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The Time has come to overcome the still prevailing intellectual frame work of knowledge work! Its thinking catastrophes evoke the kind of human catastrophes we can no longer afford! And that should be the onset to consider to have the prevailing OPTION I know-ledge work to be reframed by a critical number of people who are fulfilling their tasks with their innate OPTION II conscience!
The capability to experience that, I call soul...

There are two basic Foundation Narratives to face...

John 14:12 Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. In short, narratives cannot be the solution, they are the challenge to choose between, or else react to OPTION I and the so far, in religion, esoteric and science purposefully underdeveloped attempt to do justice to OPTION II:

Creator - Void - Old Testament God
Jesus - Holy Spirit - New Testament
- Age of Disruption

Laws of Nature - Trigger
BIG BANG Evolution
Technology - Globalization

OPTION II fulfillment of what has been created for you, is alone sufficient for you!

Without a living OPTION II there cannot be any man-made seemingly necessary OPTION I!

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word (Logos), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. It boiled down into the 10 Commandments

President of the ETH Zürich Lino Guzzella: "The meaning of life is chemical-physical process..." - after the BIG BANG evolution you, erring around in a cold universe...

The scribes seek mass-attractive O-orientation about how to divide and rule people in their written texts, now spin doctors streamline the prevailing opinions in order to instrumentalize them to help their masters successfully ride the ZG-zeitgeist following the example of the serpent in paradise...

OPTION I science seeks the profitable p-principles for M-manipulation know-how, now, in BIG DATA, with the hidden agenda of ultimately outsourcing biological life/ horses to robots/machines, to be able to play and manipulate virtually g-generated power games...

When God saw how people reversed what he has g-generated (live - with reversing its order - evil) for man and women, and the p-principle he taught them, he even allowed them to experience the FALL out of paradise. But he dealt with them with his awesome, incorruptible principle after they corrupted his 10 commandments with the Golden Calf, and when they became evil at the time of Noah and sinfully disruptive in Sodom and Gomorra and so on to our time...

Thus OPTION I bound science began with the promise of leading a blessing of mankind, but meanwhile it has become its curse in terrible wars, now under the Damocles sword of nuclear destruction within hours (Trump: "The rockets will come..."). In the meantime the destruction of the living space Earth becomes ever closer to the abyss, with most people brainwashed, to even walking a step further...

After God thus introduced the necessary e-end to insubstantial g-generating with evil p-principles, beginning with the FALL up to the little appreciated EXODUS, the time came at the beginning of our our time scale, to introduce the o-opening to him and what he has created for each and everyone of us! That is what Jesus Christ introduced for all of us who are open for and with the Holy Spirit/conscience! And that is rather misused rather than understand and follow it up consciously. What results in clicks is multiplying, discussing and boosting with the group spirit towards gaining attention in the media/zeitgeist...

Meanwhile since Nov. 24, 2016 in the Age of Disruption, which the scribes have embellished in the media as an "Age of Amazement". Before, in the German language, they made H3-"Realität" a synonym for H4-"Wirklichkeit"/ substantial understanding of the underlying relationship truth of H4-causes. Instead of giving meaning in their conscience towards substantial understanding of cause and action, intellectuals embellish the evoked H3-reality change/action to serve their hidden agendas. That results in managing in technology à la Titanic and ignorantly leaving the responsibility to insubstantial, arrogant, power politics...

1 Peter 2:24 He himself bore our sins (of arrogantly M-manipulative tinkering with H3-reality detached from the Creator's H2-superior order, ignoring the available H4-relevant understanding as the lifefulfilling O-orientation) in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins (overcome Di-STRESS) and live for righteousness (our personally relevant OPTION II's fulfillment); by his wounds you have been healed.

Apart from all the now well known human catastrophes, the above OPTION I evokes thinking catastrophes, e.g. the outstanding ones of the Titanic, Tschernobyl und Fukushima disasters. In their exemplary way, the pointed to the consequences of ignoring M / O = STRESS < DEATH - divorce - crimes - bankruptcy - crisis - war and worse - the signs of which are on almost all walls now; more or less embellished for instrumentalizing people...

Following up Peter, the pg-Vatican was erected on the basis of his life's account, the disciple who p-principally denied oeg-Jesus/OPTION II when the rooster p-crowed/OPTION I three times (against oeg-OPTION II). That church then pro- and introduced in Eupoe all the OPTION I templates about how to dominate the OPTION I ZG-zeitgeist ride in all dark ages position powers (emperor-managers) stirred up with definition power (pgeo-confusing popes/media) up to our day! Now the western world is in fear that the eastern world of China and India, and/or the Islamic world will once more take over the OPTION I/Satan's rule of the world - preparing for the last battle of Armageddon / World War III - well under way in Syria, as World War II was prepared in the Spanish Civil War, and World War I in Sarajevo in Serbia, the 30 Year War with the uncompleted ReFORMation having led to the post-normality where, philosophically speaking, "anything goes"! In the so-called "Humanities", "God" has admittedly even by leading theo-logians, became in their OPTION I corrupted favor, a dwindling, once "strong literary figure"...

It was Issac Newton who's adequate modeling of the superior laws of nature actually made an e-end to the papal dogmatic, evil rule and ride of the ZG-zeitgeist. Albert Einstein p-prepared the ultimate g-generation of disrupting energy maintaining the Cold War phase from exploding into another world war. Now Stephen Hawking has become the new p-icon of geo-disruptive meaningless science. It is undermining the already corrupted humanities with disruptive ZG-zeitgeist philosophies. In its service, the hard sciences promises to allow the realization of the elite's arrogant global power aspirations with spin, chips, neuro- and DNA-manipulation to the point of outsourcing the so far biologically based oegp-life to virtual pg-power games. The hope of the otherwise hopeless ones, is that such games, according to Elon Musk, may-be on Mars, will allow a fraction of humanity to survive its self-destruction on Earth. Isaac Asimov, an excellent science fiction author suggested giving the control over humanity to p-robots, ignorant of the fact, that most people are already under the p-spell of the OPTION I MATRIX's world wide web...

Matthew 4: Jesus, being open for fulfilling what his father/Creator, God, created, being within HIS order, led by the Holy spirit, to the end of himself generating ways in his OPTION II oeg-lifefulfillment to overcome the three temptations of OPTION I: to 1) reverse God's order (turning stones into bread), 2) God's power (jumping off a mountain, commanding God's angels to protect him), and 3) God's rule (bowing to Satan instead, to become his deputy in ruling the world - as the popes later did, admitting even that Satan lives in the Vatican)...

Genesis 3: The serpent, craftier, more intellectual than animals, evoked doubt in Eve with ITS>ZG pgeo-principles and promised she could make godlike principles herself (up to artificial-intelligence and -life...) and convince others by dividing and ruling! That godlikeness (papal OPTION I for centuries) by simply eating an apple (intellect from the scribe's books) from the forbidden tree (outsourcing her oeg-soul to the ZG-zeitgeist) appears utmost mass-attractive for Dr. Faust & Co.; they first reverse oeg-life to geo-evil, and then outsource the remaining substance in their p-wordy pre-trans-traps...

    Now it is your choice between one of the two faces of the Janus-god to remain embedded in one of the above narratives, part of the OPTION I problem, or to play psychoanalysis in both realms with some esoteric "anything but OPTION II goes", or to take what Jesus said above seriously and begin to consider giving your mindset the oegp-meaning to fulfill your innate OPTION II by thoroughly studying and responding to this site with giving meaning to the oegp-priority. Post-modern commentators, up to and above all exemplary until the media surpassed them in spinning and paving the trends, wordy Christians are tempted to crucify the meaning of the above content of the ZG-zeitgeist, in order to keep their fig leaves safe from the challenge of even their own, thus firstly crucified OPTION II! They still want to remain able to go on talking about "God" when they actually mean the ZG-zeitgeist, to get the best piece of the worlds' power games; like the disciple Peter, in fact failing the 3 temptations Jesus had overcome! And so, the papal Christianity
1) reversed God's order
(beginning with shifting Sabbath to Sunday),
2) God's power by enforcing their insubstancial one with Inquisition and forced conversions up to genocide (South America), up to meddling in world wars beginning with the barbarian 30-Year War stirred up by its gray eminencies in the palaces...

The relevant narrative here: At an early age people usually acquire one of the 24 mindsets, which sets their destiny for most people for the rest of their lives when they did not learn about or were not allowed the freedom to move their mind to the oegp-mindset! That one alone allows them to fulfill their out of the 144 possible input-internal state X-innate being. Cavemen, after they learnt the use of fire to scare off wild animals, could only sit at peace around the fire in their cave - such as illustrated in "Plato's cave" story:

This story is mind-blowing as it is meant to be under OPTION I, which also blows away your OPTION II! Paradoxically Plato, the intellectual founder of the 23 more or less illusionary mindsets, the breeding ground of misleading philosophy, has come up with this great story of the cave named after him! Meanwhile that story, via philosophy, the problem, the solution of which it pretends to be, has evolved into OPTION I! The strategy of its evolution is based on the evil p-principle, that the B4-truth is the best way to turn people who are already effected by the OPTION I mental plague, against what would serve their B5-life! It evokes disruption in a crowd mobbing any OPTION II expressing just as Plato's story suggests! Remember the process that led to Jesus' crucifixion? If not, read the Bible's account detached from any church history or reenactment of it in the post-normal media context, such as with the inquisitive pre-trans-traps of our days...

Consider that beyond the firelight, cavemen were endangered until they learned to clothe and equip themselves appropriately. In Papua New Guinea, reported on a BBC program, a monster crocodile ate itself through a village, mangling 17 people over time, until a hero managed to spear it. Beyond that, in so -called "civilization", people eventually were seduced by science#0 to create idols to scare off evil spirits, or with the Golden Calf, to have fun as a mob against any OPTION II challenge, or like the (Greek) gods to boast with and extinguish barbarians (Celts by Rome), then the Christian Cross came to rule the world with Inquisition and sometimes even with forced conversions. In our day after the next stage of civil evolution, most people have come to sacrifice their OPTION II to the OPTION I fire this world is about for some promised %1-socially compatible peace of mind. In the present Age of Disruption you can make a career with any one of the 23-mindesets except the one which does justice to who you are and what you are here for; oegp - oeg-life fulfillment based principles! Above all that works in and via the media; if you come up with a %1-politically correct disruptive image of possible scapegoats used to appease and disguise the ZG-zeitgeist of those mobbers. Since 2016 Donald Trump is such a scapegoat as a flawed personality; its critics in the media get far more attention than the mindsets of the poison gas disruptor Assad, Putin & Co., as did the USA compared to the far more evil left-wing Empire who financed part of the bad and fake news about the Americans spread by the mass-68-movement, than the former right-wing 3rd Reich's atrocities, and that of the Vatican's "Holy" Empire succeeding the Roman one...

In short, it is time to overcome the 23 OPTION I mindsets, by which people react against their glass's half emptiness (lacking OPTION II); the mental plagues since antiquity and become aware that with the oegp-mindset, which alone supports oepg-optimizing one's glass's half-fullness with OPTION II, towards oegp-giving meaning to the OPTION II of any human entity - without which humanity if bound to destroy itself!

Human Systems fulfill the relevant options of their substance;
OPTION II can be modeled with relevant open-ended generative principles!
The ZG-zeitgeist makes people dance around its prevailing icons;
in permanently self-destructive ways from to Golden Calf, among others to Stephen Hawking,
as a
science idol; we rather need a sustainably lifefulfilling think-system - here you find it!

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