner stone for a desirable future!

Donald Trump poeg-demeans Kim Jong-un as an atom bomb man, an attitude the later pgeo-confuses. Donald seeks ways to maintain opeg-optimism to getting rid of Kim, while the latter thinks he can gpeo-remain firm in his position as North Koreas landlord blackmailing the world with his unbeatable potential to disrupt his enemies. That forces Donald to oepg-optimize all the more options on the table and Kim to gepo-face that challenges resorting to China, as his enemies enemy - the kind of disruptive mixture of our actual age to which the OPTION I world has now converged into seemingly beyond anybody's responsibility, beyond its prevailing intellectual mindset as the source of all those thinking-catastrophes obscuring the relevant parameters to overcome the otherwise unavoidable final human catastrophe before the point of NO return: Beware of pgeo-"Rumpelstilzchens"!

Will Donald and Kim related bp-y Existentially Synergy- or IS/h Hate-Coded that is the question for 2018 which should can and should be answered with the LifeFulfilling CONSULTING Foundation' parameters relevant for their relationship! But let's begin with what I can do for your relationship... 

The pgeo OPTION I world is now in the Age of Disruption; close to point of NO return from self-destruction, unless a critical number of real people giving oegp meaning to fulfilling their OPTION II. So when it comes to the e-end, the pgeo chaff will be separated from the oegp wheat by all the coming OPTION I disruption; challenging your OPTION II...


Human Systems fulfill the relevant options of their substance;
OPTION II can be modeled with relevant open-ended generative principles!
The ZG-zeitgeist makes people dance around its prevailing icons;
in permanently self-destructive ways from to Golden Calf, among others to Stephen Hawking,
as a
science idol; we rather need a sustainably lifefulfilling think-system - here you find it!

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