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The Time has come to overcome the still prevailing intellectual frame work of knowledge work! Its thinking catastrophes evoke the kind of human catastrophes we can no longer afford! And that should be the onset to consider to have the prevailing OPTION I know-ledge work to be reframed by a critical number of people who are fulfilling their tasks with their innate OPTION II conscience!
The capability to experience that, I call soul...

Responsibility for one's self-determined Life-Fulfillment

We all try to manage ourselves and at our wits' end, others; more or less conscious of the §2-purpose and the consequences on our life's B3-path. We hardly get effective support from each other or the culture we are in;  IT wants to manage us in the ZG-zeitgeist by conditioning us to adapt to the ZG's trend, sacrificing our X-substance as an individual human being, despite being created to fulfill its innate X-self.

My Self-Management

This Self-Management of mine, in the above 5 steps (1-2 as necessary, 3-4 as sufficient), aims at giving an example of reFORMing my oeg-lifefulfilling mindset beyond the geo-self-destructive OPTION I attitude to life.

The purpose is to demonstrate the options I can support you in with

My Other-Management

specifically to support you to reFRAME your mindset when plll stuck, under OPTION I, by identifying where you still use outdated p-principles, and where that make you p-principally other-determined, turned away from your OPTION II meant life, in a state of

  • a geo-dead end (Inquisition) then I can provide you with the concepts to help o-open up your actual mindset, with my innate F9 function of pointing to that part of your past, which will  still allow a desirable future! This is meant to help you see the goe-possibilities to face your challenge by taking the risk of g-generating an o-opening for a more desirable e-end of your life - without getting stuck in the not walked talk of

  • goe-anything goes (nihilistic materialism) with the associated pain of having to choose the next step towards an ego-conviction of an e-end of g-generating mere o-openings, and instead focusing on a promising purpose, beyond the former geo-confusion formerly evoked by the exponentially growing information flood in today's brains about the dwindling and the missed goe-possibilities. To help you get that first e-end result in the appropriate mindset,
    I Pp-prepare the relevant P-process for you, intellectually qualified as a "People's#1Prophet#3"; where this kind of orientation is ignored, it leads to

  • ego-depression (power games) about the above missed opportunities! I can motivate you instead in regard to your B5-life's fulfillment, to get eog-engaged towards the chosen e-end of o-opening up your approach at least to try g-generating your 1st step out of the inner, doubtful dialogue among your 8 dark, inner evil OPTION I voices! Thus you can resume taking charge of your life as your own, again. At that crossroad, their is a way to go beyond slipping back into the zeit- or group-spirit of of just reacting to everything with dwindling victim-power in the

  • eog-resignation (socialism) in face of your 1st step trials' failures; instead of nihilistically throwing out the baby with the bathwater, the time has come for you to consider an oge-transformation of your previous being's other-determinedness, e.g. by prevailing p-principle/hypes others seem to like. Instead I support o-opening up for yourself to g- generate the e-end/your §2-purpose, which is relevant for your task-fulfillment so you can do justice to your OPTION II. This is only possible fulfilling your X-oegp-principle; it requires making your inner relationship truths accessible as your orientation.
    I am qualified to oegp-parameterize what is really supporting the >6 very good for YOU; in terms of YOUR OPTION II's Life- through Task-Fulfillment sufficiently, to allow you to become part of the solution towards, on LifeFulfilling Platforms... instead of remaining part of the problem of

  • oge-narrow-mindedly (fragmentation) believing in and following the OPTION I voices trying to *3-force an p-issue, and/or %5-manipulating others to join forces with you, when exhausted, rather than following your conscience to frame your task-fulfillment with the oeg-potentially lifefulfilling oegp-mindset! Only then does it make sense to get involved, beyond otherwise more of the same p-discussions. Instead, I support you in coming up with a oeg-qualified p-point of view, prepared for the above self-management in any interaction towards synergy with at least yourself; to others only up to the point where they, gpeo-stuck under OPTION I, begin to disrupt your X-substantial OPTION II! To that end was the crowd stirred up on Palm Sunday, tried to instrumentalize Jesus, in reaction to the temple's Pharisees' formatted rule by Pilate, the Roman palace governor. He, like most of the elite, was formatted by the empire's/today's humanities' media enhanced intellectuals. Then, hopefully

  • before the point of NO return from falling for OPTION I, you better wipe the sand/insubstantial opinions of your shows/mind, and march off to meet  less OPTION I condemned people whose souls are still open for resonance towards synergy with yours; with at least some opge-empathy for each others business models.



  • If you had, however, missed the point of no return from being pre-trans-trapped in the above indicated hell-fire, you can still turn/resurrect towards God's H2-superior order, to save your remaining oegp-soul; unlike the leading elite of the Titanic's crew, in ignorance of physics and common sense! When you are close to p-betraying your conscience, as the disciples Judas and Peter did with oge-tinkering with that possibility before they actually betrayed and denied Jesus, remind yourself, that you cannot fall deeper that in God's H2-hands - so why not begin by H4-understanding the relevant H2, as your orientation to manage your life in a fulfilling way?
    Think about that before you are on your deathbed!

  • You do not want, I hope, to become a rock/opinion leader for the onset of another evil empire, as Peter did, as 'the rock upon which the Vatican was build; still a fortress protecting the usurpation of the power position as  God's deputy on Earth, and assuming the definition power which Jesus had! And that beyond and even against Jesus' words by proclaiming equal right to the church's man-made tradition, to be able to making it superior to the worldly powers of its emperors in succeeding the Roman Empire; as a "holy" one. That is where Sankt Peter' church turned towards; streamlining "Christians" to evoke the OPTION I world now in a State of Disruption like the sinking Titanic. Jesus comment might be: "Thanks God, I am not a Christian!"

  • So what are you up to more or less unconsciously with your chosen mindset's destiny? Consider Napoleon, Stalin, Hitler, Kim Jong-Un, the Classe Politiqué in general; not knowing what they are really doing with their souls, self-condemned, turned away from their X-substance, and God's Creation and HIS other Creatures/real human beings and their impact? Where are you part of their problems caused by mutating the ZG-zeitgeist to lead it, inhibiting any meaningful OPTION II identification and selection?

May I hope that you appreciate the all encompassing modeling of the possible mindsets and the consequences a sound basis for desirable decisions:

  • Disruption by employing consciously or unconsciously the OPTION I worldly's 23 out of 24 possible mindsets in hate of the only one that does justice to OPTION II, and/or in fear ob being mobbed, that is the

  • oegp-lifefulfilling mindset pointed out by the LifeFulfilling CONSULTING Foundation ?

Human Systems fulfill the relevant options of their substance;
OPTION II can be modeled with relevant open-ended generative principles!
The ZG-zeitgeist makes people dance around its prevailing icons;
in permanently self-destructive ways from to Golden Calf, among others to Stephen Hawking,
as a
science idol; we rather need a sustainably lifefulfilling think-system - here you find it!

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