Home Up OPTION II Beware Consequent Application


to the end
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The Time has come to overcome the still prevailing intellectual frame work of knowledge work! Its thinking catastrophes evoke the kind of human catastrophes we can no longer afford! And that should be the onset to consider to have the prevailing OPTION I know-ledge work to be reframed by a critical number of people who are fulfilling their tasks with their innate OPTION II conscience!
The capability to experience that, I call soul...

The Steps to Awaken Your OPTION II

Please make sure, in your own best interest,
you are qualified with the steps 1-11
before you drill deeper here to the advanced studies of:

o-open up your unconscious incompetence which manifests in the lacking
Awareness of Disappointment, by overcoming the stumbling blocks of those who tell you the same old "humanism" to work against any OPTION II science#3 (with the key words: Applied Personal Science, APS, OPTION I, science, life, practical, experience, identity) based on the  H2-superior order  to the

e-end of making desired forms and systems with conscious incompetence by
Dealing with evil Distortions and Fragmentations for which hard science has worked out the know-how, unlike what its scientists %6-project, inner priorities matter. Under their OPTION I people are conditioned to love their zeitgeist's self-destructive systems and nations, before, if at all, collectives love/privilege some people as more equal than others (priority, apathy, distortion, disruption, evil, freedom, intellect, demean, chaos, challenge). However, you are here to fulfill your  X-being  to within its H2-superior order, rather than simply

g-generating more M-manipulation know-how with conscious competence
of the insubstantial Intellectual Pseudo Superiority, and instead to come up with the sufficient O-orientation about using mind freeing#0 ENERGY in lifefulfilling  valuable-creating ways . Instead of valueless, letting anything go (intellect, semiotics, category error, OPTION II, pre-trans-trapping of understanding with category errors and non-sequiturs, evolutionary demo-cracy, graceless "humanism" in the service of ideologies), you are wise to rather care for your M-work / O-life balance within eustress with

p-principals that oeg-allow one to  transcend unconscious competence
of the Mentalites, other than the oegp-one among the 24 possible priorities of those basic aspects of human being, towards personally relevant#3 LifeFulfilling Platforms. Without OPTION II, humans have considered themselves since the fall as deficient. They began to make  really convincing  tailor-made tools to enhance their given skills, with know-how and systems to either support, succumb, convince, or beat each other. This kind of knowledge work has shaped their ways of thinking up to its globalization on the internet. In order that all this does not become our curse, but rather a blessing; now, before the point of NO return, (thinking, intellect, internet, superior, law, ideology, spin doctors, system, reaction, manager, prophet, art, management, meaning) that requires to

poeg-Demean one-track Mentalities: At this stage of the Battle of the One-Track Minds' stereotypes, the world is now in the Age of Disruption. More and more people freeze up just when it’s time to understand what kind actions they should take, to demean  what has no substance, before the point of no return, so they remain sufficiently free for their OPTION II. Understand that even when you are %-defeated, there is the victory in the insights gained which allow you to "sacrifice" thinking catastrophes and misunderstanding formerly cherished in a fake belief of their seeming return on investment. Otherwise, falling for simplifications, your sacrifice will be that of your self-determination on your level of failure due to one-track mind stereotypes, of this age of disruption, according to the Bible, Armageddon; the end of temple>palace rule with lacking conscience, relationship truth, when corner stones are displaced as stumbling block). To keep sufficient

opeg-Optimism yon need to become part of transforming justified Accusations against the Dissemination of OPTION I:
It is time to open up to seeing the Criminal Liability of OPTION I and its champions and managers in view of the past, which is the the basis for a desirable, lifefulfilling future versus the one which leads to unfulfilled self-destruction of human systems (accusation, criminal liability, social Darwinism, pre-trans-trap, stress, scapegoat, Age of Disruption, Creator, God, zeitgeist, lawyer). Only with that discernment are you are free to

oepg-Optimize your relationship to the H2-really superior order, the X-meaning of your life, your innate values and convictions based on o-opening up to your innate §1-right to express your X to the e-end of expressing your §2-purpose, g-generating accomplishment with §3-integrity with your §0-sustainable eog-p-principles. And doing that in the B1-belief in at least an inner B2-breakthrough on your B3-path to the B4-truth that guides your B5-life in the H1-hope justified by the H2-superior order of H3-relating to the reality towards H4-understanding the relevant substance concerning your existence. This allows, before the point of NO return, the necessary L1-substantially loving engagement, sufficiently with L2-timely exchange of project-oriented competence towards L3-reframing the relevant OPTION I structures, before the point of NO return, using your corresponding OPTION II resources on this 16 levels to fulfill your life with:

PS aboriginal

oegp-Givie Meaning to OPTION II by
- living your own in an exemplary fulfilling way; then adapt your insights and success via
- parameterization to do justice to people with good will for synergy with you and others; i.e.
- loving them with their parameters, as you love yourself with yours,

- derived from the H2-superior order of life set up by the Creator,

- identified and worked out with Applied Personal Science#3,
the stumbling blocks under the OPTION I world,
- to become the corner stones; learn through identifying and correcting mistakes based on the science#3 with a desirably lifefulfilling future!

PS. Can you imagine how summing up "consulting.think-systems.ch/ that are OPTION II fulfilling" was, for me, though it is just the formal p-shadow/mental DNA, allowing not just me to relive the oeg-real experience thus no longer have to learn it the hard way ? Practicing the above since 1979 has made it possible for me personally and also enabled me to make the above available for you. In that time the intellectual paradigm has become disrupted in almost all universities, institutions and media, paid for by the people and aimed at demeaning them. Western civilization has so far counted on these personally neutral, "objective" institutions, but among others, carelessly made a plastic continent in the Pacific Ocean and destroyed the once great, sweat water Aral Lake, now a desert of pesticide poisoned sand, in some part of Chine, people have to pollinate the blossoms, the bees dead, let alone the ongoing killing towards failed states, is now lacking a desirable future in further ignoring the operationally available OPTION II while the mainstream elite and its useful idiots  and arty intellectuals detest science#3 and my work and go on turning the outstanding blue planet into a self-destructive mad house. And by the way, each of my pages reflect some synergy with real people.

Show your face too:

Human Systems fulfill the relevant options of their substance;
OPTION II can be modeled with relevant open-ended generative principles!
The ZG-zeitgeist makes people dance around its prevailing icons;
in permanently self-destructive ways from to Golden Calf, among others to Stephen Hawking,
as a
science idol; we rather need a sustainably lifefulfilling think-system - here you find it!

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