Principal Options
Home Up open-up to the end of generating Principal Options History of Law


The Time has come to overcome the still prevailing intellectual frame work of knowledge work! Its thinking catastrophes evoke the kind of human catastrophes we can no longer afford! And that should be the onset to consider to have the prevailing OPTION I know-ledge work to be reframed by a critical number of people who are fulfilling their tasks with their innate OPTION II conscience!
The capability to experience that, I call soul...

Human Beings in Search of their Principal Options

Meanwhile the options to demean the Bible prevail in favor of zeitgeist hypes such as the evil of which the three confederates stood up on the Rütli meadow in the Lake of the four Cantons in the heart of Switzerland to unite against and beyond the evil spirit of the time. The English translation belittles it as "troubled circumstances" in the time the Federal Charter 1291 was formulated and is still accounted for in the preamble of the modern Swiss Constitution of 1999 in a world-wide outstanding way in the name of "God Almighty", i.e. of HIS H2-superior order of living together on planet Earth with HIM manifesting in each and everyone's a-consciences his interest in each human being's fulfillment in his or her OPTION II. In the story of 

The Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9) updated in terms of the ZG-zeitgeist corrupted values >1-6, human systems are urged to rather qualify from within their substance, rather than in the name of the OPTION I zeitgeist's disruptions, beyond it, dealing with what is

>1 very bad (a-conscience I-conceptualized to fit desirable p-perception): Now the whole world has one OPTION I-bound way of communication in the common rat-race for mass-attractivity. They talk about, “Come, let’s make hypes and spread them thoroughly."

>2 bad (a-conscientiously p-considering only the desirable I-concepts of and for the elite): That is what they talk about instead of talking to each other. Then they say, “Come, let us redesign creation, reengineer it with "god particles" and then replace biological life in a all encompassing virtual MATRIX with the art that is not life.

>3 unsatisfying (I-concepts to pre-trans-trap a-conscience to outlaw undesirable p-perceptions): This way anything but OPTION II will go, so that we may make a name for ourselves; otherwise it will be revealed then we disrupt the face of the whole earth."

>4 "satisfying"/for the zeitgeist (I-conceptualized p-perception overwriting a-conscience): But the zeitgeist comes down to see the state of humanity and the hypes people are conditioning their mind with, now globally synchronized. The zeitgeist says to man-made works, “If as one people speaking the same language, as they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them to their satisfaction (even peace between anti-intellectual, US-President Trump and North Korean godlike Chairman Kim).

>5 "good" (p-perceiving a-conscience solely I-conceptualized under OPTION I): Come, says the zeitgeist, let us go down into their minds and confuse them in their discussions and disrupt their achievements further (climate catastrophe, hot spots with terror, arms race - Kim's atom and hydrogen bombs, Trump's new Space Force) than what they have in their 23 god- and substanceless mindsets anyway, so they will not understand each other and nothing else anymore, emerged in the zeitgeist, so it alone, can become godlike...

>6 "very good" (p-perceiving OPTION I I-concepts in terms of %1-political correct pre-trans-trapped a-conscience): So meanwhile the zeitgeist introduced the Age of Disruption on Nov. 24, 2016 disguised as Age of Amazement, so people stop virtualizing everything as they like, so that the the OPTION I rat-race can go on in reality. Pre-trans-trapped in the zeitgeist, people's minds are thus further confused and all nations, races and genders, eventually all minds via internet, will get even more scattered by the spin of the ZG-zeitgeist over the face of the whole earth embedded in the zeitgeist's self-destructive dynamic to further cannibalize God's creation; raping people and the planet in the vague hope to be able to piss off to another planet in the way it has worked from Europe to America.

Principles to cope with plll-life as mad under "critical parents" in

  1) the ZG-evil spirit of the time: The family was the core of emerging societies, securing tradition (Fa-Mo), succession (1S-1D), alternative-innovation (2S-2D) and initiative-identity (3S-3D) beyond what an individual can endure in disruptive circumstance.

  2) ?0-illusions: The more productive the tribe, the more time and energy is available for ideas-illusions-visions which give rise to e-motions in terms of T-tensions, A-anger (Cain murdering Able) and G-guilt (Sodom and Gomorrah) about the sin of demeaning God's H2-superior order...

  3) *3-suvial situations: In those (Israelites) who*3-survived enslavement in Egypt and the G-guilt of dancing around the Golden Calve, a sense of X-being arose personally (in Moses) and collectively as the chosen 9Pp-people.




ZG Fa...3D

?0 T-A-G

*3 X




2Bm-y aimlessness





        +2  -4

     %1  %5  %6

greed / fear


2Oe 2Ce 2Oe simplifying aggression


   §1  §2  §3  §0


h y c M blocked in inferiority, taking risks




B1  B2  B3  B4  B5

   H1  H2  H3  H4

      L1  L2  L3




f 4Cm-S 7Cp-p 7Cw-I X - a pIX Christian

v t R a caring for meaning of challenges

b 6Ce-! J uncompromising encounters

with lpll-life as "grown-up" victims in

  4) +2/-4 stress: After the fall of giving the tree of M-manipulation know-how (OPTION I) more meaning than O-God's orientation, explicitly during the EXODUS out of Egypt, people had to cope
with M / O = STRESS < DEATH themselves up to the Roman Empire. M-technology is giving life the potential to flourish like never before or to self destruct. The call: "Let's make a difference!" leads in the wrong direction for only real human being can give meaning to OPTION II! With less powerful technologies such as fire, humans learned to minimize risks largely by learning from mistakes up to world ware. With more powerful technologies (with no second chance after failing global experiments) such as global environmental destruction, nuclear weapons, synthetic biology and future strong artificial intelligence, planning ahead is presented as a better strategy than learning from mistakes, but again, that only works if a critical number of real people do this in terms of their OPTION II; life- through a corresponding task-fulfillment without OPTION I strings attached. So just to support research and other OPTION I efforts aimed at avoiding problems in the first place is necessary but not sufficient and not substitute to giving meaning to the lifefulfillment of as many as possible!

  5) social %156-mass-attractivity: Ultimately Jesus Christ awoke the meaning of two to three with the substance his in his name in terms of the B3-path less travelled and the B4-truth that leads to B5-life compared to the path of the %-many...

with llpl-life as adapted children, becoming perpetrators with

  6) meaningful §-expression: The OPTION II still requires the proper §1-expression as the §2-purpose of individual life, with §3-integrity towards one's §0-sustainable X-being, God's substantial, rather than the zeitgeist's creatures. That is what was promised in the Age of Enlightenment, yet without walking the nice sounding talks and sermons, and the intellectual writing. That walk can only be untertake by real human beings facing their 5-year cycle of inner growth!

  7) believing in fulfillment: Consider B1-belief as the first inner relationship to the B2-breakthrough to the B3-B4-B5 OPTION II...

  8) justified H1-hopes for God's H2-superior order: In this way a real human being can H3-relate to the reality of the Creator's creation towards H4-understanding the innate relationship truths of HIS Creatures, foremost one's X-self, to become mature to not just turning the laws of nature into global infrastructure but to also...

  9) understand-Love-Synergy; to L1-love others as one's OPTION II of X-self; the precondition for synergy by which a critical number of real human beings can overcome OPTION I with L2-timely exchange of project-oriented competence up to L3-reframing, not just reFORMing OPTION I before its point of NO return from its self-destruction.

with lllp-life as a "natural child" with conscious

10) Cpwme communication: Last but not least, it is a matter of walking one's talk, i.e. C-communication by p-preparing it with one's substantial state of X-being (me with X=9Pp with p-perception#3) as a trigger, w-working out the declaration (me with relevant I-concepts#0) of my corresponding substantial action in view of their m-multiplication and the reward that lies (for me in S-relaxing#2) in the consequences and the e-establishment of communication (me in becoming !-essentially#1 to the point) in terms of substantial feedback; opening up for the other 12 essential states of being towards P-processes to achieve lifefulfilling O-objectives within relevant B-boundary conditions that allow synergy on LifeFulfilling Platforms. Otherwise communication rather becomes the curse of mankind again like that which lead to the Fall in paradise, the dance around the Golden Calf, the disruption of the work of the Tower of Babel, the successive scattering of Jews up to the holocaust, and now the hot spots on the planet up to the mad direction of the nihilistic intellect and the corresponding OPTION I sciences towards disruption of all substantial entities...


So the first step to reframe people's mindset up to oeg-living meaningfully, ready to cope with the substance that frame of mind allows to cope with the lll-life-disruptive p it to lower its priority (shifting p to the right) in the mind's priority sequences from where people are; in plll-madness to poeg-demeaning it, from being a short-term arrogant lpll-victim to opeg-optimism, via a still long-term ignorant llpl-perpetrator to optimizing the glass half full to experiencing lllp-meaning (soul) towards oegp-giving meaning to one's substance and with it the OPTION II of others. This is outlined in my example above with parameterizing my life to learn the ability to oegp-reframing it in any situation with realistic §3-oeg-integrity. So if your enemy disrupts your right side, let him rape the left side in the name if his ideology; in his power game, let him intellectually argue, until he becomes sick of his nihilistic arguments and want to overcome his limitations other than with social arrogance - such as Pope Innocence III who asked for Franz of Assisi on his death bed for comfort, or the rich man in hell. These are the steps out of plll-mad p-hells for  lpll-victims towards an oeg-attitude to lll-life:

principal denial (in the name of others, mobbing... crucifixion)

gp in the name of wordy philosophy sublimating action towards pg disruption, beauty of elite's temple and palaces as an excuse for the elite to leave people in ignorance and misery...

ep to end up revolting with pe raping people and the planet refraining from acknowledging consequences (reward and punishment) with thinking- towards human catastrophes making people dependent in hierarchies...

op open for sins supported by po principally evil ideologies overwriting and inhibiting substantially conscious feedback before the point of no return, so the elite can discuss the symptoms to keep their legitimation to go on with OPTION I business as usual...

trigger>action (spin-NLP-pre-trans-trapping psycho-politics)
Technology can already pick up your poker face
better than you, but so what?
Can it put to better use
, than to disrupt and hack people's minds in desired ways,
towards OPTION I consensual discussions about fake news...
to bake people into
OPTION I culture...
ge self-destructive social Darwinian power games

go topic specialized intellectual mind games

eg nihilistic discussions 

eo formally pre-trans-trapping any opening

og social-arrogant opening to the end of anything goes

oe opening up for lifefulfillment:

This is based on what is behind genuine ambition, vocation,
deeper rooted than passion into purpose, the life purpose, what is
the substance that is at the core of a clear and compelling sense of why.

Its objective is not just significant, action orientated, inspiring;
it is what you are here for, beyond fuzzy thinking about plll-madness,
pretending magic is round the corner, thus missing lll-life with
the oeg-priority before any formal
M-manipulation   /  O-considering context = STRESS < DEATH





my oeg-options in my life:






other-determined by












p=STRESS=+/- (X)






p=§GHL essential






p=Cpwme conscience

An exemplary application to redesign my life:

Before kindergarten I have learnt to poeg-demean the ZG-zeitgeist represented by my mother in my ?0-illusions of self-determination with which I could only *3-react e-motion-ally, understandable rather than with neuroscience (measuring the wrong thing with the wrong parameters with mad=crazy / visionary psycho-concept what a real human is about) but really in terms of with T-tension, A-anger, and thanks God, i.e. for the insight of, with my G-guilt, that there must be a better, a >6 very good way to F7-influence others to let me on my B3-path with my personally relevant#3 p-perception so I could qualify with what is >6 very good. After I realized that I am considered §3-inferior under OPTION I, I can still X-be by Cp-preparing communication - at least in me, as a child reading a whole library of adventure and SF-books about o-opening e-end to fulfill them to more desirable g-games than I was allowed by the prejudices of others.

In grade 1, after some frustration, I opeg-optimistically got in touch with the symbolic#0 B4-truth of mathematics, as an o-opening beyond the >3 unsatisfactory organized prejudices in the last, the 20th century of ideologies against the substance of people like me, and for that matter the Jewish mentality. So I learnt the relevant I-concepts to Cw-work out my possible F7-influence on others when they get stuck in symbolic knowledge work such as in mathematical proofs; watch my symbolism here and how you get p-stuck in your lll-life if you insist on a priority sequence other then oegp-framing destiny towards understanding. That optimism carried my beyond the then import lower social class I was born in, not allowing a higher education than an apprenticeship in electronic which I liked. However, in its first out of 4 years,

1961, I made up my mind to oepg-optimize me education myself in my spare time; so one year after my "higher social class" mates in high school, I could study physics at the renowned Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich (where among others Albert Einstein studied). After an MA, in 1970-73 I got a Ph.D. at the Australian National University in Canberra in an important project for the dawning Space Age. It was about modeling an experiment of the aerodynamics at re-entry conditions (in a shock tube with doubly ionized Argon plasma at some 17 Km/sec, Mach 40); an >4 appeasing B2-breakthough for me in Cw-working out my thesis which allowed me to S-relax seemingly at ease in F4-manageing my professional#2 career ahead. In 1969 I married my first wife, less optimistic in her epog-self-determined mindset. In 1972 our daughter was born; a deep lifefulfilling experience for me. But for her mother became hesitant in her intellectual eopg-correctness without any understanding opening for eogp-engagement towards synergy. After 7 years she went into peog-other-determinedness, eventually afterwards with a more mass-attractive older rich man. In 1979, then still optimizing as head of the Cryptology Lab of the Swiss Army, yet socially demeaned by my divorce, in

1979 I found my 9Pp-vocation#3 by oegp-giving meaning to Applied Personal Science#3 APS©. However, demeaned by the Swiss elite, yet still optimistic about Australia, I went there into exile 1986/87. Recovering with getting more !-essential/letting go my professional#1 life towards my inner vocation#3, I began to optimize the Ce-establishment of communication about what I experienced and identified in my exile with a deeper understanding of human systems. I became aware that overcoming the growing OPTION I in the world with more subtle spin and technologies with L2-timely exchange of project-oriented competence is not a Swiss, but now a globally synchronized matter. I came back to Switzerland with my wife Diane to face the problem with new optimism. Since then, thanks to her Cp-pressing for solutions, I could keep my F6-controll to go on giving meaning beyond deepening the OPTION II in view of the >3 unsatisfactory OPTION I as the challenge to find one's life task. This has lead to the above summary and my oeg-call towards a more and more life-practical oe-opening for lifefulfillment, made operational with up-to-date software. However, this is still demeaned within meaningless OPTION I mobs and the critical number of real people to carry it on beyond my lifetime are still not together. But I keep getting sufficient input from friends to work to that end with all my resources.

A Big Data as well as a common sense analysis of say Facebook reveals that Humanity suffers from the mental Auto-Immune Deficiency Syndrome; it defends its OPTION I with it and its measure of all things and systems, mass-attractivity. So you are called to no longer consider yourself as "human", intellectually part of humanity, part of its self-destructive problem dynamic! Its seeming ge/op-superiority of usurping the real H2-superior order with the ge-power game dives to rule in op-sin. Rather chose your substantial OPTION II of life- through task-fulfillment which can be modeled with the one out of 1728 open-ended generative principle that does justice to what you are here for - to become part of the solution of life- through task-fulfillment. By acknowledging not just trigger-actions (manipulation), but their reward (consequences - carrot/stick) with an appropriate feedback (orientation), you allow L2-timely exchange of project-oriented competence, with yours, towards synergy. By thus rather than idealistically, understandingly loving yourself, you will also begin to love the OPTION II of others and thus the Creator, who set it all up for us, you become the appropriate local cure for humanity on, towards LifeFulfilling Platforms. Thus you can think globally about the still everywhere missing Applied Personal Science#3 APS© introduced on this site without losing your lll-soul with its experiential l-live-bound o-e-g-consideration/conscience...

Human Systems fulfill the relevant options of their substance;
OPTION II can be modeled with relevant open-ended generative principles!
The ZG-zeitgeist makes people dance around its prevailing icons;
in permanently self-destructive ways from to Golden Calf, among others to Stephen Hawking,
as a
science idol; we rather need a sustainably lifefulfilling think-system - here you find it!

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