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The Time has come to overcome the still prevailing intellectual frame work of knowledge work! Its thinking catastrophes evoke the kind of human catastrophes we can no longer afford! And that should be the onset to consider to have the prevailing OPTION I know-ledge work to be reframed by a critical number of people who are fulfilling their tasks with their innate OPTION II conscience!
The capability to experience that, I call soul...

APS vs. ART; Understanding versus Appearance
understanding lifefulfillment versus dominating by demeaning towards confusion to convince

This site has been worked out after the 16th mastermind workshop since 2015
aiming at making OPTION II life-practical:

If you learn about the
- one "letter" p "in the OPTION I world 's "critical parent" ART, that which is not LIFE, and
- in growing up understanding of the three "letters" oeg of personally relevant # 3 life,
you are at the crossroad where the choice is between
  • one of the 23 mindsets converging on wasting your life as an adapted child's with p-principal other-determined appearance in the zeitgeist of the seeming others...


  • fulfilling your "oeg-natural child" i.e. your appropriate X-inner substantially o-open e-ended g-generative p-lifefulfillment principle.

To oegp-be, or, not to be, just simply p-appearing in one of the possible other 23 mindsets (at best plll-demeaning, lpll-optimistic - llpl-optimization with lll other than oeg-demanding p-principles) to unavoidably end-up in apathy after pretending to be empathic with all the others, that is the question:

To appear ^1 (table below, going up) not to be, means attempting to subdue Creation towards templitis, e.g. dis-, then replacing Creation with its laws of nature by a man-made, self-generated p-personal-neutral word seemingly possible in virtuality. Your are still being incarnated in a biological body, but be aware, there are increasing investments towards cybots, cyborgs and robots, outsourcing living entities with bioreactors (high-tech cows) by units simply no longer Creature-, but p-program-based. With this ultimate subduing, rather cannibalizing of Earth, what remains needs no Creator not even a man-made god anymore, spin will do better. Appearance Art began in caves, then in temples up to embellishing palaces and their rulers. Now user interfaces and apps are enhanced together with ads, marketing and spin. This begun on the walls of ancient heathen Egypt temples. Now all that together with high tech has paved anything goes paths, that require no truth that lead to life anymore, e.g. the Antichrist's evolution of mutating/disrupting any substance in discussions' and markets' selection of what what may survive/still get attention, and what not; sorted out by this kind of evolution! This innately fascist approach introduced by Lenin-Stalin-Hitler-Mao-Madison Avenue Marketing & Co.'s first global experiments have solidifying the OPTION I MATRIX, positioned as the purest and highest form of social Darwinism by philosophers! It always ends in apathy; being insubstantial, formally closed upon itself, in its thus unavoidable self-distractive dynamic. Its soulless empathy before the point of NO return is supposed to leave the ruling elite in a kind of mass-attractive peace so they can go about their business as so far usual, leaving a bit more aware people in the waiting room for doomsday. It begins with mobbing people with an oegp-mindset such as the Old Testament Prophets - Jews up to some kind of Holocaust.

People being tempted into trying to dominate their other-determinedness indiscriminately are separated from what they can do, and what needs to be understood. Thus embedded in disrupting insubstantial prejudices they think about anything to go. By getting used to this approach they degenerate into an insubstantial work of art in apathetic empathy with the zeitgeist. In those terms you can only have social Darwinian, content-free relationships! In this OPTION I  web of necessary category errors, non-sequiturs and lies; spin, you become part of the problem of disrupting each other, as below, so above, in the present globally synchronized Age of Disruption.

Switzerland, 1467-1481, for example was about to become disrupted by the zeitgeist. The picture to the left shows a group discussing their >1 very bad polarized situation; each of the sitting ones is depicted with a devil jumping out of his mouth. To the left, the standing up Nicholas of Flue, a respected citizen, is asked (like Jesus on Palm Sunday by the mass) to be the Group Spirit Leader. Seeing all the >1 devils springing from their hidden agendas, he declined 1467, and became a ascetic hermit turning to what is >6 very good, God and his superior order. Fourteen years later, he had gained the inner strength, to prevent an otherwise probably erupting civil war in which the Swiss Federation from 1291 might have fallen apart and back under the control of the "Holy" German Empire. However, before 1798 that confederation, lacking a substantial and uncorrupted leader, their arrogant elite corrupted by the French court's glory, the human disaster of becoming part of the Napoleonic Empire happened 1798-1812 after a shameful defeat.  The Napoleon was at his critical point to rise. Then the Swiss still had had the power, had they stayed in their substance with integrity as was David confronted with Goliath, in  World War II, the Swiss General Guisan, the first Swiss Confederation could have prevented Napoleon with the more than 5 million dead his world wide wars cost und instead renewed themselves as they did 1847-48.  That is what the Swiss were still able to do with Charles the Bold of the then European superpower Burgundy in 1467. That victory seduced the Swiss political elite to expand into the defeated Burgundy, greedily betraying their substance. But in 1481 Nicholas of Flue challenged them towards neutrality, instead of joining the European madness right up until 1945. That has kept Switzerland out of Europe's worst, 1991 from the EU thanks to Christoph Blocher against a still fame and empire greedy Swiss Classe Politiqué and their insubstantial scribes and spin doctors, having learnt nothing from history! When I realized the, it pissed me off so much, that in 1986, I went into exile in Australia for a couple of months...


OPTION II versus OPTION I growth path

Here are the options people have to overcome undue other-determinedness

"critical parenting"
under OPTION I:
... demean* OPTION I

"growing up"
to keep optimism to

"adapted child"
to insubstantial spirits!
optimize the possible,

"natural child"
substantially facing the
OPTION II challenge...

PRE-TRANS-TRAP ==> denotational spin- carrot vvv  >door of heaven and give meaning to:
Life- through Task-Fulfillment by
TRANScending traps
resurrecting to
with or without the opinions of others...
dominate by demeaning apathy - collapse
TRAP closed systems
...and PRE-stick:
Divide and Rule
point of NO return vvv:
v2 other-determined ^11.
opening up with

enduring ==>
^^^ Manipulation
experience what is below the OPTION I world

* The B5-truth about the H2-superior order sets you free to H4-understand your OPTION II;
  that is what this site based on Applied Personal Science#3 APS© is all about!

On the other  hand, v2 going below pego-limiting pgoe-materialism and its pgeo-confusion, geo-choosing the OPTION II with increasing p-awareness gpeo-gepo-geop up to oeg-LifeFulfilling Platforms, where life is p-demanded and encouraged in the appropriate personally relevant#3 way. Thus, the person in charge of his or her life is solely responsible for o-openness aiming towards an e-end of g-generating his/her life in the context of what the Creator has provided with other Creatures; in an understanding harmony with the superior order of inanimate nature and in that of lifefulfillment.

Since you are not free of the consequences of what you give meaning to, it is wise to oeg-understand your OPTION II as the first priority before going along with the sheople's man-made p-principle, and before ignorantly wanting to master the universe with everything and everyone else with the arrogance your position in the zeitgeist allows. So one should, before projecting and insisting on just any man-made p-principles, first be o-open for the experience of what one's life's e-end/ goal / purpose is about, before one can g-generate its fulfillment! And that even if a fulfilling life is associated with having to overcome the temptation and suffering caused by the stumbling blocks of the OPTION I world! The main thing is to keep your soul's ability to under-stand your experience and the cornerstones pointing to your OPTION II, which on your path point to the truth which guide you to fulfilling the meaning of your life - please

consider how you really deal with art and lifefulfillment in view of the

  • confusion in the man-made world, in your life and in you...
  • stubbornness / political correctness in you, your fellow human beings, at work, in politics...
  • superiority claims, hidden agendas and hierarchies...
  • challenges in your life and by the world...

with what you have mentally available:

Language#0 allowing to divide and rule#2 to get compliance#1; virtualization, programming cuneiform - hieroglyphs - symbols, phonetic transcription (literature, bestsellers, sermons. lectures) - analogies - mathematics - models - symbols digitalization towards outsourcing the bio- to the psycho-political-logical life, OR to fulfill your essential, bio-logically incarnated X-being in your life on earth...

The emotional swarm "intelligence" at the point of NO return...

... at the "door of heavens", where ogep-transFORMations have become possible, starting with discussions, the reFORMulation of opinions, is now faster and faster. Before you have any chance to fulfill anything, the zeitgeist thus inhibits oegp-understanding! Instead IT mutates one's thinking towards escalating ogpe-confrontations such as it exists in the Middle East, to do do justice to the Age of Disruption we are in. Instead of progressing with oge dealing with mere re-forms, towards the oeg inner growth possible with following up the oeg-meaning which those new forms point to, say after the reFORMation, which the letters of the Bible encouraged the reformers to make, p-corruption still misleads people. Their world is full of ogpe-confronting each other in this collective archetype of avoiding understanding more than evil. That is how the terrible 30-year war from 1416-48 mutated over the following centuries into the two horrid World Wars. The OPTION II more desirable alternative to the self-destructive OPTION I's emotional swarm "intelligence" of letting philosophers and scribes organize insubstantial prejudicial opinions in the name of humanist science, is to 222-internalise transformed e-ends' insights gained on the B3-oge-path of the human cultural life of adapting to forms of expression to do justice to the content and its meaning based on the understood B4-truth about how to proceed with oeg-personally relevant B5 life's p-principal fulfillment. That is how Jesus proceeded above all was walking his talk in the garden of Gezehmane! When he was arrested, his disciple Peter rather egpe-confronted the temple police, by drawing his sword to cut off one man's ear. However, Jesus o-open to his unavoidable e-end of fulfilling his life on Earth, g-generated what was still possible in accordance with God's p-principles, to heal the soldier on the spot. That was the last proof to those concerned and a warning that they should not fall beyond this point of NO return into the vortex towards man-made aphatic hell. Later, after Jesus crucifixion, when the rooster crowed three time, Peter again ogpe-confronted those who challenged him. That time rather than with brute force, but instead  intellectually cursing Jesus and denying he was his disciple, or even knew him, instead of making the people in a pub oegp-understand, what he had pretended to have understood when he was around Jesus to become his favorite.

This sequence of actions, actually what I outlined above is typical for the humanities. For their purpose Peter became the rock upon which the Vatican was built with the same historical antichrist behavior of the popes when challenged by reFORMation - stirring up crusades, reacting with inquisition and century long terrible religious power games and wars; both Catholics and Protestants up to our time, with not better, recently rather a worse understanding of the content and meaning of the Bible with their rather intellectual polarizing interpretations of pre-trans-trapping OPTION II! The reformers became part of mass-murder - Martin Luther for about 70'000 farmers who wanted to be better understood and respected, with all that entailed. Not daring to understand OPTION II, as Leonardo da Vinci dared about the human body, all the famous reformer also quickly reacted out of fear for losing worldly control. This is typical for people, who just pretend to have understood; when challenged, their fake-truth web of lies collapses! With a p-shift to the left they drop their mass-attractive mask and spin used to side-track people to pay their bills for maintaining and cultivating their hidden agenda as the elite and openly misuse their "worldly positions in their 'temples' and 'palaces'. In awe of that glory, most people, above all the elite itself, easily sacrifice their seemingly achieved heavenly e-end (Peter at one point, wanted to get a seat next to Jesus in heavens and got it in history instead) in fear of the world's OPTION I pre-trans-traps. Then insubstantial sinners, would rather be corrupted by a more opportune OPTION I p-principle; among other examples we have the Titanic sinking and in the Fukushima atomic reactor disaster, where, with a carrot and a stick, the controllers were bribed to fake their reports to please management...

Human Systems fulfill the relevant options of their substance;
OPTION II can be modeled with relevant open-ended generative principles!
The ZG-zeitgeist makes people dance around its prevailing icons;
in permanently self-destructive ways from to Golden Calf, among others to Stephen Hawking,
as a
science idol; we rather need a sustainably lifefulfilling think-system - here you find it!

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